Chapter 9

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"Storm, wake up! King has called you three times already!" I heard Ink call as he knocked on my door.
Jesus Christ, I should have built my tattoo studio somewhere else, not in the same house I live in. "Go away!" I shouted, but the boy just kept knocking.
"Storm, get out of bed now, I need you!" I heard King's voice, which made my eyes open. I groaned because of the headache I had from the hangover. I should have drunk less.

When I opened the door, King looked at me suspiciously and put a cup of coffee in my hand.
"I need you...come to the bar in 10 minutes," he said to which I just nodded.
"What time is it?" I asked Ink, who looked at me worried.
"It's almost noon! You slept for quite a long time... I didn't want to wake you up. We only had two appointments today, I did them alone. Don't worry," he answered me.

"Thanks, Ink," I said as I staggered into the bathroom.
"I'll stay in the store, you'll have to babysit," Ink told me, to which I looked at him questioningly. "What?" I asked confused.
"The new have to stay with her," he explained.
"Why me?!" I asked him, to which he just raised his eyebrows and laughed.
"Nora's restaurant has to be finished. They're all helping out, only you have someone who can take over the shop for you. That's why Duke suggested sending you to her," he explained to me.

I looked at him with my mouth open, trying to understand his words.
"Duke has what?" I asked to make sure I understood.
"You should go to King, he will tell you. As far as I understand, no one but you is free and today Dr. Owen is coming to see the chick," he repeated.

"The chick?" I asked.
"Josie, that's her name," he said, even though I didn't want to know the name. "She's cute," he said with a grin, to which I just exhaled sharply.
"Sure if you like Gremlins," I replied.
"She has really beautiful eyes and her body is..." he started but interrupted when I turned to him on the way out. "Just keep the store running," I said harshly, to which he nodded. If Duke thinks this is funny or one of his brilliant pranks, he's wrong.

"What's up?" I asked King when I saw him standing in front of the bar with Ace and Duke.
"Listen Storm, we have to finish Nora's restaurant. Ivy is annoying me with the opening. You know that the women wanted to do this together. We have a most 10 days of work, and then it's finished," he said to me.
"Okay...what do you want me to do?" I asked, ignoring Ink's statement.

"Well...I need you to take care of Josie," he answered me, to which I looked at Duke who had a grin on his face.
"Really? Can't the Ol Ladys do that?" I asked tensely.
"No...Ivy and Nora are going shopping with Gears for the restaurant and Alice is busy with the wedding. Erin is working on the case with Void and Ted...Mom will help you," King said to me. "It's not like you have to feed her or change just have to keep an eye on her," Ace added with a laugh.

"Why me?" I asked, and King looked up at me from the plans.
"Is that a problem, Storm?" Duke asked, grinning.
"It's not a damn problem," I answered him angrily.
"Good. Then you can go straight over. Dr. Owen is with her now," said King.

I just dug my own grave, didn't I? "Sure," I said as I walked towards Evelyn and John's house. Duke is walking on thin ice if he thinks that this can really annoy me. It probably won't be difficult to go after her for a week. What's going to happen? I just won't talk to her.

"Hi Lucas," I heard John greet me. "Are you here for the girl?" he asked me.
"Yes...King wants me to keep an eye on her," I explained, to which he nodded.
"Evelyn is worried about her," he said, to which I looked at him questioningly.
"Doc told us a few things yesterday that were strange...she was talking in a you know Hope?" he asked me.
Hope? I don't know Hope. "No," I said briefly, and he nodded.
"Alice and King don't know anyone either. I thought maybe her sister or a friend," he explained to me.
"She's an only child," I said, and he looked at me. Just shut up, Storm!
"Dr. Owen has been with her for an hour. Maybe she can get to Josie," he explained to me.
"What does this Hope have to do with this? Is she part of the organization?" I asked as I looked at the house.
"She spoke to Hope in the dream. And mentioned that no one was allowed to know anything. She asked for help from her," John said, which made me look at him questioningly.
"What is not allowed to know?" I inquired curiously.
"That's what Dr. Owen is trying to find out," John said, looking at the door that was opening.

Dr. Owen was quite pale and held onto the banister as she went down the stairs.
"Dr. Owen?" I heard Josie calling for her as she came to the door. She was dressed in a white summer dress that fell to her knees and ran barefoot after the doctor. Her wavy hair bounced as she ran down the stairs and caught up with her.
"Josie honey...I need to get someone who knows this better," Dr. Owen said to her, and then looked at John.
"Know what?" Josie asked, confused, to which Dr. Owen took a breath and looked at her with pity. "There are some things I don't's better I get my father involved," Dr. Owen said and looked at John again. Dr. Owen Sr. is retired, he has never helped with any case before since he gave her his place.

His daughter was a very good psychologist that our doc mentioned at every opportunity and praised her very much.
"What's wrong with me?" Josie asked angrily, with tears in her eyes.
"Josie, trust me...there's nothing wrong with you! I'm just not qualified for a case like this. You're safe here and nothing will happen to you. Give me an hour so my dad can come, and then we'll talk about everything together again," said Dr. Owen.
The doctor gave us a look, and she just nodded and looked at me.
What the hell am I supposed to do, hold her and braid her hair? Josie watched her go down the street and stood there for a while, then her eyes fell on me.
"Lucas," she said, surprised.

"Josie," I answered her cold, looking her up and down. It seemed my presence was making her nervous, and she looked away strangely.
"Maybe we should wait inside?" John asked, and her attention was drawn to his voice, and she looked at him seriously again. Her breathing was much faster than before, and she seemed scared. "What's wrong with me?" She asked him, and he looked at Evelyn coming out of the garden.
"King called me and said you should go to the bar immediately!" Evelyn said to me, and I nodded as she still held the phone to her ear.
How am I supposed to keep an eye on her when he sends me back and forth.
"What's going on now?" I asked as I got to the bar, and King looked at me.
The doctor sat on the stairs and drank water while the doc sat next to her.
"What did Josie do?" I asked her.
"It's not Josie...It's Hope that worries me," she answered me.
"Then Ted should have her checked and arrested. It won't be difficult to find Hope? If she knows something, it's worth a try?" I asked.

Her gaze fell from me to Doc, who shook his head.
"Storm...she's Hope!" He said to me, and I looked between them confused. Has she changed her name? I know the girl, what are they talking about.
"She has a split personality...or something like that. I'm not familiar with it. Dad's coming here soon, and then we'll know more," she explained to me. She has what?

"She's crazy?" I asked, to which King shook his head.
"In 90% of all cases, a split personality arises due to trauma from childhood...Most have been sexually abused...this serves as protection for them...It's complicated. She's not crazy. If something, then she is much stronger than we think...and she knows twice as much as we suspected," King explained, to which the doctors nodded.

I looked at Duke and Ace who were standing next to me smoking their cigarettes.
"Is she dangerous? Josie...or Hope?" Ace asked, and the doctor breathed a sigh of relief.
"She's protecting Josie," she said, to which I looked at her even more questioningly.
"From what? From who?" I asked her, and she shrugged her shoulders.
"Dad will find out," she said briefly.
Everything I heard seemed like a bad joke or one of Duke's pranks, so I looked at him, but his face was worried and seemed confused just like me.
"I told Ted...he'll let Dr. Owens do his work, and then we'll see," King said, looking at me.
"Which work?" Alice asked as she came to us.

Alice is pregnant, I don't know if it's a good idea to tell her everything, it's unavoidable stress. But Duke introduced her, and I looked at her worried face.
"That's why she talked about Hope in her dream?" She asked Doc, who nodded.
"Possibly...I saw yesterday that she was having problems. But I didn't think it was going that way," Doc explained.
"What do we do?" Alice asked, and King explained to her that we were waiting for Dr. Owen who was better for something like that.
The experienced doctor came as promised, and we were waiting for him in front of Evelyn and John's house. I had a bad feeling leaving them there alone with Josie, I didn't know if Hope was dangerous and would harm them. When he arrived, he greeted us and was quickly introduced to the matter by his daughter. She started talking to Josie normally until the topic of childhood came up.
With every question, she became more nervous and complained of ringing in her ears and shortness of breath.
"And then everything stopped, and her look changed. She looked at me and studied me. She asked me questions and introduced herself as Hope. I'm sorry, Dad, but I've never experienced anything like that before," she told her father, who nodded.

When we came in, Josie was talking to Evelyn and looked scared at the door as the retired Dr. Owens introduced himself. She looked at me and then at the rest of the people who came in. "What's going on here?" she asked with narrowed eyebrows.

The Rage of Storm ( MC No Limits Book 3 )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant