Chapter 29

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David's hands on my girl with his pants pulled down as he tugs on her hair while she desperately screams for help... I just fucking snapped.
I obviously wasn't aware of my strength when I grabbed him and threw him across the hallway like a toy.
He crashed into a table and let out a muffled scream.
My eyes narrowed as if aiming at my target as I followed him to the wall where he crashed into.
My steps were large and purposeful as I walked in his direction full of rage.
I grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up to my height as I hit my ax just a hair's length from his face.
David's eyes widened in surprise at my actions, and before he could say anything, my fist landed on his face. His head hit the wall and bounced back only to receive an even stronger punch again.
The contact of my tightly clenched fist with his face created euphoria within me that only urged me to strike again, and again... My knuckles went numb from the force of my punches until his face was distorted into nothing more than a smear of blood.
His legs thrashed beneath him as he tried to kick himself free.

I tilted my head to the side, blinded by everything around me, his scrawny neck in my hand ready to snap in two like a chopstick. Weakling... abusing women to feel powerful who are half his size and strength, he could do that... Try me, motherfucker!
I threw him against a concrete pillar that decorated his beautiful home, where he bounced off only to land back in my arms and be smashed to the ground.
My knees fell to the floor on either side of his body, and I leaned over him as he got all of my attention. He is terrified of me, and he should be.
My fists hit his head alternately harder and faster until I could barely breathe from the force I was using.
His body could barely take the beating anymore, bleeding and whimpering from the anger I was unleashing on him.
His jaw cracked as I dislocated it, and his face took on a completely different shape. The pain must have been so great that he stiffened beneath me and let out a groan.
I didn't even feel my pain at that moment, my ankles completely numb from the blows I gave him. He lay in a puddle of his own blood while I continued to hit him and didn't notice anything around me. Not even the many hands that followed grabbed me and held me tight.
"Where the fuck is your God now?" I screamed into his face before I was pulled behind and lost sight of him.

The adrenaline was still coursing through me, and I threw the men around me, driven by the desire to keep going.
The more I threw, the more seemed to jump in front of me and hold me to the ground.
The pounding in my ears seemed to subside as countless men lay on top of me and I heard King's voice.
"Lucas!... Lucas!" he yelled as he pulled a man off me and knelt next to me.
"Brother!" he shouted in shock as my hateful gaze fell on his face.
"Fucking shit," I heard Duke shout as he pushed another man away from me and grabbed my shoulder as I was about to get up.
Duke and King stood in front of me as I gasped and slowly came to.
Ace stood over David and looked from him to me with a grin only to draw his gun and point it at him. Another man jumped over to Ace and pushed his hand away only to fire the shot right next to David's head.
"Storm... Josie... Josie needs you now!" I heard Duke call, and my head automatically turned in her direction.

She knelt on the floor crying with her hands over her mouth, and Doc wrapping a blanket around her as he knelt next to her.
Her eyes shot to me, and she stood up, falling on her knees again as she tried to take a step in my direction.
I pushed everyone away and ran to her, falling on my knees in front of her just to pull her into my hug. Josie let out a scream followed by uncontrollable crying as I held her, and her whole body shook.
"You came," I heard her say crying and closed my eyes as I held her.
Everything around us seemed to disappear as I held her, pressing her delicate body against me. Her hands cupped my face as she looked at me, sobbing heavily, and I watched her face.
"Don't ever do something like that again," I said before crushing my lips on hers.
She moaned into the kiss as we worshiped each other, breathing heavily.
Her arms grabbed the back of my head, and she held me even closer to her as she hugged me.
I heard her whimper as her face pressed against mine, and her breathing was heavy as we broke away from the kiss.
"I said I needed him alive!" I heard Tom's voice behind me, and Duke laughed loudly.
"I think he's still alive... what a shame," Ace said.
I took Josie in my arms without answering and carried her out of the villa wrapped in the blanket.
We walked past Tom's people who obviously arrived as I was settling accounts with David, and I didn't even notice them. The men looked at us, making way as we walked past, and Josie's eyes were only on me.
The humming sound of helicopters could be heard, and I think that they had rappelled down to storm the villa.
Tom did his part of the plan, and his men led the prisoners away in handcuffs.
I was sitting outside the villa with Josie still in my hands when I looked at Duke storming out of the villa vomiting.

"What the hell is in this basement?" Doc asked, following him, to which Josie only whined more.
I looked from her to Duke, who was shaking his head, and my eyebrows furrowed in concern.
A few men were handcuffed and came out covered in blood, whereupon Josie buried her face in my chest and gasped loudly.
King and Ace came out and looked at me, swallowing hard, and then at Josie.
"Maria..." she said quietly, whereupon Ace looked at King, who grimaced.
"Disgusting," Duke said as he sat down on the floor.
"You came," Josie whispered as she stroked my face with one hand, and I looked at her.
"Too late," I said, depressed by what I saw in front of me.
She shook her head and smiled softly at me. "He didn't make it," she replied before her voice trailed off.
I looked at her face with concern as she continued to shake her head.
"You prevented it," she said quietly, and I held her close, kissing her forehead.
"Let's go home," I heard King say.

And that's what we did, we walked back to our cars with me carrying Josie.
The villa behind us was partially burning while Tom watched us go.
I don't want to listen to his bullshit talk now; I don't give a fuck about David and how he needs him alive. My only concern was Josie, and that's why I'm here.
I put her on the back seat of the SUV and got in next to her. Ink drove the car home without talking while I held her tightly.
When we arrived, we got out surrounded by our community.
Nora immediately ran to Ace, and then she looked at Josie, who was standing next to me, shaking.
All the old ladies hugged her, and there was no need to talk as they held each other.

Doc took care of her afterwards, and I stood in the room and watched as he treated her after she changed. One of the old ladies brought her a big shirt from Doc and some shorts that she put on.
"I'm better take care of Storm," she said to him, and he looked from her to my hands.
"It's nothing," I said as he tended to my hands, to which he shook his head.
The alcohol he poured on burned, and I grimaced, while he looked at me.
"Maybe something is broken. I should..." Doc started, but I shook my head.
I wiggled my fingers and looked at him as he watched my movements.
"I'm fine," I repeated, to which he exhaled annoyed.
"Let me at least put a bandage on," he said, to which I nodded.
When he was finished, I looked at Josie, who was looking at me sadly.
"You're hurt," she whispered.
I waited patiently until Doc finished and grabbed her hand, pulling her home.

The door slammed behind us as I swung it shut and turned to face her.
"Don't ever do something like that again! If something had happened to you, I would fucking die," I screamed in her face.
I was desperate and angry, breathing heavily as I turned away from her and put my face in my hands.
Yelling at her was just my fear getting the best of me, and I tried to calm myself down. What the hell are you doing, Storm?!
Josie's delicate arms hugged my torso as she embraced me and kissed my back. I took a deep breath, tilting my head back as I stared at the ceiling.
"I'm sorry, Josie," I said quietly, and she turned me towards her.
Her eyes were full of tears as I looked at her. She grabbed my neck and pulled herself up, swinging her legs around me, and I pulled her tight into a hug. Her bare legs pressed against me, and I grabbed her butt.
"I would fucking die," I repeated as the emotions overwhelmed me, and a tear rolled down my cheek.
She looked at my face, her palms holding it as she stared into my eyes.
Josie's tender lips kissed mine, and I grabbed the back of her head, burying my fingers deep in her hair. The kiss became very passionate as we literally devoured each other, our tongues fighting wildly for dominance.
A few steps later, she was leaning against the wall, and I grabbed her breast, after she rubbed her core against me, and I leaned back to look at her.
"What the fuck did he do to you?" I asked as I grabbed her waist, and she leaned against the wall with her legs still around me.
She shook her head, and I grabbed her a little harder, so she looked up at me.
"He...he licked me," she said, to which I looked at her core and again into her eyes.
"I should have killed him," I said to her,while she was blushing.
"I didn't want it...I just want you," she said quietly, to which I smiled at her.
"Do you?" I asked, grinning.
She rubbed her middle against me again, and I pulled her towards me, pushing open the bedroom door.
Her lips sucked on mine as I laid her on the bed and supported myself on my elbows so as not to crush her when I lay on top of her.
"You need to rest," I said to her groggily, and she grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head.
"I need you now," she said quietly.

The Rage of Storm ( MC No Limits Book 3 )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt