Chapter 4

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I woke up around 9:00 the next morning with a massive headache. I walk downstairs to get ibuprofen when I see a note on the counter from my mom.

Dear Brooke,
I had to go into work early today due to problems money wise and I will not be home until tomorrow night. You are staying at Kelsey's house until Sunday night. I will be home around 11. Be good, don't get into any trouble. Love you

Oh great, how I sure love my mom. I walk back upstairs and start packing clothes while I texted Kelsey.

B- i'll be over in 20 minutes. anything in particular i should bring?

K- Shawn is throwing a party tonight, idk why. But bring something nice to wear.

B- who says i was going?

K- c'mon brooke, invite jake. he won't have basketball, it's super.

B- ugh fineeeeee bye

K- see ya soon

I called Jake and he finally answered when I called. I asked him if he would come to Shawn's party with me and he said of course. That he would be over at Kelsey's house to pick both of us up at 5:30 since the party started at 6.

I finish getting all my stuff together and walk over to Kelsey's house since I can't drive and plus it's just 2 blocks down the road from my house.

I get to her house and I go to knock on the door when the door flys open and Kelsey pulls me in. "HURRY UP BROOKE WE GOT TO GET READY!" She literally screams in my ear while she pulls me by the wrist up the stairs.
We spend the next few hours getting ready.

We finish getting ready and surprisingly Jake comes on time for once to pick both of us up. Kelsey all of a sudden dislikes Jake because he "ignored" me for two weeks. So she doesn't say a word to him as he says hi to both of us. After 10 minutes of an awkward car ride we pull up to Shawn's house. The party is already in full swing when we get inside.

The first thing I see when I step inside is Shawn and I run up to him and give him a hug. He asks who was here with me and I said obviously Kelsey and then my boyfriend Jake. "Oh." He said in a some what shaky voice. "Well go find them and let's play truth or dare." I said okay and went to find them only to find Jake with a drink in his hand. "Babeeeeee, come dance with me." He slurs his words into my ear. Oh shit, his drunk. This will not turn out good. Thankfully I see Kelsey near bye and I get her help to bring Jake outside around a fire with other people, which I am assuming were Shawn's friends. Everyone had a drink in their hand except Shawn, Kelsey and I, let's see how this goes.

"Okay, everyone listen up." Shawn starts speaking, "There is an even amount of guys and girls so let's do this. Who wants to go first?"

"I will!" Kelsey yells. "Okay Kels, Truth or Dare?" Shawn asks. "Dare" She says with a smirk. Shawn puts his hands together and starts rubbing them in front of his body. "I got it, I dare you to kiss the person to your right on the lips." Kelsey looked to her right and there was Matt. She has had a crush on this dude for forever now. She does that and Kelsey picks me next. "Brooke truth or dare?" Hmm I thought for a second. "Dare" I said. I totally regret saying that after the words slipped out of my mouth. She doesn't like Jake at all and she knows he is drunk so hell knows what she is going to make me do. "I dare you to do 7 minutes of heaven with Shawn." She says with a smirk while my mouth flys open. "But Kels-" She stops me before pointing at Shawn and me and then pointing to the woods behind the house and says "Go." Hopefully Jake is too drunk to forget anything that happens tonight.

Shawn walks over to me and holds out his hand and take it while looking down the whole time he guides me to a spot in the woods. He takes out his phone and shines it on a tree with a treehouse on top of it. "Oh my gosh Shawn, I love tree houses!" He gives me a boost up while I climb the tree him trailing behind me. I get to the top and go inside where he has one outdoor deck couch with cushions on it and two outdoor deck chairs. He takes a seat on one side of the couch while I take a seat on the other.

"Listen Brooke, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to. We can just talk and get to know each other better. You have a boyfriend and it would be wrong for you to cheat on Jake because he seems like a great guy." I shake my head up and down and he starts talking again.

"So, how old are you?" He asks me. "16" I answer. "Cool, me too." He continues to ask me stupid questions when I finally had it. "Jake is drunk, he won't remember anything. Screw it." I say before I grab Shawn's face and smash my lips into his. He kisses back after he realizes what is happening. He scoots me closer to him and while doing so, he accidentally touches my butt and then he brings his hands back up to my waist. I chuckle as his nervousness and he enters his tongue into my mouth. I am surprised and I continue kissing him when I feel him being ripped off of me.

I look up and I see someone punching him. "WHAT THE HELL! GET OFF OF SHAWN YOU ASSHOLE!" The dude stops punching Shawn and I finally realize that it's Jake. Jake looks at me with anger in his eyes and throws Shawn on the ground and goes to kick him when Shawn grabs his foot and flips Jake onto his back and starts punching him. I start panicking and go to the edge of the tree house and scream for help. "HELP SOMEONE HELP!" I see 4 boys climb up the tree hella quick and pry Shawn and Jake off of each other. "JAKE WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I go up to Jake and scream into his face. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN! YOU TWO WERE UP HERE FOR OVER 10 MINUTES AND I COME UP TO SEE HIM STICKING YOUR TONGUE DOWN HIS THROAT!" I swear just earlier Jake was so drunk he didn't even know who the hell I was. "OKAY WELL YOU COULD'VE CAME IN HERE AND ACTED LIKE A NORMAL PERSON AND NOT FUCKING PUNCHED SHAWN IN THE FACE! YOU KNOW WHAT JAKE, WE ARE OVER! DON'T EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN YOU FILTHY BITCH!" I scream in his face as the dudes holding him back from Shawn start to guide him out and down the tree when he breaks loose and punches Shawn in the face again. He finishes with Shawn when he comes over to me and slaps me across the face. Hard, VERY hard. That bitch.

I keep my head down after Jake slapped me waiting for him to hop down from the tree house and get lost. I hear 5 thumps on the ground indicating that it it just Shawn and I in the tree house. I look up to see Shawn's face all bloody and bruised up. "Fuck Shawn, this is all my fault I am so sorry!" I say while I start to cry. "Brooke, stop. I shouldn't of kissed back. Stop blaming it on yourself." He says while stepping towards me trying to embrace me in hug.

I flinch when his hand reaches my arm and I pull away. I start to get furious. "NO SHAWN! NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED IF I DIDNT KISS YOU! I-I-I'M SO SORRY!" I say as I start full on sobbing. I back away from Shawn only for me to back into one of the tree houses walls. I slide down the wall still crying like crazy and when I hit the bottom, I hold my head in my hands and just scream. Looking up to see Shawn already left, I scream and sob into my hands. After a couple minutes after I calm down, I climb down from the treehouse and approach the party house. The party is still in full swing so I just go through the side entrance of the house leading to the driveway. I start to walk back to my house, not Kelsey's when I remember that I am 30 minutes away from my house. Oh well, I can walk. I pull out my phone, type in my address and after what felt like 5 hours of walking I finally arrive at home. I pull out my key and unlock the front door. I drag myself up the stairs and walk into my room. I take my vans off and fall onto my bed. Not bothering to get into a pair of shorts/shirt or to take my makeup off. I then remembered all my shit is at Kelsey's. Oh well, I will just get it tomorrow

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