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ᴀ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ᴢᴇʙʀᴀ?!?

Dani and Hanna made their way to the zoo. "I wonder why the zoo." Hanna said, then she tighten her grip on him. "I don't.... have you ridden a motorcycle before?" Dani asked her. "You can tell?" Hanna questioned him. "Si... you don't have to be tense, I got you." Dani stated.

"Talia, we're at the zoo." Dani stated as he pulled into the parking lot. "Good. I'm up on La Batidora. that big spinning ride." Talia briefly explained. "OK. we'll find you." Dani stated. Hanna looked at the structure. "Looks like some climbing involved." Hanna said as she pulled her hair up. Dani looked at the tattoo on her back. "You still need to tell me the stories behind your tattoos." Dani stated. Hanna looked back at him. "As long I get to see all yours." Hanna said, she winked as she climbed up the ladder, that left Dani blushed and speechless.

"Talia." Hanna said. "Now there's the Hanna I know." Talia stated as she looked at her hair, Dani made his way up. "Let's talk history." Talia said, Dani and Hanna nodded.

"Castillo's repeating history. My history. Yara was built by slaves and now so is Viviro. El Presidente is Afro-Yaran and doesn't even realize the fucking irony. He has innocent people down there. People from our show. We did one in Esperanza. Caused a riot. Castillo's 'Minister of Bullshit Propaganda.' Maria Marquessa. blacklisted us. Locked me up in her Academy and tried to fry my brain but I was lucky. Paolo and Hanna here... busted me out. Paolo told me to move on but I can't. Not with people locked up down there.. In cages. Sleeping in their own shit like I was. I don't got skills to break people out. You two do. Save them!" Talia explained.

Hanna looked at her. "My mom was out here, trying to save people of Yara when she was killed then my father... was screwing Maria.... Talia, Let's make history, change it... make it better." Hanna said. "Your father had no taste... but your mother is still inspiration to all... I'll stay here, be your lookout." She told Hanna. 


Dani took out the soldiers while Hanna took out the alarms and free the prisoners. "Please don't make yourselves known, get to safety." Hanna told them, they thanked her. Hanna met up with Dani.

"Talia, the people are safe." Dani told her. "Good, but it's not enough." Talia said. "Yara needs to see this, means evidence." Hanna stated. "Si, Yara needs to see what Castillo is doing. See why we can't sit silent." Talia explained. "Security cameras are all over this place. Some footage could change a lot of minds." Dani said. Hanna patted him on the shoulder. "Fuck yes, Dani! Broadcasting footage! Bicho will know how to get that to as many people as we can." Talia explained. "We'll look for the control room." Dani stated. 

Hanna looked inside the cages.. "Hanna..." Dani said. "This is so fucking foul... the fact my father had done the same.... they worship him like some g_d." Hanna stated. Dani sighed. "But my mother was treated like the enemy...." Hanna stated. Dani lead Hanna away as they head to the control room. Hanna looked at Dani. "Someone would've already told me to shut up about my past... but you... you are always listen.... and thank you." Hanna stated. "Of course." Dani said, which made Hanna smile at him.

Dani unlocked the door. "The footage must be in here."  Dani stated. Hanna went to computer, typed away. "There... download has started.. now we wait." Hanna stated. Then the alarms began blaring. "Oh.. it's not that fucking easy then." Hanna said as she got her guns ready.

"Dani .. Hanna, They're sending in reinforcements."  Talia warned them. Hanna and Dani saw the download was nowhere near finished.

"Cono. The download isn't finished." Dani stated. "You two fuck them up. We need that footage." Talia said. Hanna huffed. "That's the plan." Hanna stated. A soldier came running in, Hanna blasted them. "Oh you fuckers are going to get it!" Hanna exclaimed.


The soldiers blasted the door off. "What the?!?" Hanna questioned. "Come on!" Hanna exclaimed at the computer. She saw Dani on the ground, She gasped. She managed to hit the soldier and Dani took him down.

Hanna heard the computer, she turned to see the download was completed. "Dani let's get out of here!" Hanna exclaimed. She saw the herd of soldiers. "But first..." Hanna stated. "Hanna!" Dani exclaimed. 

She tossed a grenade at the herd, it went off. "Oh..." Hanna said. "This is our cue." Hanna said as she then grabbed Dani's hand, they ran off to hide. They looked at each other, "Well tonight was something now." Hanna stated. "It was... I better let Talia know." Dani replied and Hanna nodded.

"Talia, it's clear down here and we got the footage." Dani stated. "Now I see why Clara likes you both! Hanna, I already knew but you. Maria's not gonna be able to cover this shit up. Don't worry, we'll give Libertad some credit." Talia explained. "Just do your thing, Talia." Dani stated.

"OK, Meet me at that shitty Anton state by the front gates. This is worth it. You'll see. Trust Dani and Hanna, trust."  Talia stated. Dani was about to look at Hanna but froze when he saw her leg. Hanna sighed. "I got hurt again... I know." Hanna stated. "How are you able to run?!?" Dani questioned her. "I just can Rojas." Hanna stated.


Dani and Hanna waited around, Hanna sighed. "Talia? Where the fuck are you?" Dani questioned. Hanna looked back, her eyes widen. "A fucking zebra?!?" Hanna exclaimed. "Not just any, It's Anton's fucking zebra!" Talia stated. "That's a horse and some paint." Dani stated, Hanna looked at Dani. "Si, but it'll make me famous! Take a pic." Talia said, as she climbed on. The zebra got spooked and begun to freak out. "Hurry up! Take the fucking picture!" Talia exclaimed.  "How?" Hanna questioned. "Keep it still!" Dani exclaimed. Talia pointed a gun. "Buck... one more time. I fucking dare you." Talia stated sternly. "Violence isn't going to make that zebra stop." Hanna stated. "Well.. I'm good with animals." Talia said, then took her by surprised when the Zebra took off.

Hanna and Dani shook their heads.


After they got back, Dani doctored her leg, she hummed then spotted his shoulder. "Dani... your hurt." Hanna stated. "Doesn't matter." Dani stated. "Bullshit, get the first aid kit and I'll aid to it."  Hanna said, sternly. 

Dani took moved the tank top sleeve, then sighed and pulled off his shirt. Hanna's breath hitch. "Between the both of us, we are going to have so many scars by the end of this." Hanna stated as she begun to aid to the wound. "Looks like a cut, thank goodness." Hanna added as she look over it one more time. Dani was distracted by her. 

Hanna looked up at him, "Thank you for always listening to me... you don't have to but you always do." Hanna stated as she finished up. "Of course." Dani stated. "Of course.." Dani mumbled, then his mind begun to wonder on her.

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