Chapter 24

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Lucas's footsteps became quieter as he ran down the stairs, and I sat at the table. I waited a bit and then got up to look through the kitchen window. He walked across the street with Ink toward the bar. Lucas seemed happy and laughed with the young man. They teased  and pushed each other playfully.

My eyes fell on Nora’s restaurant across the street, and I saw Erin walking in as she waved to her husband. The sobs escaped me when I finally knew I was alone. " ... Something is going wrong, they knew about Josie's statement... I think she is in danger. We all are if they find her!" I remembered King's words outside the door.
I heard him mention Sam and Carol, which caught my attention. No matter what he thought, how quiet he was...he wasn't. Maria is looking for me, and she will find me sooner or later. I didn't flee to the end of the world, and when I consider who murdered Dante...she knew people, the really bad ones.

My presence endangers all these beloved people who welcomed me here with open arms. The Ol' Ladies and all the bikers, Erin's parents, Evelyn and John, Spoon but especially Lucas. I held my hand over my mouth as a sob escaped my lips, and my tears streamed down my face. Think, Josie... think! What would Hope do? She would protect me, keep me alive. These FBI people couldn't find me even though I was there the whole time. How are they supposed to find Maria? They can't do it... but I know who could.

I sat back at the table and took a piece of paper to write a message to Lucas. I won't let her hurt them like she hurt me. Never!
He would never allow me to do what I wanted to do. I knew it, but there is no other way. I remembered as I handed over my phone that King mentioned giving it to Void to check it out. Void is Erin's husband, and that's exactly where I headed - to her house.
I went downstairs and sneaked behind the house through the back garden. The door wasn’t locked; why did everyone trust everyone here? I heard the gaming console that Erin's son was playing upstairs and I looked around. One room took all my curiosity when I saw the screens in it. When I entered, I knew that Void was working here and started looking for the phone.

I rummaged around until I found what I was looking for in one of the drawers and breathed a sigh of relief. The path to the exit gate turned out to be even more difficult when I saw the man sitting there looking bored into the distance.
"Hey... Storm told me to tell you to come to the bar immediately," I said to him, and he looked at me questioningly.
I was an Ol' Lady; he didn't ask, but just nodded and went on his way. I stood there and turned on the phone, and he stopped giving me any attention after he left his post. After I was sure he couldn't see me anymore, I ran. I ran as fast as I could until I came across the first car that was driven by a woman.

"Please help me, I have to get out of here urgently," I shouted.
She looked at me confused, didn't ask much, but opened the passenger door when she saw my panicked face and accelerated.
"Shit!" I said loudly as my eyes fell on Tom, who was driving towards us and staring at me confused.
"Are you okay?" asked the woman, who looked at me as I shook my head. "Your husband?" She asked me as she looked at me.
"Just drive fast away, please," I shouted as I turned around, and Tom's car came to a stop. She did as asked and drove. I noticed that she was taking the highway towards Irvine and asked her to drop me off somewhere as soon as she turned.
"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked, to which I nodded and closed the door in thanks. I hope Lucas doesn't follow right away; I had to hurry. My shaking hands opened the phone... I still had 15% battery left. After taking a deep breath, I pressed the button to call David and heard it ring.

"Josefine?" he replied.
"David... I... I didn't know who to call. Maria wanted to kill me before you came to get me. She was jealous of me and told the police I stole from her... and she's looking for me. I need your help!" I shouted excitedly into the receiver as my sobs took over.
I was crying, but not because of what I said. I was crying for my friends, for the only people who liked me.
"What the fuck? She told me you ran away!" he said angrily.
He didn't know what happened!

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