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Dani and Hanna were driving back from Esperanza. She hummed. "That was fucking crazy.. I would so do it again." Hanna stated, Dani snorted. "Of course, you would." Dani stated.

Bicho called and Dani connected the call. "Daniii... Hannaaa... My best friends.. My sweet little piglets.." Bicho slurred. "What?" Dani questioned. "You. Hanna. Me. Segunda. Main Square. Drinks. Now." Bicho stated. Hanna rose a brow.

"Sounds like you got a head start." Dani stated and Bicho begins to rant. Dani and Hanna silently chuckled. "Cono, We'll be there when we can." Dani stated. "Go easy, Bicho!" Hanna remarked.

Hanna and Dani looked at each. "We could really use it." Hanna stated. "Can you handle it?" Dani questioned. Hanna looked at him. "Are you serious... i'll show you." Hanna sassed, Dani chuckled at her.


The Duo made it to town, "Now where is a wasted Bicho?" Hanna questioned as they walked through the town. The duo found him on a bench and approached him. 

"Maximas Matanzas is fucking dead. Radio Libertad is dead. We were the mouth of the revolcion! Mouth. Mouuuth. And you two know what's even worse? This bottle is empty. How fucked up is that? You two and me got a date with some cervezas. And then those cervezas's friends. And family. And cousins. Every fucking cerveza on this whole stupid island. I have a plan, There's some soldiers here and they have booze. But they..they...they don't need it, like like uh like uh we do. Liberate the cervezas. Dani and Hanna!" Bicho rambled as he chuckled.


The duo brought the drinks back to Bicho. "Nice. What'd you get? Nevermind, I don't care." Bicho asked. "Bicho, our future is now." Dani said, Then Dani put an arm around Hanna. "You especially could use this..." Dani whispered. Hanna smiled and nodded. "Si..." Hanna whispered back. "You two.... are... a genius.... Let's do this. Priorities. wey." Bicho said.

The trio take shot after shot, Laughing, having a great time and forgetting their worries.


"Cono. I'm feeling it. Definitely feeling it.... Where's Hanna?" Dani slurred. "Dani, you hear that? Music! Come Dani, Hanna gotta be there already." Bicho slurred.

Dani approached the party but he froze when he saw a man hitting on Hanna. "I told you, I'm taken!" She slurred. Dani's blood boil when he saw about to place his hand near her ass. "Hey! there you are bebé!" Dani exclaimed. Hanna turned and smiled. "Dani!" Hanna slurred. "There's no..." The guy was about to say but froze when Dani pressed his lips onto hers. He pulled away and looked at the man then looked back at Hanna. "Oye. Party time!" Dani exclaimed. "C'mon you little fucker. let's dance!" Dani exclaimed at Bicho then looked at Hanna. "Shall we?" Dani slurred. "Si...let's hit the floor Hot Stuff." Hanna slurred.


The duo puked on the street. "Ooh that's better." Dani stated. "Bicho?" Hanna stated. "Where are you little pineapple- hair fuck!  Don't leave us alone out here!" Dani exclaimed. They walked around until Dani stopped. "Oh shit.Phone." Dani said as he then grabbed his phone.

"Dani? Hanna? " Bicho asked. "Hey, where are you man?" Dani asked him. "Daniiiiiii." Bicho whined. "Bicho you comemierda, where'd you go?" Dani questioned. "Bichooooo." Hanna stated. "Dani, Hanna, there's  a really big dog here." Bicho stated and they heard a moo. "is that... is that a cow?" Dani questioned. "A cow?!?" Hanna questioned. "Where did you find a cow?" Dani questioned.

"He's really nice. He gives lots of kisses." Bicho stated. Hanna looked at the phone. "The hell." She mumbled. "Stay where you are, We'll come find you." Dani told him, Then the duo looked at the photo as Bicho giggled away. "(What the fuck is that?)" Dani questioned as he disconnected the call. Hanna looked at Dani, She giggled. "You want to see the cow?" Hanna questioned. "Si..." Dani replied.


"No more Dani and Hanna, only doggie! I love you, doggie." Bicho slurred. "What the fuck?" Hanna questioned. "Aw shit. Shit. What the fuck." Dani slurred. Hanna pinched the tip of her nose. "Hey, how do you become a guerrilla?" Bicho questioned. "?Que?" Both Hanna and Dani questioned. "Like, for Libertad. Does Clara give you a test?" Bicho asked. "Yeah, Bicho. She makes you get up at like, four in the morning and do pushups." Dani explained "What?" Bicho stated. "Yeah. A thousand. If you stop, her buddy Juan shaves your ass and spanks you. And if you puke, they make you do math." Dani added. Hanna playfully hit him. "You are such a liar." Hanna slurred then she giggled. 

"(It's driving me crazy!) Fucking MATH? No way. No way. (Buddy.) You're full of shit. You're lying." Bicho stated. "Since when did you want to be a guerrilla?" Dani questioned. "Never mind. Forget it." Bicho stated.

"Dani... Hanna..." Bicho said. "We're right here." Hanna slurred. "I can't look at our old graffiti. It makes my heart feel like a bag of dogshit. now it's messed up. Just like me." Bicho explained. Then Hanna and Dani created artwork on all the posters across town.

"Ok, that's every single one... " Dani stated. "Really? How...how many did you two do?" Bicho questioned. "Like.. at least a hundred... well it's Hanna's work have you seen her work... just..." Dani stated as he pressed a kiss on her cheek, She grinned. "At least someone credits me..." Hanna mumbled. "Nice..." Bicho stated. "Drink?" Dani asked. Hanna took the bottle and took a drink


"It's not fair, man." Bicho said as the duo chuckled. "You're right, it isn't. What?" Dani stated. "You and Hanna. I mean you two! Look at you two. Look at you too. You two wanna to do something, you go out there and do it. People see me, they think... fuckup. They see you two and it's  'Wow. The God and Goddess of Yara.' " Bicho stated. "That's not what people see." Dani stated. "Bullshit. it is." Bicho stated back. Dani then pulled out his gun. "No, They see this. that's it. But I'm okay with that." Dani stated.

"Yeah, because you both are a badass." Bicho stated. "You know before Libertad. I had two best friends. Just like you. Lita used to joke we were nothing but numbers to the rest of Yara. I was lucky orphan thirteen  at Esperanza's 'School for the lost.' Then cadet 2 6 8 3, and after that. draftee 0 4 1 8 to 'Rebuild Castillo's Paradise.' When Lita died, She called me 'the lucky one'  Like an idiot, I thought... 'still just a number, Dani' A nobody but I wasn't listening. She knew I still had a chance to be who I wanted to be. She was telling me not to waste it. To act. People see what they want to see. I am not a number. I am not a fucking gun. I'm a guerrilla. Just like you. I use this and you use that. Huh?" Dani explained as he laid back. 

"But I could be a cool fuckin' gun too?" Bicho stated.

 Dani and Bicho looked back to see Hanna passed out. "She's not going to remember a thing." Dani stated as he sat up. "You two are cute..." Bicho stated. "We aren't together." Dani stated. "It's crazy your saying that, because you two were so lovey dovey last night.... Dani you make her happy..." Bicho stated. "She wouldn't... not with me." Dani stated. "That's not what are heard with her and Talia.... she's the same way." Bicho stated. Dani looked back at her. Dani then looked back at Bicho. "I swear to you man, she considers you her lucky one.. Hanna's been in a dark place for a long time.... it was time someone pull her out, that someone is you...she's in love with you." Bicho stated. "..... And I am with her..." Dani stated. 

ᴄʀɪᴍꜱᴏɴ | Dani RojasWhere stories live. Discover now