Chapter 8

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"Are you sure you don't want to eat?" The older woman we went to asked me again.
"No thanks," I answered her again as we sat together at a table.
It felt awkward sitting at the table with all these strangers watching me. Lucas let me know clearly that they thought I had something to do with the whole thing. Like I was part of Aunt Maria's weird stuff, part of the organization, as he said. What kind of damn organization?
The only thing I did was keep her restaurant running. She gave me complete orders, which I processed via email. Checked their taxes and the money the restaurant made into Sam and Carol's bank accounts. I didn't do anything wrong!
That's all I had to do to keep Mom in the hospital, or so I was told.

"I think Josie is in trouble, that's why she's here," Alice explained to her parents, with whom we had been sitting for some time.
"King will sort it out, don't worry," added the older man who had a friendly smile.
The way he looked at me reminded me of Dante, like a worried father supporting his child.
Dante is dead, who will support his children like this? He had four children, the oldest was a few years younger than me. He often told me about his children, I never met them. I was not allowed to neglect my duties and never left the restaurant without asking or the house where Aunt Maria lived. Wherever should I have gone, I never had friends, Sam and Carol made sure of that for a long time.The only friends I had were Dante and his wife, who supplied me with books since I didn't even have a phone.
We didn't have internet in the house, and in the restaurant, I only ever used it to do work in the presence of Sam or Carol.

"I still don't understand why Storm is so suspicious of her?" Ivy asked as she looked at Alice.
My questioning look seemed to amuse Alice a little when she noticed.
"Lucas is called Storm here. That's his road name," she explained to me.
Storm... King... Ace... Gears... Duke... what do they have with these names?
"I don't know, it's not typical for him to react like that," Alice replied and they both looked at me questioningly.
"He just doesn't like me," I tried to defend myself even though it wasn't far from the truth.
"I guess you're not telling us everything about him," Ivy stated as she smiled knowingly at me. "But that doesn't matter now, the main thing is that you get help and those bastards get caught," she added.
"Do you have parents you can call?" asked the older woman who introduced herself as Evelyn.
I shook my head and looked down.
"They're both dead," I explained sadly.
"Oh, I'm sorry, honey," Evelyn said as she took my hand.
"Dad died more than 15 years ago...and Mom apparently last year," I said sadly.
"I don't have any parents either," I heard a quiet voice behind me and looked at the woman who came to us. Her name was Nora, I remembered when Alice said it. She seemed very upset when everything happened and now when I see her, she seems calmer and more relaxed.
"Ace told me they had church... I wanted to check on Josie," she explained, to which Evelyn greeted her warmly.
They chatted among themselves and I just listened while nervously playing with my bracelet.
"I have one of those too, look," said Nora and showed me her talisman of the Ojo de Dios on her wrist.
"A friend gave it to us when we were in Tijuana," Ivy explained, raising her wrist too.
The girls all seemed to have the same bracelets, and I smiled at them so I didn't have to say anything.
It was all too much for me, the whole day was crazy... the whole week, to be honest, and I jumped when my phone rang.
I completely forgot about it and quickly pulled it out of my pocket.
It said "David" and I just turned it off.
What the hell!
Did they tell him what was going on? Is he looking for me to kill me too? Or did he just want to tell me that he was picking me up to take me somewhere?
I can't do this. Why am I kept here and why doesn't anyone tell me what's going on. Dante's body should be enough proof of everything I said.
"Don't you want to answer it?" Ivy asked suspiciously.
"No," I told her as I put the switched off phone on the table and pushed it towards her.
"You don't have to give it to me, I just wanted you to know that it's okay to let someone know that you're okay. You just can't say where you are," she explained to me.
"Actually, she has to give it up." I heard King's voice as he came to us.
"She's staying here for protection... Tom has some questions," he said.

Tom doesn't have a pet name? Knight or something? Who the heck is Tom now?
"What happened?" Alice asked as she stood up and talked to her father and brother a few steps away from the table, talking about something that probably wasn't meant for everyone, at least not for me.
"Your father is Hugo Garcia?" I heard the older John ask, and I turned to him.
"Yeah... but I barely remember him," I replied, and John looked at King.
"How old were you when he died?" John asked me, and I stared into space.
"I... 13? Maybe older?" I replied as I tried to remember.
Every thought of my father seemed like a forgotten dream, a memory that I knew was there but couldn't fully grasp. I was never allowed to talk about him or mention him because Aunt Maria blamed him for Mom's condition.I tried to remember but.. couldn't.The panic inside me spread again as if something was chasing me and I started to hyperventilate. The air didn't seem to exist anymore to enter my lungs, and I gasped in shock for a saving breath.
"Get Doc!" I heard Alice call before my sense of hearing started to fade, and I only felt a strong throbbing in my head. My ears seemed to fail me, and a rushing sound was all I heard.
The tears that left my eyes slid down my face, and I dimly saw the women kneeling in front of me and someone holding my hand.
What the heck is going on here? I turned around in a panic, knocking things off the table as I tried to stand and fell back into the chair.
"I've got so much, honey, the bees envy me
I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees
Well, I guess you'll say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl..." I heard Nora's voice calling me back, singing as I stared into her amber eyes. She knelt in front of me and rocked me back and forth like a baby, which calmed me down, and I started to breathe more calmly. The air that filled my lungs seemed to save me, and I listened to her sing with tears in my eyes.
"It's ok, Josie... Ace always sang to me when I was scared. I got you.." she said, smiling, and I started to cry even harder, overwhelmed by the unknown feeling.
We stayed sitting like that for a while until another man knelt next to me, and I looked at him.
"Hi, Josie... I'm Doc. I'm here to help you," he said in a calm voice.
I looked back at Nora, who nodded at me, and again at Doc, who took my hand to help me up.
"Let's see how we can help you," he said as he led me through the house and sat me on the couch. My eyes never left Nora's as she walked next to me and held my other hand.
"Everything will be fine. Trust him," she said, smiling, and I looked at the man who was now kneeling in front of me.
A doctor's bag was next to him, and he opened it to take things out.
I allowed the examination to take place and saw him examining me with concern.
The concern that everyone had for me was unfamiliar to me. I hadn't seen a doctor for years, and I didn't know that anyone was taking care of me.
After the doc was finished, Nora and Evelyn led me up the stairs to a room where they put me in a bed.
"Doc gave you something to calm you down. You'll sleep now and recover. I'll stay with you... promise," I heard Nora whisper before the tiredness overwhelmed me, and I fell asleep.

In my dream, I stood in front of a door with beautiful carvings on it. A floral pattern that my fingers touched. I have dreamed of this door so often that it was nothing new to me.
"Josie..." I heard a man's voice calling me this time.
I took the handle in my hand and turned it slightly, the cracking of the door indicated that it was open, and I pushed the door.
"Josie?" I heard a man calling me as I opened my eyes in shock and jumped up.

Doc looked at me worriedly and then at Nora, who was sitting next to me.
It took me a moment to realize where I was and remember what happened.
"Are you all right?" Nora asked me worriedly, and I looked at her as I held the bridge of my nose.
"I just had a bad dream," I said quietly as she looked at Doc.
"This could be a trauma reaction. I'm not sure... Maybe Dr. Owen can help," I heard him say.
"I'm fine. I'm sorry... I just had a bad dream," I explained quietly.
"You were talking in the dream, Josie... I think Dr. Owen will really be able to help you. I know her, she helped me too," Nora said encouragingly.
I nodded without knowing who Dr. Owen was or what they were even talking about.
My entire life has been a mess, so how could a Dr. Owen help me?

The Rage of Storm ( MC No Limits Book 3 )Where stories live. Discover now