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After everything that happened with Maria, Dani thought it was best if he and Hanna took a breather, well Hanna, he took care of another task for Talia and thought it was best for Hanna to sit that out, after seeing how bad Hanna reacted in front of Maria.

Dani and Hanna were heading to Bicho's location after he was heard panicking. Dani looked over at Hanna. "You good?" Dani asked. "Si... things are starting to make sense.... there's a reason why I shut this trauma out, because even as a child... it was too much." Hanna stated. "That's understanding..." Dani stated.

The duo hopped off the bike and walked towards Bicho. "You are both here! Ok, I can breath again." Bicho stated. "Bicho, what's going on?" Hanna questioned.

"I though Radio Libertad would fix everything but everything's fucked. Talia's doing some crazy shit. I haven't slept in days. Nothing's been right since Paolo left. My dealer swears he saw Paolo at the airport and he was with that fucker Bembe, Dani and Hanna... you two can't let Paolo leave. He's the only thing that can pull Talia back from the cliff, carnal. I even tried to get Paolo, got as far as the airport gate and then boom... soldiers everywhere. I squirted a little and I ran. You both know I'm no good with soldiers, Dani and Hanna. You two got to get Paolo back. You both got to make everything OK again." Bicho pleaded. Hanna shook her head.

"Alright... you go on out here, even from a distance it's not safe here, Dani and I got this." Hanna stated as she patted Bicho on the shoulder. "Si... Thanks you two." Bicho stated before he ran off. Hanna picked up her scope. "As usual, special forces." Hanna spatted.

"We find Paolo... and he's with that fucking snake." Hanna spatted more. The duo got closer to the airport. "This place is crawling with soldados, they must have been waiting for Paolo." Dani stated. "Without a doubt... Bembe is involved." Hanna remarked. "Let's take them out... one by one... it's risky but the quicker we do this, the quicker we get to Paolo." Hanna explained. "It is but... I trust you." Dani stated. Hanna slightly smile.


The duo took out the guards one by one. Then the duo found Bembe, but no sign of Paolo. "What the..." Hanna mumbled. "I'd like to think you two are here to see your dear friend Bembe but we both know you're after Paolo." Bembe remarked. "Where is he?" Dani questioned. "He's supposed to be on a first class flight to Miami right now." Bembe replied. "But you sold him out." Dani spatted. "No no no, the was one of life's rare surprises. Soldados were waiting for me, Rojas and Kang, so I struck a deal." Bembe explained. Hanna scoffed.

"So that's when you sold him out." Dani remarked. "I traded for my freedom and kickbacks." Bembe stated. "You self centered prick." Hanna spatted. "...But I'm not heartless. I will tell you where they took him. Paolo is in a resort in Barrial." Bembe added. "If they've done anything to him. We're coming for you." Dani spatted. "Promises, promises.." Bembe rambled. "Promises, that will be fulfilled if something happens to Paolo, I mean it." Hanna spatted. "If I were you two, I'd hurry. Rojas and Kang." Bembe added. "Paolo is not in the safest hand." Bembe finished. Hanna huffed as she and Dani stormed out quickly. 

"Listen to me, You get Talia... I'll look for Paolo." Dani stated. Hanna looked at Dani. "Dani, no... this person who took Paolo is dangerous....please don't." Hanna pleaded. Dani then grabbed her face. "Look at me..." Dani said, Then she made eye contact with him. "I promise I will not leave you, I'll be fine... You and Talia will be ready if things go south... please.." Dani pleaded. "You better." Hanna remarked. Dani hugged her. "Have I broke a promise yet?" Dani questioned. Hanna squeeze his hand before running to a jeep nearby. 

Dani sighed.  Hanna hopped into the jeep. She punched the steering wheel. "Fucking Bembe!" Hanna exclaimed. She took a breath then drove back to camp, quickly


"Hey Bicho... " Dani remarked. "You both got Paolo! You two are real Yaran heros..." Bicho  exclaimed. "Shut up for a second. He's been captured. They took him to a fucking resort." Dani explained, his mind was going back to Hanna then back to the situation. "A resort?  What does that mean? Is Paolo OK? Is it a nice resort? Why am I not hearing Hanna?" Bicho rambled. "Bicho! Hanna went back to camp to get Talia and will meet me there, One of us we'll call you when we have him, OK?" Dani stated before disconnecting the call. 

After checking in at the other resorts, Dani was at the right one. "Hanna... Where are you?" Dani questioned. "Just made it to the camp." Hanna replied. "I'll send you my location and you two meet me here." Dani stated. "Alright... be careful." Hanna said, sternly. "I promise." Dani replied.

Dani heard someone panicking on the other side the door, He opened the door to find Paolo strapped to the table. Then Dani felt something go into his neck.

"Easy Dani... it's a shame señorita Kang isn't with you... now easy..."  Dani heard Dr. Reyes tell him before everything blacked out.


Hanna quickly made herself back at camp, She noticed something was wrong when Dani didn't contact her back, but she did get his location. "Fucking hell." Hanna said, panicking. "There you are." She heard Talia, Hanna quickly grabbed her mother's journal. "Remember that doctor from the other day?" Hanna asked Talia. "Si..." Talia replied. "My mother had an encounter with him, his poison was found in her system when she was killed." Hanna explained. Talia looked at her. "My mother was killed in Esperanza." Hanna stated. "Dani went to find Paolo... I'm afraid..." Hanna stated. "Hanna, what?" Talia questioned then Hanna looked at Talia.

"Talia....We need to find Dani and Paolo... Doctor Reyes is after them both." Hanna said, sternly. "Do you have any idea where?" Talia asked. "Si... Dani had sent me his location and... I haven't heard anything since, but we have to hurry." Hanna replied. "Lead the way, Kang!" Talia exclaimed as she and Hanna left the camp.

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