Chapter 22

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Two weeks later

Shawn's POV

The tour has been a huge success, the fans are so supportive of me! Today we are in Orlando, and I have my first real interview today, I'm so nervous.

I have no idea what questions they have planned to ask... oh and did I add its live and also in front of about 35 fans...

I arrived at the radio station and they were really sweet, making me feel some what relieved.

Just kidding, I was still insanely nervous.

We sat down and began the interview.

"So Shawn, how are you?" The lady asked.

Easy question. (i thought this was funny, if you don't find it funny pretend it's not there) "I'm very well, thank you for asking!"

I smiled and waved to some of the fans sitting in the audience and they smiled and waved back.

"So how is the tour so far?"

"Incredible! There's so much support and it's so much fun!"

The interview continued with a few more questions...

"So Shawn, the fans have asked me to ask you this one question!" she smiled.

"Alright! Shoot!" I smiled back.

"There were rumors around that this girl" she showed a picture of Brooke up on the screen and my heart dropped, my palms began to sweat, and I felt as if I couldn't really speak. I didn't want to tell them anything about Brooke. "Is your girlfriend. Is that true?"

"Uhm" I looked to the fans, I felt terrible lying to them but I really needed to keep Brooke from getting hate. "No, I don't think I've ever met her before?"

"Oh?" The interviewer had a confused look on her face. "What about this photo of you two that she had posted on her Twitter, @brookecollins, a few weeks ago."

"She must be a fan? I don't really remember, sorry, but no, she is not my girlfriend."

That all hurt me to say, every word was like a bullet. The only thing I could think about was what Brooke was going to think when she saw that.

Brooke's POV

These past few weeks have been hell. I knew heart break hurts, but not this much.

Maybe I truly loved him. Loved him more than I even thought was possible.

And I messed it all up. I wonder if he is thinking about me too?

Who am I kidding? He's out there living his dream, meeting hundred of girls who are way better than me in every aspect every day.

My name probably doesn't even cross his mind.

But how could I blame him?

I was scrolling thought Twitter when a tweet had caught my eye.

@shawnmendes "Live on 93.3 FLZ right now! Tune in to listen!"

(I just picked my local radio station OK)

I quickly turned on the radio and began to listen, hearing his voice made me miss him even more.

The interviewer continued to ask him questions, as I listened but still scrolled through my phone.

"So Shawn, the fans have asked me to ask you this one question!" I heard and locked my phone listening a little closer, curious to what they would ask him.

"Alright! Shoot!" he said and I could just picture him smiling.

"There were rumors around that this girl, is your girlfriend. Is that true?"

My heart stopped, I was wondering who they were asking about, maybe it wasn't me?

Shawn was silent, not saying anything before he slightly stuttered "Uhm" 

He took another pause. "No, I don't think I've ever met her before?"

Oh so he must not be talking about me, a rush of relief washed over my body before I continued to listen closely.

"Oh? What about this photo of you two that she had posted on her Twitter, @BrookeCollins, a few weeks ago."

Once again I frozen, he was talking about me, why did he say he didn't even know me? Does he really hate me that much that people can't even know that he knows of my existence?

"She must be a fan? I don't really remember, sorry, but no, she is not my girlfriend."

That part hurt the most. Even thought I wasn't his girlfriend at the moment, I was hoping that we could eventually work things out, but I guess he just forgot about me.



Twisted Fate // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now