{Kinship's Echo}

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The autumn breeze carried a chill that matched the tension between Nozomi and her best friend, Haruto. They sat on the edge of the school rooftop, a place that once felt like a sanctuary, now thick with unspoken words.

"Nozomi, we need to talk," Haruto finally broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper.

Nozomi's heart raced, but she nodded, her eyes fixed on the horizon. "I know things have been... different since the festival."

"Different? You've been distant, Nozomi. It's like you're there, but not really," Haruto said, frustration seeping into his tone.

She sighed, the weight of her gold medal felt like a shackle. "I didn't mean to push you away. It's just-everyone looks at me like I'm some kind of hero because of my quirk. But you, Haruto, you know the real me. Or at least, you used to."

Haruto turned to face her, his expression softening. "I do know the real you, Nozomi. That's why it hurts. You've changed. You're so caught up in this... this image that everyone has of you."

Tears welled up in Nozomi's eyes. "I'm scared, Haruto. Scared that this quirk is all I'll ever be to people. I don't want to lose you too."

Haruto reached out, his hand hesitating in the air before resting on her shoulder. "You could never lose me, Nozomi. But you need to let people in. Let them see the girl who loves old movies, who laughs at terrible puns, who's my best friend."

Nozomi leaned into his touch, a small smile breaking through her angst. "Thank you, Haruto. I'll try. I promise."

As the sun set, casting a warm glow over them, Nozomi felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, she could find a balance between Nozomi the girl and Nozomi the telekinetic champion.

A flashback occurred in the back of nozomi's troubled mind as she closed her eyes and enjoying the moments of her childhood that she adored.

{The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the playground where Nozomi and Haruto were perched atop the old jungle gym. They were in their own little world, a bubble of laughter and shared secrets.

"Watch this, Haruto!" Nozomi exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. With a flick of her wrist, a nearby swing began to sway as if pushed by an invisible hand. They were young, and her control over her quirk was still a novelty, a game they played together.

Haruto's laughter rang out, pure and free. "That's amazing, Nozomi! But can you make it go higher?" he challenged, his own excitement matching hers.

She concentrated, and the swing soared into the air, higher and higher, until they were both dizzy with delight. It was a simple joy, a moment untainted by the complexities of fame and expectation that would come later.

They spent hours there, talking about everything and nothing-dreams of heroism, favorite foods, the latest manga they were reading. Nozomi never felt more herself than when she was with Haruto, her powers just another part of their friendship, not the sum of who she was.

As the stars began to twinkle in the twilight sky, Haruto turned to Nozomi, his expression earnest. "Promise me something, Nozomi. No matter how powerful you get, or how famous you become, don't forget this-us, just hanging out and having fun."

Nozomi nodded, her heart full. "I promise, Haruto. Always."}

That memory was a treasure Nozomi held close, especially now, when the world saw her as nothing more than her quirk. It was a reminder of simpler times, of a friendship that was real and true-a bond she desperately hoped to preserve in the face of her rising fame.

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