Chapter 25

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"Oh, someone hardly had any sleep last night!" said Ink, laughing as I picked him up from the tattoo shop.
"You have no idea," I replied, laughing as we crossed the street towards the bar where King was waiting for us to explain what had happened.
Ink playfully poked me in the side, which made me laugh even harder.
"I'm happy for you, brother," he said to me as I pushed him playful back.
"Thanks, Ink," I replied as we walked into the bar.
"Oh, someone's covered in pussy juice!" we heard Duke say as we walked into the meeting room, and he looked at me grinning.
"Bite me," I answered him with a smile, and everyone laughed.

King explained to us, although I already knew what was going on, I listened to him carefully.
Dante's body was found; apparently, a few cameras had caught him walking down the street to work, and under pressure, Carol and Sam admitted where he was.
Someone in the police is probably deeply involved because Carol took advantage of her call to let her mother know.
Again, corrupt police officers who were involved.
Ted probably had more people that we hadn't caught. The conversation was ignored, and Tom just told King that we were in danger because Maria was now looking for Josie.
She was deeply involved in the matter and had contacts that we wished she didn't have.
To make matters worse, she worked for that scumbag David, who in turn worked for Ethan Johnson... a well-known mafia boss.
"We're being very careful again. I don't know if Sin Corazon knows about us," King said at the end.
"Lockdown again?" Duke asked.
"For now, just be careful... but," said King, but he interrupted when a knock was heard on the door.
We all turned to the door as one of the prospects came in from the gate and looked at me questioningly.
"You called me?" he asked, to which everyone looked at me, and I looked at him confused.
"Did I?" I asked, even more confused then him.
"Your Ol' Lady sent me here... she said you called me," he explained, to which Duke started laughing.
"Boy, if the Ol' Ladies can get their paws on you, then you're in trouble," he said through laughter.
"I didn't call you... Go back to the gate," I told him, and he left the room shaking his head.
"That's not funny," King said as he looked at me.
"I'm talking to her," I answered him, and he nodded.
Duke seemed to be having a hard time getting himself back together, and Gears rolled his eyes in annoyance.

King was still talking about the precautions with Void to prevent someone from invading again like when Ivy and Nora were kidnapped.
The door opened again after some time, and we all turned around, only to see an angry Tom.
"I said no one would leave the community until I come," he said angrily, looking from King to me.
"No one left," I heard King say.
"Sure? Then why did I see Josie driving away in a car?" He asked, which made my eyes widen.
"What are you talking about?" I asked as I stood up and towered in front of him.
"Your girl ran off with someone!" He said to me, and I turned to King.
"The prospect... she tricked him," he shouted as we ran out towards Ol' Ladies.

The women sat together at the table covered in breakfast and looked up at us as we stormed in.
"What's up?" asked Ivy, who stood up and looked at King worriedly.
"Tell me Josie is here," I said as she looked from King to me and shook her head.
"We've been waiting for her for a while. I just thought she was late," Ivy replied with a worried face.
"Oh my god, Josie," I heard an upset Nora say as  Ace calmed her down.
"Void!" King shouted loudly, turning around and running into his house.
We followed him and watched as he typed on his laptop.
The prospect that Duke had sent to my apartment came running back holding a piece of paper in his hand.
"Storm" was written on it, and I looked from the note to the prospect.
"No one was at your house... just the one attached to the door," he said, to which I took the piece of paper and read the message:
'I will not allow her to hurt any of you.
I know the police won't find her, she has her people there. But David can find her.
I'll meet up with him and you can tell Tom that he'll find them both where you locate me. Or at least David, I'm sure.
I love you

My eyes widened as I read that and passed the message on to King.
"Fuck!" he said, cursing loudly as he read, and Duke stood next to him, scanning the text.
"Is she crazy?" Duke asked angrily, repeating her words out loud to explain to the others.
Ace held his forehead and looked at me as I stared in front of me.
"Look!" Void said as he caught our attention by rotating a screen.
Josie ran through the front gate and flagged down a car.
She seemed confused by Josie's behavior and accelerated as she drove away.
"Who was that?" King asked as King checked the vehicle.
"Someone from town...I don't think she even knows Josie," Void said.
The Ol Ladys came into the room, and Erin sat down next to her husband and started typing furiously.
"She's still moving," she said without looking up from the screen.

Tom was on the phone talking to someone, planning something big if it came to that. If Josie meets that David...I'll lose my mind if he touches her.
"Irvine," Erin said as she looked up at me. She will know an exact address shortly, and I won't wait a second to bring my girl home.
I was angry with her, how did she even dare to put herself in such danger.
"She wants to protect us," I heard Nora say as she sobbed, and I turned to her.
"Then she must have heard us this morning," King stated, and I let out a deep breath.
King looked at me, and he knew I wanted to go there immediately. But as I turned around and started to leave the room, Erin called out, "Wait."
I looked at her, and she was staring at the screen with narrowed eyebrows.
"She's moving again!" She shouted, to which we all looked at her.
"Oh damn if that David has her.." Ivy started, but her voice broke, just like my heart.
Oh, Josie!

"I have a team ready. We'll get her out of there," said Tom as my heart started to beat faster.
"Get ready," King shouted, and everyone stormed out of the room. Everyone except me... I was still standing in front of Erin's desk looking at the computer.
"Storm...we're getting Josie out of there. It won't come to that, you..." King started but stopped when I looked at him.
"I'm going to rip his heart out," I said, anger in my voice.
"Bring her back, Storm...Please," I heard Nora sobbing as Ace held her in his arms and looked at me.
He just nodded, I knew that my brothers were by my side. We are going to confront this David.
"I...have a location," Erin said, looking from the screen to us with Void looking at the screen.
"Are you sure?" He asked confused as she gave him a glare.
"I'm just's in the middle of nowhere," he said confused.
"What do you mean?" King asked.
"Wherever she's not listed," Erin explained.
"A secret hiding place," said Tom, and we turned to him. "Show me satellite images," he said as he came to the screen.
Erin quickly typed on the keyboard again, and the three of them looked at the screen.
"This is his hiding place," Tom shouted as he looked up at us.
When we saw on the screen an enlarged image was frozen. A heavily guarded entrance gate to a property with armed men.
"We have to do this smartly, King...Don't just walk in," Tom told him.
"What do you suggest?" King asked him as I continued to look at the picture.
"We'll wait until night...surround everything and then storm in," said Tom, which made me look up at him.
"Night?" I asked him angrily.
"She can't stay there with him all day!" Ivy shouted angrily.
"It was her decision. Nobody forced Josie to do that. If we want to catch everyone, then at night," said Tom, whereupon I walked in his direction and was stopped by King.
"What would you do, brother?" I asked him, to which he nodded knowingly.
I knew just like he did,that he would never let Ivy stay there.

"We'll do it our way, Tom," he said without losing eye contact with me.
"What do you mean? Jon died while sending me information. King  powerful men are at play here... the action has to be under the radar. No one but you and my people," said Tom.
"We won't need anyone else," King said, still looking at me.
"We don't know how many men he has there. That's suicide during the day," he said angrily.
"You won't catch David alive anyway," I said to Tom, who was staring at me.
"Jesus Christ," he said as he ran his hand through his hair. "I need him alive," he announced.
"We'll try hard, won't we, Storm," King said, grinning, to which I nodded.
“Sure we are,” I answered him.
"Get ready...get your team together, Tom. Be ready for anything. We're leaving immediately!" King said sternly without leaving any room for discussion.

I turned away from them and ran to my apartment to change. Breakfast was still on the table, and our bed was made... I swallowed as I opened the closet and saw a bag with her things in it that Alice had given me.
It became difficult for me to swallow the lump that formed in my throat. My hands rubbed my face, and I took deep breaths to concentrate.
She wants to protect us... said Nora. She heard King outside the door saying we were all in danger.
She wanted to protect us... protect me.
I stared at my reflection in anger as I held my balaclava in my hand while I was dressed.
I won't let you down again, Josie.

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