{Troubled hearts}

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Nozomi stood atop the podium, the weight of the gold medal around her neck paled in comparison to the burden in her heart. The cheers of the crowd were a distant echo as she gazed into the sea of faces. They saw only the quirk that lifted her to victory, not the girl who longed to be seen for who she was beyond her telekinesis.

The sports festival was supposed to be her moment of glory, a time when her hard work and determination paid off. But as the confetti settled, Nozomi felt more isolated than ever. Her classmates envied her power, but none could grasp the solitude it brought her. With every object she moved, a piece of her seemed to drift further away, untouchable and out of reach.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the stadium, Nozomi's thoughts turned inward. She had won the festival, but at what cost? Her ability to manipulate the physical world couldn't mend the rifts it created with those she cared about. Her quirk made her exceptional, yet it was the ordinary moments she craved—laughter shared without the undercurrent of awe or fear, conversations that didn't circle back to her 'gift.'

That night, Nozomi lay in bed, the medal on her nightstand an unrelenting reminder of the day. She closed her eyes, wishing she could telekinetically push away the gnawing angst that came with her victory. But some things, she realized, couldn't be moved by quirks alone. Tomorrow, she would face her classmates again, the 'Telekinesis Champion.' But tonight, in the quiet of her room, she allowed herself to feel the full weight of her loneliness, hoping that one day, someone would look beyond her quirk and see Nozomi—the girl who was more than her telekinesis.

Nozomi's victory at the sports festival was a double-edged sword. On one side, it carved her name into the annals of U.A. High School's history, a testament to her prowess and potential. On the other, it etched a deepening divide between her and the world she inhabited.

Her quirk, telekinesis, was a marvel to behold, a force that defied gravity and expectation alike. Yet, as her powers grew, so did the chasm within her. Nozomi grappled with the duality of her existence—her quirk elevating her to the pedestal of a champion while simultaneously chaining her to the solitude of being misunderstood.

In the quiet of her room, away from the adulation and awe, Nozomi wrestled with her thoughts. The applause that once fueled her ambition now echoed with the hollow ring of isolation. She pondered over the friendships that had frayed, not by malice or neglect, but by the sheer magnitude of what she had become.

The more she used her quirk, the more she felt it consume her identity. Nozomi feared that the girl who loved to sketch, who found solace in the pages of a well-worn novel, was fading—overshadowed by the spectacle of her power. She longed for a connection that wasn't laced with envy or caution, a bond that could withstand the tempest of her abilities.

As Nozomi lay in the stillness, she realized that her greatest battle wasn't in the arena, but within the confines of her own mind. The struggle to reconcile her extraordinary abilities with her desire for normalcy was a relentless storm, and she was in the eye of it, searching for the calm.

The path ahead was uncertain, but Nozomi knew one thing for sure: she wouldn't let her quirk define her. She would forge her own way, one where she could be both the hero that society celebrated and the person she yearned to be. It was a daunting journey, but for the first time, Nozomi felt ready to face it head-on, with her heart leading the way.

Nozomi's deepest, darkest secret was a paradox of her own making. She was terrified of her telekinesis, not because of the power it wielded, but because of the intense vulnerability it exposed within her. This fear was rooted in an incident from her childhood, long before she had control over her quirk.

When she was just a little girl, Nozomi accidentally hurt someone she loved with her telekinesis. It was an innocent moment of emotional turmoil that spiraled into a traumatic event. The memory haunted her, a constant reminder that her powers could be as destructive as they were awe-inspiring.

This incident was the seed of her depression, the core of her internal struggle. She grappled with the guilt and the fear that one day, her emotions might again overpower her control. Nozomi's journey at U.A. High School was not just about mastering her quirk; it was about conquering the fear that it would define her life in ways she didn't want.

Her depression was a silent battle, a war waged within the confines of her own mind, where the fear of her past mistakes loomed over her future potential. It was her deepest secret, one she guarded fiercely, fearing that its revelation would alienate her further from those she sought to protect and those she yearned to connect with.

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