Chapter 19

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Shawn and I are at such a happy time in our relationship, everything is all smiles and giggles.

The only thing is he leaves for tour in like three days.

I'm going to miss him terribly, but he's going to be living his dream, which I am extremely happy for him.

The tour sounds like fun, a bunch of Internet boys on tour? Shawn's gonna have a blast while living his dream.

The only thing is there is a girl on tour... Mahogany Lox. And let me tell you, she is gorgeous! Any boy would he drooling over her.

Which is what I was worried about. Also, Shawn will be seeing so many beautiful girls while on tour.

What if he falls in love with one of them and leaves me?

Anyway, a few days ago one of the boys from the tour had dmed me and we were talking.

Just as friends of course.

Nash was his name.

I mean he was super cute, don't get me wrong.

But Shawn was way cuter.

Nash flirts a lot. He honestly comes off as such a fuckboy.

We had exchanged numbers a few days ago and I sat here texting Nash, waiting for Shawn to call me or something.

Just then there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"COME IN!" I yelled.

"Hey babe" Shawn said opening the door and then closing it again.

I locked my phone and got up wrapping my arms around Shawn as he wrapped his around my waist. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we stood there hugging each other.

He quickly kissed my lips before walking us over to the bed and setting me down, still hovering over me.

He began to trail kisses from my jawline down my neck and back up to my lips.

My phone went off and he continued to kiss me and then it went off again.

"Ugh" he groaned, grabbing my phone and looking at it.

"Shawn. That's my phone." I said taking it from his hand and sitting up straight.

"Who's Nash? Nash as in Nash Grier? From tour?" he said angrily standing up.

"Yeah, he dmed me the other day and he's been texting me, he's just a friend."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"Because you're not my parent and I don't need to tell you everything. Plus me and Nash are just friends. No need to worry."

He rolled his eyes "I don't like when you talk to other boys."

Now I rolled my eyes. "Jesus Shawn how many times do I have to say that we are just friends?"

"You don't even know him."

"Exactly. So why are you so worried?"

"Because you don't know about him and what he's capable of doing."

"What he's capable of doing? Shawn do you hear yourself? He's not a criminal, why are you so worked up about this."

"Brooke. If I was talking to other girls wouldn't you be mad? Worried that something was up? No matter how many times I told you "we're just friends"?"

I stayed silent.

"Exactly." he was so worked up and angry, his hands were fidgety. Seriously this boy has issues.

Then my phone went off again...

"If that is him tell him to stop texting you."

I looked down at my phone and it was a text message from Kelsey.

K- Crazy ass party tonight at my friends house, wanna come?

"It's Kelsey."

B- With Shawn tonight probably going to have to pass.

K- Bring him with you?

B- nah

Then of course Nash texted me.

And Shawn saw his contact and ripped the phone out of my hands, opening the text.

"Shawn!" I said trying to get my phone back. He's acting like a five year old.

He got up walking around the room so I couldn't get my phone.

"Let's see what Nash has to say... I mean Brooke if you two are just friends then you have nothing to hide right?"

I stopped trying to get my phone back, he has a good point. "Alright, go ahead read the messages."

"From Nash..." he began to speak out loud. "Hey babe, you down to fuck tonight?"

"It does not say that."

Shawn laughed, "Just wanted to see your reaction."

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Of course."

"Wait Brooke..." Shawn said showing me the phone.


"Why are you going through my phone?" I said snatching my phone from him.

Ok fine. Ill admit I have been talking to a few other guys but nothing serious, they're all just friends. But now I know I'm screwed.

"I can't believe you right now." Shawn said angrily. "I knew something was up,  yet you denied it! Why are you talking to all these guys? Trying to find someone better than me?"

"Shawn I-"

"I didn't think you'd be one to go whoring around."


"I'm not whoring around."

"YOURE TALKING TO ABOUT 6 DIFFERENT GUYS WHILE YOURE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE... sounds slutty to me." he yelled, except for that last part.

"You just called me a slut." I said tears brimming my eyes.

"Look Brooke I" he said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why? Maybe if you explained why you're talking to them all I would understand."

"Leave." I said pushing him out the door. He didn't hesitate about leaving, which I was hoping he would.

Twisted Fate // Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now