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"Jonron, I didn't think you stuck around here?" Hanna questioned. "I see you tried to show the old man..." Jonron stated. "We tried, but it was a waste... but ... he'll realize sooner or later." Hanna remarked.

"To think I looked up to these (elders.) I know you did as well Hanna. You and Dani don't waste your time. We're freeing El Este with or without them. You need to talk to my boss. Yelena. AND you need to see our operation up close. Swing by El Agujero. It's La Moral's badass headquarters in Concepcion. Say this password to our doorman... ('Once the dog is dead. there's no more rabies.')" Jonron explained.

"Alright, tell your boss Dani and I are will be there." Hanna stated. "I knew I could count on you." Jonron remarked.

Hanna looked at Dani, "Let's get off this mountain Mi Amor." Hanna remarked. "Si..si."


Hanna and Dani approached the door, Dani knocked on it. Hanna hummed.  Hanna and Dani looked at the man who approached the door. "(Once the dogi is dead, there's no more rabies.)" Hanna and Dani stated. Then the man opened the door for the two of them. 

"Hanna is nice to have you in our presence." The man told her. "I take it Jonron wasn't kidding." Hanna stated to Dani. "Yelena is on downstairs." He told her. "Gracias." Hanna stated.

"I need six volunteers."

"I'll talk to my people, honey."

"Big Jorge and Ana's gangs are probably on the ship."

"You're Yelna?" Dani asked. As a few eyes went on Hanna while Yelena was startled by Dani. "Mierda." Yelena remarked.

"Dani. right? Where's my medicine?" Yelena questioned. "You mean Libertad's meds? We gave them to the Legends." Dani questioned her. "No. you handed it to some retirees shitting their diapers on top of a mountain. What could you possibly want from then?" Yelena questioned Dani.

"Well not so me, not sure on him but more so Clara. We need more than bullets and guerrillas to take down Castillo. Like it or not, Yaranos love the Legends... Don't know if that statement is approving." Hanna remarked. "Hanna..." Dani stated sternly. "Clara Gracia loves her politics but Hanna Kang is quite the opposite." Yelena told Hanna. "Good luck getting those abuelos off their asses."  Yelena added. 

"We could use La Moral's help." Hanna stated while Dani nodded. "You know why Clara never told you about us?" Yelena questioned. "Because she thinks your just kids playing with guns... I disagree about that statement because when I look at La Moral, I see myself." Hanna stated. "Besides Clara loves to talk about the future, Her future not ours. Clara's just a Castillo who lost his dick." Yelena stated.

"So you have a better plan for Yara?" Dani asked. "Bullets first, Politics later... wise words from Hanna Kang." Yelena stated as she looked at Hanna. "You said you needed volunteers." Dani stated. 

"Admiral Benitez got the jump on us a couple hours ago. She's holding my people hostage on a cargo ship."  Yelena explained. "We'll go." Hanna stated. "Alone, I don't get it." Yelena remarked. "Consider us even for the meds." Dani stated. "Save my people and I'll think about it." Yelena stated. "(That mind will be changed.)" Hanna remarked, Yelena shook her head.


Dani and Hanna made it onto the ship, they took out the soldiers one by one. Hanna came across a hostage. "Hanna Kang?!?" One of them questioned. Hanna put her finger over her mouth. "Dani.... Mi amor?" Hanna questioned. She heard the chaos outside. "(Shit) You guys find a safe cover, when you don't heard anymore chaos outside.... you can come out." Hanna explained sternly. Hanna spotted a solider about ready to trigger the alarm, She took out both the soldier and alarm.

"Woah..." Dani stated. "I'm coming!" Hanna exclaimed.


Hanna made sure everyone was okay while Dani contacted Yelena. "I'm on the ship, Hanna and I managed to free everyone." Dani stated. "Hang tight, I am sending boats and backup." Yelena stated. "Gracias..." Dani stated but saw concern across Hanna's face. "Hanna..." Dani stated. "There's no way we are practically walking out of here... " Hanna stated. 

"This is Admiral Benitez. To the fake Yaran terroristas. I have you right where I want you. At this very minute , military forces are heading to your position. I recommend laying down your weapons and taking one last look at a nation that does not want you. Instead of peacefully serving Yara as Outcasts, you will die. right here. Right now."  Benitez stated. 

"In your fucking dreams (bitch)." Hanna spatted.


Hanna got blast off the ship and landed in the ocean. "HANNA!" Dani exclaimed as he saw the boat coming. "Fuck!" Dani spatted. Hanna came up, she took a gasp of air. Dani hopped in. "Hey! you okay!" Dani exclaimed. "Yeah! I'm good! Nothing can't take me down." Hanna remarked with grin.

Then the boat approached them, Dani helped Hanna on and Dani hopped on, then attended to the guns. Hanna pulled out her gun and shot the bombs in the water to help clear a way for the boats.

Hanna's heart shook as they went off.

When they made it to the beach. "SOLDIERS!" Hanna exclaimed. She pulled out her pistols and took out two soldiers. "Damn..." A guerrilla stated. "Mi novia is a badass." Dani stated as he took out a soldier.


"WOO! Nothing can't stop La Moral!" A guerilla shouted. Dani saw Hanna talking to one of them in a distance.

"Yelena, it's done. Your people are safe." Dani stated. "I heard." Yelena remarked. "We even for the supplies?" Dani questioned. "Fuck yeah.... Hanna was so right..." Yelena stated, Dani silently snorted at that last part.

"Need us for anything else?" Dani questioned as he then saw Hanna walking towards him. "Come back to El Agujero. Shit is getting real." Yelena remarked. "We need to rally our people and talk next steps." Yelena added. "Dale."  Dani stated. "Yelena needs us..." Hanna asked. "Si... but first." Dani stated, as he grabbed her waist then pressed his lips onto hers, she smiled as she then grabbed his face.


Dani and Hanna made it back, everyone was gathered up. "What's happening?" Dani questioned Jonron. "Meeting on the mound. Some of our friends want to quit early." Jonron explained. Yelena hopped up onto the table.

"Okay. listen up. This isn't worth killing for, sure as hell isn't worth dying for. We're young. We should be out there drinking and fucking and skipping school." Yelena explained. "Whoo!" Jonron exclaimed. Hanna and Dani looked at her.

"Our parents and grandparents already stole our future. Why should we give a shit? That's what I used to think and then one day Admiral Benitez walked into my classroom with a gun. She called on your name, you came to the front. One by One." Yelena stated.

Yelena pointed the gun at the wall.




"The Admiral read their 'crimes.' protesting, handing out pamphlets, liking a Clara Gracia post."

"Fernadez, Jimenez, Pena." 

Hanna silently gasped at the last gunshot.

"Father...STOP!" As windows would shatter as soon as the bullets would make contact on the glass.

"I learned a lesson on my last day at school. You can either be on the right side of history... or the wrong side of Castillo's guns." Yelena finished.

"Wise words, young guerrilla." Hanna saw Tigre and Rita walking in. "La Moral taking new members?" Tigre asked.

"Depends..." Yelena stated. "What, is there an age limit?" Tigre questioned.  "Rita and I will bleed for La Moral, If you'll take us." Tigre stated as he sliced his hand opened.

"Welcome to the war. (Old man.) you too as well Rita." Yelena stated.

"(Nice one!)" Dani stated. Hanna smiled but then her mind went else where.

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