Chapter 4

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I groaned as Liam followed me out of the hotel room.

Y/N: Do you really have to?

Liam: Well the thing I want from you is pretty good.

Y/N: It's not because you don't want to lose your room?

Liam: Not as much.

I knew I would never give in but his words made me nervous nonetheless. What could he possibly want from me?

Me and Liam had never been close. Me and his sister Holly always spent time together more than him and I. One summer me and Yuki were visiting them in Auckland. Normally Liam hadn't really paid attention to me but that summer he wouldn't leave me alone and not in a good way. He and Yuki started pranking me and Holly, Liam's sister. Which normally I could deal with but then Liam would push me in the pool after I had just showered or he would shove me in a dark closet and block the door so I couldn't get out. That was after he knew I was deathly afraid of the dark. But what really got me was last summer when he did something unforgivable. Since then I named him number one on my hit list if the purge ever became real.

I decided just because Liam was going to tag along didn't mean I had to talk to him.

Liam: Soo

He said catching up to me in the hallway.

Liam: How's it goin' ?

A confused look shot on my face. Why in the world did he want to make small talk with me? I chose to remain silent and we both walked into the room elevator together.

Liam: You never shut up, so I'm shocked you're so quiet right now.

Y/N: This is how you get a girl to sleep with you?

I blurted out.

Liam: No, but I got you to talk, didn't I?

I crossed my arms and looked firmly at the door begging it to open.

Liam: You know you are a lot more predictable than you think.

I gave up trying to let silence win.

Y/N: And how's that?

He leaned in close to my ear and whispered.

Liam: Because I know you're thinking about what I looked like naked right now.

That was in fact not what I was thinking at all, but now it was. I felt my face heat up against my will.

Y/N: I am not you perv!

Liam: Ohh yes you are. Look at that blush!

He said pointing to my face. I swatted his finger away.

Liam: So what are we going to do?

I wasn't quite sure what he meant. Like, have sex? Because that still wasn't on the table. But my mind kept going there. My face developed a deeper shade of red and I heard Liam laugh again.

Liam: Now who's the perv?

Y/N: You're so stupid. I wasn't thinking of anything. I'm just hungry.

Liam: Oh?

He gave me a mischievous grin because I practically handed that joke to him.

Liam: I know what you could eat but this elevator would have to go back up.

Y/N: Yeah too bad I'm hungry for something actually edible.

Finally the doors opened up and I practically sprinted out of the elevator.

Liam: I could eat too thanks for asking.

I heard him say over my shoulder as I walked to the hotel restaurant. This was going to be a long night.

*Author's Note* -- Sorry for the change in style, I wrote this fic originally like this, but I have been trying to change it to how the first few chapters were written, but it's taking too long :/ It will be back to the regular style in a few chapter. I hope you're enjoying the fic so far!

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now