Fuck-Negan Smith

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"Sucking a cock is an art. And Rick, well, he's taken my cock down the throat enough times to be considered a master. So tell me...WHY WON'T YOU TAKE MY COCK DOWN THE THROAT LIKE A GOOD BITCH!!!!" Negan screamed into your face and started to huff, you of course were a settlement leader that refused to be intimidated by him. 

"What?!" You responded like any functioning person would, cause what Negan just said was weird

"I meant-I mean....." Negan paused to try and articulate his thoughts into sane words, he pinched the bridge of his nose while thinking intently. "I mean, you just need to surrender. That's all I'm asking or saying." Negan said the last part in a more calm and friendly tone.  

"Well, it must suck for you to hear this but no way in hell. I will never let you control us." You then retorted in a stern and unyielding tone. Negan paused before speaking again.

"I just wanna clarify....Rick never sucked my dick. That was a metaphor, solely a metaphor." Negan clarified with a nod, though this only caused you to get more irritated. 

"Christ, you're a moron." You say with a huff and shake your head, you try to think of a compromise, since you knew Negan would just attack and brutally slaughter your people if you didn't at least give him something. "What about if we...give you a third of the supplies?" You say quietly and looked up at Negan, you spoke softly as if you were embarrassed that you had to negotiate with Negan. He thinks about the offer for a moment and instinctively rubs his chin. 

"Deal." Negan nods and reaches his hand out, you sigh deeply and shake his hand. "Now, why don't you-Argh!!" Negan was suddenly interuppted by zombies making their way towards the group as they stood outside your settlement. 

"Open the fucking gates!!" You yelled in a slight panic and ran to the gate, but it didn't open. 

"It's stuck!" One of you men yelled from the other side of the gate as he tried to pull the lever up to open the gate, but he instead snaps the lever in two. 

"Fuck." You mumbled to yourself and look back at the giant horde of zombies approaching. Negan and his men then rush to the gate and start to try and pry it open, your men doing the same on the other side of the fence. 

"Ya gonna help or just get eaten?!" Negan snaps at you as he pulls as hard as he can on the gate, but it still wouldn't budge. You look around and then up at the watch posts on the wall surrounding your settlement. 

"Archers on the wall!!" You ordered before walking to the gate and helping to try and pry it open, you where standing in front of Negan and pulling with all your might. Though you couldn't even feel the gate budge. "This isn't working." You grumbled as you let go of the gate. 

"You got a better idea?" Negan retorted while looking up to see the archers firing down at the horde, but there were too many for them to kill. The archers where only able to take out about a third of the zombies. 

"Negan, your men are armed yes?" You asked while looking back at him while pulling your sledge hammer off your back holster and holding at the ready. 

"Yeah." Negan said softly while grabbing Lucille and standing next to you, his men doing the same. 

"We stay in formation." Negan says before nodding and looking over at you, you look into his eyes and nod. You all let the zombies get close enough to hill with a headshot. You swing you hammer and crush one of the zombies skulls, Negan brings Lucille down on a approaching zombie's head. Black blood started to mist you. After a few more swings, you had taken out five zombies and same went for Negan. You took a breath and swing your sledge hammer again but didn't manage to kill the zombie. It then grabbed onto your arm and tried to pull you into the horde, you grabbed your knife, but before you could stab the zombie Negan shot it in the head with his revolver. You watched in shock as the zombies brain splattered out the back. After a second, you collect yourself and nod. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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