Chapter 15

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I looked at the dark-skinned man sitting in front of me and sat up. Where the heck am I and who is this guy?

I briefly scanned the people in front of me and recognized King. At his side was a pretty woman who looked at me curiously, and the dark-skinned man who was watching me.

"You summoned me," I said, laughing, and he looked at King, who was standing next to him.

"I told you so," King said, looking at the woman behind him who was now staring at me in confusion.

"Josie?" she asked.

"Aww...don't cry if I disappoint you. I'm not Josie...I'm the little voice in Josie's head," I said in a whisper, and started laughing, which disturbed her even more.

"You tricked me! I remember," I said to King, narrowing my eyes.

"Actually, it wasn't me, it was him...Tom, let me introduce you. This is Hope," he replied to me as he looked at the dark-skinned Tom.

"Why are you here, old man?" I asked him coldly, and he straightened up.

"I brought Jon with me," he replied and looked behind me. I stood up and turned around.

Behind me was another old man who looked at me with fascination. I stood away from him.

"Who are you? Is this going to be a pensioners meeting? Are we here to play bingo?" I asked him and he smiled at me.

"Jon Steward," he answered, showing an ID, and I looked from him to Tom.

"You wanted to see him...right?" Tom asked me, to which I nodded.

"You have developed your own personality...fascinating! How is that possible?" Jon asked me with interest as he walked next to Tom.

"You can tell me Jon! Why did it take so long? I had to keep the information and keep Josie alive," I answered him, yelling.

"I understand... it's part of your being to keep Josie alive," he said, as if he understood something that was foreign to all of us.

"Why didn't you look for me sooner?" Jon asked me in surprise.

"And how exactly, Jon? Should I tell Maria that I have a little secret? Or end up in the mental asylum? They didn't even give her internet access without being watched," I answered him angrily.

"But why on earth didn't you find me, Jon?" I asked him.

"I didn't know where you were...Hugo could never tell me who he left you with. The day he died, his whole team was murdered," he explained to me.

I paced around the room, listening to Tom and Jon talking and looking around. Something seemed wrong, but I did not know what.

We were in a darn basement, who knows where. The walls were full of maps with parts of the country, pictures and locations drawn on them. There was just one door, and King stood in front of it. Smart guy!

A rolling board was facing the wall, and I went to it and turned it around. My action resulted in King screaming at me as I stared at familiar faces on photos in shock.

Many different men and women were pinned on the board, and one face in particular caught my eye. A photo from a surveillance camera of Josie's aunt with a cheap wig. Crazy Maria had a short haircut that made her fat skull look even bigger, but in the picture, she looked like she had shoulder-length hair. No matter what cheap wig she put on, I'd recognize her ugly face anywhere.

"Don't touch that," King shouted as he grabbed my shoulder and I pushed him away and walked backwards. What kind of club is this, a cult that worships idiots?

I came across a table and saw an empty bottle standing there and automatically broke it and pointed it in front of me. I kicked at chairs and threw vases and lamps around until someone stormed in the door.

Lucas rushed to the rescue; I could have guessed that. I just don't like him. Coming into her life again and messing with her head.

I was upset and angry until they told me they were an organization fighting against these people. The question is whether they were telling the truth.

Jon was desperate to prove to me that he knew who I was and played me a recording. I recognized the voice on the tape immediately...Hugo. He called Jon, he trusted him, so I should too. It was the same voice I remembered all these years.

"Don't trust anyone but Jon," I remembered.

When I asked him the question to which he knew the correct answer, I revealed the information I had been guarding for so long. My work was done, I am free.

"I'm sorry Hope..." I heard before everything disappeared.

The emptiness and darkness did me good this time. All the burden was lifted from me, and I fell into a calming depth.

I did it, Josie...I kept you alive. I did it!

The Rage of Storm ( MC No Limits Book 3 )Where stories live. Discover now