Chapter 2

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Finally. It was the last day of school. This week has gone by so slow and I just can't wait for this party tonight. It will feel good to let loose.

Jake had been pissing me off this whole week. He was always with the basketball team. We haven't hung out in over two weeks. I'm not going to let it bother me.

I was going home to Kelsey's house to get ready. We got home at 2:45 and I hopped in the shower.

After I got out of the shower I got ready for Kelsey's party. I wore black pants with a white shirt with white heels and a black diamond necklace. I curled my hair and did my make-up a little bit heavier than usual but still not too much.

An hour later people started to show up. The house quickly filled up with people. I haven't seen Kelsey in 30 minutes it is so crowded in here.

I went outside and found Kelsey sitting on a chair with a bunch of girls who had their eyes glued on the boy sitting next to Kelsey. They were batting their eyelashes and pushing their boobs out trying to impress him.

I laughed to myself at how hard they were trying.

"Hey Kels!" I said. "Oh hey Brooke!" she said. She then gestured to the boy sitting next to her and said "This is my cousin, Shawn."

"Hi, I'm Brooke!" I said.

He smiled at me and got up to give me a hug. His strong scent of cologne filled my nose. It smelled delightful.

"I'm going to check inside to make sure no one is destroying the house." Kelsey said and then got up and walking inside.

I took her place on the chair next to Shawn. We all were talking about summer and how happy we are to be going into Junior year at the end of summer. The girls were all flirting with him.

I mean sure he's cute, but he's not that cute.

The three girls who were sitting there all got up to go to the bathroom and only left Shawn and I there to talk.

He was looking at me as I just looked ahead at the other people standing outside talking and having a good time.

"So Brooke," Shawn said. "Tell me about yourself."

I turned my head to look at him, "What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Anything, uhm, have you lived here your whole life?"

"No, we moved here from New York about three years ago for my moms job." I said "What about you?"

"Yup, born and raised." he laughed. "What does your mom do?"

"She's a Marketing Manager for Pepsi. They pay better here."

"Ahh, I see. What about your dad?"

"Well, my parents are divorced. My dad lives in Beverly Hills. I don't really know what he does exactly."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"No, it's okay, it's not really a touchy subject for me."

There was a moment of silence where we were both just looking up at the sky that was lit up by the moon. You can hear the music blaring from inside.

Brooke came back out with three beers. She handed one to me, one to Shawn, and opened one for herself.

"Cheers!" she said as we clanked cans. We all chugged the cold beverage.

I smiled at Kelsey and Shawn. "I'm going to use the bathroom."

The party has cooled down a bit and it seems like some people left. I went upstairs to the bathroom. On my way back outside I saw those three girls that were outside with us before. They were flirting with a group of boys from school. I mentally laughed at how slutty they were being.

A few hours later everyone was gone and it was only Shawn, Brooke, and I. We were cleaning up the mess everyone made.

I was sleeping over Brooke's house tonight and I guess Shawn was too? I'm not quite sure. I don't know how Jake would feel about it. He's way too over protective. I would never do anything to hurt him.

We were watching a movie when there was a honk from outside.

"That's my ride, It was nice meeting you Brooke. I will see you later Kelsey!" Shawn said as he waved to us and walked out the door.

Twisted Fate // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now