19 - something new ;

29 4 15

(no pov :))

it was finally lunch time, the time of the day that jooyeon had been waiting for. though it was only a few hours, it felt like years. he just wanted to spit it out, but he waited until all of them were there.

"'kay, we're all here. what did you want to tell us?" jungsu asked, making everyone else look at jooyeon. "okay, so... i found this really cool music.. game.. thing. i- it's hard to explain, but look!" he said, while pulling out his phone and showing it to them. 

"i've been eyeing it for a while, and ever since we all properly met yesterday, i thought it was the perfect chance, y'know? we all like music.. so maybe this will be something we could do after school?" he continued, while everyone passed around his phone, nodding. 

"i do see the appeal... i've actually wanted to try it for a while too. is it good? i mean... based on the reviews i've seen, i'll take it as a yes. but i'm just making sure." junhan said. this made jjoo pretty surprised, since he didn't really expect anyone to know about it, since it wasn't that popular. considering the low amounts of followers they had on their social medias, he thought he had found an internet gem. but, to his surprise, someone else already knew too.

"aww, really?! i thought this would be some whole new thing for you all..." jooyeon said, sounding defeated. "no, no! it's okay, jjoo, i had no idea this existed.. it does seem really cool." seungmin said, followed by the rest of the group nodding in agreement. "yeah, it does. have you tried it yet? i'm curious.." jungsu added.

"oh, yeah! i tried it yesterday, actually. it's SOOO cool! like... i only needed my vr headset and my bass, and i was perfect! i haven't tried doing a performance, but the practice room is really cool! it's super interactive and stuff, i think we'll like it." jooyeon said, almost sounding like he'd ramble on and on about it. 

"well... um, okay then! i guess it's settled, we're getting this?" seungmin asked, looking at everyone. "i think we should, it doesn't seem that bad. but.. don't you think the "nobody has been to b-form just once" is a bit threatening? like.... i dunno... is that just me?" jungsu asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"no, i don't think you're the only one, hyung.." jiseok said, before getting cut off by a very excited jooyeon. "but still, i think we'll be able to manage just fine, we can keep each other accountable!" 

"jjoo, we're putting our trust into you, okay? i know i've known you much longer than them, and we all just met yesterday... but, we trust you, okay?" gunil said, putting a hand on his shoulder. to which jooyeon replied with a simple "i know! don't worry, trust me!"

but gunil couldn't help but worry.

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