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ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ʙᴇ ᴏᴋᴀʏ, ʙɪᴄʜᴏ.

Dani opened his eyes, his first thought went to Hanna, she was no where in sight.

"Welcome back idiot." He heard Matias. "How is Talia?" Dani asked as he sat up. "You're both lucky, you have the best doctor in Yara." Matias told him. "Where's Paolo?" Dani questioned. "Just outside, Hanna's with him, said he had a war to plan." Matias told him. "Fuck." Dani stated groaned in pain. "Now cut yourself open again and I am not putting you back together." Matias warned him.

Dani opened the door, He saw Hanna with Paolo. Hanna looked over to see Dani, She sighed in relief, she got up and cautiously wrapped her arms around him. "Thank g_d... you are okay." Hanna stated then she felt him wrap his arms around her. "I made a promise, I wasn't going to break it." Dani told her, she smiled softly. "Bicho's gone, Paolo got more details.... I told him not to do anything stupid." Hanna stated as she shook her head as she pulled away.

"Also... Dani, El Doctor.... his poison... killed my mother.... but her friend stated in her journal it was a foreigner, but he got the poison from El Doctor..." Hanna explained. "He's still responsible and he'll pay." Dani stated. "I should've went with you." Hanna stated. "No... he would've done worse to you." Dani stated. "I would've never forgiven myself if something were to happen to you." Dani added. Hanna shook her head. "Thanks for keeping your promise." Hanna stated. Dani slightly smile at her. "Let's talk to Paolo." Dani stated.

"Bicho's gone crazy, screaming about Bembe, blaming him for what happened to you two, me and Talia. Last night, he took off while we were sleeping. I think the idiot's gone after Bembe, even after Hanna told him not to do something crazy. Don't know how Bicho thinks he's going to track him down. Bicho always had our back and we never... just find the little shit, OK? We are going to war. I need to rally our people. Train them. That means no one gets left behind, even Bicho." Paolo explained.

"We'll find him." Hanna stated.


Dani and Hanna made it to Bicho's place. Hanna looked over at Dani, "How are you feeling?" Hanna asked. "Sore... but I've been through worse." Dani stated. Hanna rose a brow at him and Dani noticed. "I'm fine." Dani stated. "Just... don't overdo it." Hanna stated back. Hanna slightly smiled. Then she looked forward, "I hope Bicho's safe... please." Hanna remarked. "It's Bicho Hanna." Dani remarked. "Yeah, but he was furious." Hanna stated as they got out of the car.

Dani and Hanna approached the front door. "Bicho?" Both Hanna and Dani questioned. "Bicho!" Dani exclaimed. "You crazy comemierda.  Where are you?" Dani questioned. Hanna spotted a paper. "Dani?" Hanna questioned. 

Dani approached her and spotted that she had half of a piece of paper. "We need to find the other half, he's meeting with somebody." Hanna explained. Dani read it. "So... Bembe's buying weapons from the military. Looks like the handoff was at the rodeo." Dani explained. "Psh, Bembe..." Hanna remarked as she rolled her eyes, then she saw the other half outside on the table.

"He's hunting down Bembe..." Hanna stated in concern. "If we find Bembe, We find Bicho (Be alive my friend...)" Dani stated in concern.

"Oye Paolo, I think Bicho's done something stupid." Dani stated. "What's he done this time?" Paolo questioned. "He's really going after Bembe." Dani stated. "Stupod comemierda." Paolo spatted. "Don't worry, We'll find him before he digs himself too deep." Hanna assured him. "Hurry Dani and Hanna, Bicho's no match for someone like Bembe." Paolo stated.


After the rodeo, Hanna and Dani headed to the other location, cleared out the soldiers. Then Hanna spotted a man, cowarding away in the corner, he spotted her. "Don't kill me! I did nothing!" Henrique exclaimed.

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