Chapter 17

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"I was amazed by your father from the first day he came to the FBI. He had an incredible ability to read people and manipulate them. We solved so many cases thanks to him that I couldn't even list them all. Hugo became more than a colleague for me and we became friends. He had a hard time watching his wife, your mother, suffer. Her memory seemed to play tricks on her and she became sick. At first, he thought of Alzheimer's, but it was a new illness she had. He had you tested and you weren't affected, but she was getting worse and worse. Hugo tried to find a way to heal her in his free time, so he started with Darek, a colleague, to work on a chip. The chip that was removed from you was the prototype of Hope. He was supposed to remind you of his words under hypnosis and as long as you didn't deliver the message, Hope was in your memory. With time, Hope seemed to have more tasks to do. Since you were in danger, she had to protect you in order to fulfill her task. She is not a split personality, just the words of your father. To deliver the message to me and to do everything for you, to keep you safe until then, he called me the night he died, he was in the office that was completely destroyed. They were on the trail of an organization that was obviously run by powerful men. All the agents were murdered and your father was the last one. He knew they were coming for him, so he left you Hope. I should have found you right away, but he didn't get around to it to tell me who's carrying Hope. The memory gaps you're having are because of her. She tried to keep you safe and protected you from harm by catching bad things and keeping them away from you. Now that she's gone, you'll probably remember more than you used to." Jon said as we all sat at the table in the bar the next morning.

Josie's hand found mine under the table and held me tight. I felt her shaking and ran my thumb over the delicate skin. When I looked at her, her eyes were full of tears and her lip was trembling. It broke my heart to see her suffering like this. She must have questions that nobody could answer and was just listened to Jon talking.

"Have you found the killer?" asked King and Jon looked at him and shook his head.
"The department was blown up. It could have been anyone. Cameras didn't show anything. It's been a long time the case was never solved," Jon replied.

"What will happen to Josie now?" Ivy asked nervously.
"Josie has nothing to do with it. Nobody knows about her. Only Tom and I. With the information about her aunt, we know more than before. Maria Alvarez is sin Corazon and she works for David and therefore also for Ethan. I'm going to leave now to get the things Hugo left me. We'll know more after that. If you don't mind, I'll leave her here until then. Tom assured me she's safe here," Jon said as he looked at me.

"Don't worry, we'll keep Josie safer than you did," I announced to which Ivy laughed.
"I'm sure of it," Jon answered me, shaking his head and laughing. "If I had known Hope was with you I would have found you sooner. I'm sorry Josie," he said sincerely.

The two men from the FBI listened to Josie talk about her aunt and realized she had probably seen more than she should. They will search for her to keep her quiet like this Dante. There is no question now that they killed him, and she was the only witness. King was still talking to Ted and Jon when I looked at Josie.
"Let's go," I said to her, and she just nodded.
She followed me out of the bar without asking any questions and I looked at her as we walked the way to my tattoo studio. As I closed the door, I flipped the open sign after we walked in.

She was still quiet, sad, and in thought. Josie looked around curiously, her fingers running over the drawings in the book on the counter.
"You always liked drawing," she said quietly, to which I smiled.
"Yeah, that was my thing," I answered her as I continued to look at her.
"Lucas, the things Hope told you on the roof..." she started, but I interrupted her. "It wasn't you! I understand that now. I was just very hurt. You meant a lot to me. ..You still mean a lot to me," I said to which she turned to me.
She glanced at me, her eyes studying my face at my words.
"You asked me yesterday why I hit Jon. I said I didn't know, but I lied. I was angry because she had you for so long.... your aunt, and he said he knew about Hope. I thought he allowed it and didn't know that he didn't know where Hope was. And I let you down. I'm an idiot," I said, in a serious tone.
She leaned against the counter and smiled at me and then looked down.
"You hit him because of me," she said quietly as I approached her.
"I would have killed him if the James brothers hadn't held me back," I told her as I lifted her beautiful face to me.
"You would have gone to prison," she whispered as she glanced at me.
"It would be worth it," I whispered back.
"You're crazy," she said smiling.
"And you're so pretty it hurts looking at you," I answered her honestly.
Her beautiful face turned a soft pink color as I looked at every part of it. She held my gaze as our eyes met and said so much more than words ever could, so I didn't want to waste any more time. I leaned in and kissed her lips, and she kissed me back. The velvety, full lips resembled a rose petal when I touched them with mine.

The light kiss became more and more passionate as I held her face in my hands. Not only did she smell like vanilla ice cream, she tasted like it too. Her sweet lips parted as she allowed me to taste her, savor her, and caress her with my tongue. And I melted before her when I was finally able to hold her after so long. My hands lifted her up, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around me. Josie laid her arms around my neck, and I held her even closer to me. It seemed as if the tattoo studio was burning around us as we hugged each other and kissed more and more passionately.

Our tongues played with each other, gently massaging each other in a battle for dominance. She moaned softly into the kiss as I slipped my hand into her hair and squeezed it lightly. She felt so good, I was like a dependent on her delicate body that a shiver ran over me. Whatever she gave me, I wanted more hungrily to feel her in this embrace, surrounded by her smell and taste I lost myself in this woman. She broke off the kiss first and looked at me, breathing heavily. Her lips were swollen reddish, and she gasped when I bit lightly into her bottom lip.

"I wanted to tell you that day that I'm in love with you," she said quietly to which I smiled at her. "I've been in love with you since the first time I saw you, until this day," I answered her, to which she pressed her lips to mine and I felt relieved when she held me in her arms.

We stood there for a long time just hugging and kissing without words. Everything was unnecessary, we said everything to each other with our lips. And I knew she understood everything, every single kiss.
She was so much more than just my first love. She was my salvation when I couldn't see the point anymore. And even though they were Hope's words, she made me want to make something of myself. I could never forget her words and I didn't just hate Laguna Beach because of the bullies but also because she broke my heart back then. Not her but Hope... but I didn't know that.

I breathed in her scent deeply as I held her in my arms, her legs still wrapped around me, while she played with my hair as her head lay on my shoulder.
The knock on the door made us turn around, and Ivy and King stood there laughing. I opened it still holding Josie in my arms and looked questioningly at King.
"What?" I asked him, and he looked from me to Josie.
"The FBI people are gone. Doc is looking for Josie to check on her," King said with a laugh.
"She's fine," I replied as I looked at her, and she smiled at me.
"She looks good to me...I'll tell Erin to make another bracelet," Ivy said, and I nodded.
"Do that," I replied as I pushed the door closed, and Josie laughed loudly.
"What kind of bracelet?" she asked as I set her down at the counter standing between her legs. "It's a thing with the bracelet...if a woman gets it it's only because she belongs to the club...or to a biker," I said to her, to which she raised her eyebrows.
"So I belong to the club?" she asked, to which I shook my head.
"You're mine," I replied, and she pulled me even closer to her by my cut.
"Say it again," she whispered into my lips.
"You ...belong... to.... Me!" I said kissing her with each word.

Josie giggled at my words and looked at me happily while holding my face in her hands.
"I'm yours," she said as I grabbed her ass and pressed her core to me.
The tip of her nose touched mine, and she teased me with her lips as she brushed them lightly over mine. I tried to kiss her again, but she kept teasing me.
"Don't tease me, Josie...everything about you belongs me. Your down ass...your full breasts...and those lips...that's all mine," I said in a rough voice full of lust.
The blush on her face rose at my words, and she bit her lip slightly as she looked at me.
"You can do whatever you want with me...just don't tease me like this. I can barely control myself," I said as I kissed her lips.
She gave in to the kiss and melted into my embrace. If I could, I would rip my soul and give it to her. She had me wrapped around her little finger with just her lips.

Josie grinned into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck and looked into my eyes. "I'm yours...and you're mine," she said quietly brushing her lips at mine again.
"I'm fucking yours...I have always been," I answered her with a smile and slammed my mouth on hers in a long kiss.
You are going to be the death of me Josefine Garcia.

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