Chapter 20

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*Warning! I cried while writing this*

I was so mad at Shawn, how can he yell at me like that? I needed to do something to get my mind off of him. Then I remembered Kelsey offered to take me to that party. I texted her and told her to pick me up at my house in 15 minutes that I wanted to go.

She came and picked me up, then we drove about 15 minutes to this huge mansion.

There were at least 40 cars outside and you could see a lot of people outside, having a good time. This is just what I needed...

I have already had a bunch of drinks and Kelsey was no where to be found.

Just then a boy about my age with blonde hair and a toned body walked over to me.

"Hey there pretty lady, long time no see huh?" he said smirking after

"Jake?" I said laughing. "Hey babe."

"Babe? I missed that, so what do you say me and you go upstairs and talk for a little" he says putting quotations around the word talk.

"alright let's go" I said with a smirk before he took my hand and started to pull me up the stairs.

We got upstairs and went into a bedroom towards the end of the hall.

He looked at me with lust in his eyes like he's been waiting to do this for months.

He quickly smashed his lips into mine creating a very heated make out session almost instantly.

I pulled at the ends of his hair as his hands roamed my body.

He carried me over to the bed and was about to continue when the door opened.

"Brooke?" a voice called. "How could you?"

I looked up to see Shawn looking at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen.

"Shawn I-"

"No Brooke. I don't want excuses." He said as he walked out the door.

I pushed Jake off of me and followed Shawn out the door.

I chased after him.

"Shawn please stop," I yelled to him. We were now outside in the yard and people were looking at us. He stopped in his tracks.

"Shawn please," I pleaded tears forming in my eyes. His back was faced to me but he wasn't moving, just standing there waiting for me to say something that would make him want to stay "It didn't mean anything, I was mad and upset about our fight, I didn't plan for this to happen I just- Its just I just wanted to get my mind off it which is why I came here, and things just got carried away."

He turned to face me, I couldn't make out the expression on his face due to the fact that there was some distance in between us and it was dark out. He just stared blankly at me.

"Shawn please, I love you" I said, my voice cracking and tears falling down my cheeks.

Shawn slowly walked over to me, pain in his eyes. I hurt him and I've never regretted anything more in my life.

He stared at me for a few seconds before he slowly leaned down kissing my lips ever so softly and slowly, he pulled away, with his face still centimeters from my face, looking me straight in the eyes, I searched his eyes looking for some sign that this was him forgiving me and everything was okay.

"Goodbye Brooke" he said so softly I could barley hear him. He stood up straight and with that, he turned away into the darkness. My heart shattered into a billion pieces.

Twisted Fate // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now