Chapter 16

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My headache must have been much worse this time than before. I remember walking to the bar, and then everything went away. When I opened my eyes, I looked around. I was in a white room with medical equipment. Where am I?
My fear disappeared when I saw Evelyn, and she called for Doc. A man came in and introduced himself as "Doc." What the hell? The patch on his coat said it too, so I was still at the community. He asked me a few questions about my well-being, and I put my hand to my right ear, which hurt. A bandage was wrapped around my head, and I looked at Evelyn in surprise.
"Get King now," she said to Doc and took my hand.
Her voice seemed more and more distant from me as my thoughts raced, and images played before my eyes. As if my head was bigger with more storage space, things that I didn't recognize came to light. Faces... names... feelings.
"Josie, look at that," I heard a man say as he was flying a kite...Dad.
I recognized his smiling face; he was a tall, handsome man with dark hair and the same dark eyes as mine.
"I love you, Josie. Never forget that," said the same man with a scared face in another memory. "Your mom is sick... I promise you I'll try everything to help her," Dad said in another memory.
"It won't hurt, Josie. You won't feel anything," he explained to me in the next memory, as I lay on a table, and he held my hand.
"Look at the pendulum, Josie," my father ordered me in the last one.
I jumped off the bed and staggered across the room. Past and present seemed to merge, and I held my hands out in front of myself, shocked at everything that was happening.
"Don't forget; you can only trust Jon," Dad said.
His words became louder and clearer, repeating the same sentence again and again.
"Josie, be careful, you'll hurt yourself," I heard Evelyn shout.

Things started falling around me as I frolicked around. Everything stopped as two hands took mine, and blue eyes stared at me.
"You good?" Lucas asked me scared, and I shook my head.
"No," I cried as I hugged him.
His body was stiff at my touch and held his breath, with his arms in the air. He stood like that for a while until I felt him hugging me back.
"I'm here, Josie... Everything will be fine," I heard him say.
My crying became louder as the memories came together like puzzles, and everything I had forgotten was suddenly burned clearly into my brain. As if I had never forgotten it... as if it had been there ever since. Everything... every little memory.
"I don't want to see you anymore! You're a loser! A waste of time! No wonder your father didn't want you. Stay away from me, Lucas!" I said to him in my memory and pushed him away.
He looked at me worriedly, and I shook my head as I looked up at him and took a step back. That's why he was so mad at me... that's the reason!
"I didn't mean to say that... I didn't say that! I really liked you, Lucas! What the hell is going on here?" I told him, and he pulled me back into his arms again.
"I still like you," he said quietly to me as he held me in his arms.

My whole body was shaking, and I felt a sting in my shoulder. Lucas grabbed Doc's arm and stared at him, whereupon he raised both of his arms up.
"What's wrong with you guys and this grabbing at me... This is something to calm her down. Your memories are flooding you right now," Doc explained as Storm pulled the syringe out of my arm and threw it away.
"Don't worry, Josie. Everything will be okay," he said to me as I collapsed in his arms.

When I came to for the second time, Lucas was sitting next to my bed. The room was empty, and he was holding my hand. He seemed deep in thought, and when I moved my fingers, he looked up at me.
"I'm good," I said before he could ask, and he smiled.
"Do you remember what happened?" he asked quietly, and I looked at him with narrowed eyebrows.
"I remember everything," I answered him as I sat up.
I held my forehead and took a deep breath... that's a lot of information at once. His eyes were worried, and he surveyed my entire body.
"I have a lot of questions," I said to him, and his eyes found mine.
"You should rest," he suggested, to which I shook my head.
"I thought I was crazy... I want answers, Lucas," I said to him, and he nodded.
I watched him as he left the room and talked to someone in front of the door. When he came back, Alice and Ivy followed him with Nora.
"They just didn't want to leave," Lucas said with a smile as the girls came to my bed.
"Just said the right one. You almost killed Jon because of her," Ivy replied, to which I looked at him.
"But I didn't," Lucas said.
"What's going on here?" I asked as I looked at their faces.
"We're waiting for King and the others then we'll show you," Ivy explained to me, which I didn't understand but nodded.

After a few minutes, King came followed by Duke and a dark-skinned man. The last one to come in was an older man with blood on his face and a broken nose who looked at Lucas.
"Josie, my name is Tom... this is Jon. We are from the FBI," said the man standing in front of me. You can only trust Jon... I looked at the man who was still glaring at Lucas and looked again at Tom. FBI... Dad worked for the FBI. I remember.
They told me things about my dad I could now remember; I knew what happened. My father took me to work and explained to me that he had no choice but to put a chip in my ear that would regularly emit small impulses that were important. This made my brain remember the hypnosis he did. As a child, I had an imaginary friend because I was so lonely. Hope was her name. He explained to me that he was reminding my brain to have Hope in a part of my memory to tell her something important to Jon. The hypnotist called him Tom, but Jon said what I knew. Dad wasn't just a hypnotist; he was a damn good profiler. I didn't understand why I... and what must have gone wrong. But my memories were clear. Dad had planted something in me and hypnotized me. He was just using me.
Ted played me a video of myself in it... but it wasn't me. I listened to the conversation and furrowed my eyebrows as Lucas caught me when I passed out. I listened to him talk about what happened but I couldn't wrap my head around it. Too much information... but I wanted to know. My eyes widened when on the video Lucas threw Jon into the room and beat him. Three men held him back as Jon lay on the floor and asked him to reason.
"You fucking knew what could happen to her and you didn't look for her!" Lucas shouted at him. "I'm here to help her now," Jon said as he got up from the floor.
"You stay away from her or I'll fucking rip your head off," I saw Lucas screaming on the video before he picked up the laptop and closed it.

I glanced at him and heard Ivy laughing.
"I told you," she said.
"We're good, aren't we, Jon?" Lucas asked, looking at him.
He just nodded and looked at me. "Sure," he replied, to which Duke laughed.
"I think Storm peed on Ol Lady's territory," he said which made everyone laugh except me. I didn't know what he meant by that.
"Josie, rest... we'll stay here. We'll tell you everything you need to know in the morning. It'll be too much for you at once. Is that ok?" Tom asked and I nodded.

I remembered things... but I still was confused. They left the room talking to King, and the girls stayed with me for a while. Lucas stood at the window the whole time and looked out without looking at us. After a while, Alice urged everyone to leave without looking at him, and when the door closed behind them, I looked up at him.
"You hit him," I said, to which he hummed.
"Because of me," I stated and he turned to me.
"Why? After everything... Why, Lucas?" I asked him.
He shrugged his shoulders and looked away from me, "I don't know," he replied, to which I didn't ask anything else.
He didn't want to tell me, and I didn't want to force him. I was angry at him for something I had done to him. And still he was protecting me.
I remember when we first met, he was determined to kill himself. I then came to the roof every day and met him there. At first, he didn't want to talk to me much, but over time he opened up. He talked about his feelings and thoughts. And showed me his drawings, which I really liked. At that time, I ended up with Aunt Amria, overwhelmed with the whole thing, and I wanted to end my life. But the worry about the boy on the roof stopped me. Soon our secret friendship became my only joy, and our secret meetings were the best part of my day. I no longer saw Lucas as a suicidal boy but had feelings for him that went far beyond friendship. I wanted to tell him about my situation with Aunt Maria and confess my feelings when I went to the roof that day. But everything that came out was mean and nasty, and I cried when I couldn't control what I said. If that was Hope and not me... then he knows that now.

He sat down on the chair next to me and picked up his phone.
"Sleep," he said to me as he turned away from me, and I sank into thought.
"Thank you, Lucas," I whispered when it became too quiet.
I heard him take a deep breath and saw his grin as he shook his head.
"And I still like you too," I added before closing my eyes. I felt his hand as he took mine and pressed it lightly. I smiled with my closed eyes at his touch... I know he could see it, but I didn't care.

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