Chapter 1

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"Brooke!" My mom called from downstairs.

"Get up and get ready for school!"

Ugh, school. I rolled out of bed and picked out my outfit. A pair of high waisted white shorts, a black tank and a mint green cardigan on along with my mint green vans. I pulled my long light brown hair into a side french braid and put on some light makeup.

I went downstairs and grabbed a pop tart and walked out the door to the bus stop.

The bus came and I got on the bus and spotted my best friend who I haven't seen in a while since she just got back from vacation.

"Kelsey!" I sat down next to her and hugged her.

"Here's my favorite sophomore. I haven't seen you in awhile Brooke."

"It was only two weeks ago Kelsey calm down." I said with a chuckle.

"So how's life?" I tried to answer but she stopped me.

"WAIT, how's Jake!?" She asked with a smirk.

"Haha, he's fine. I haven't seen him since Thursday last week since he had a basketball tournament the rest of the week so i'm excited to see him today."

"Awh you guys are so cute!" She practically screamed in my ear.

The bus comes to a stop, we must be at school. I quickly say goodbye to Kelsey and get off the bus.

I meet Jake at our normal spot, the fountain in front of the school and when I see him I start running.

"BROOKE!" He yells as he sees me running and I jump into his arms. "I missed you so much baby." He whispers in my ear while twirling me around.

"Hey, it was only 3 days Jake." I say to him as he puts me down. I intertwine my fingers with his as we walk into school. We have homeroom together and then I don't see him till the end of the day in art. He walks me to my locker while he goes to his across the hall.

We meet at the door and walk in together hand in hand. I sit down in my regular seat while he sits behind me. He grabs my face and kisses me. This is basically what we do every morning before our teacher walks in.

"Students" My teacher walks in and clears her throat. "Please find your seats."

"Today all your going to do is study so go ahead and do whatever you want." My teacher says and everyone yells a mixture of yeah and awesome. Okay so basically this whole class is just going on your phones. During class I get a text message from Kelsey.

K- My 17th birthday party is Friday, last day of school. My cousin is coming, I REALLY want you to meet him.

B- I'm in. It's just me though because Jake has to go on vacation with his family.

K- Okay, it starts at 6, come home after school with me so we can get ready together.

B- K, gtg cya


The class went by very quickly and I was onto my next class which was Spanish. Gosh how I hated this class. This teacher is so rude especially to me, I'm surprised I even show up. Hopefully this class goes by fast.

After Spanish all my classes went by very quickly thank goodness. I got to my last class which was art and I sat down next to Jake.

"Hey babe." He says as I sit down and I give him a kiss on the lips. "Hi" I say once we stop kissing.

Art goes fast and I hug Jake goodbye and give him a kiss on the lips.

"Bye Babe, face time me after you get your homework done okay?"

"Okay I promise." I said. "I gotta go to basketball practice now, love you." He says while looking down at me. "Okay, I love you too, bye." I get up on my tippy toes and start to walk home. When I get home I quickly go upstairs and start on my homework.

I finish that and try and facetime Jake. It's past 6:00 so he should be home by now. I face time him again and he still doesn't answer. I text him asking where he is and he doesn't answer. Oh well, I'll just ask him tomorrow. For the rest of the night I just watch netflix and eventually fall asleep around 1:00.

Twisted Fate // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now