Chapter 22

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The only reason I got up was because of Lando. He texted me everyday and he knew something was up. "Y/N, I can tell something is wrong." He said while we were on the phone one afternoon. "Lando it's embarrassing and I don't want to think about it" I said to him hoping he'd drop it. "It sounds like you are thinking about it regardless and I promise I won't judge". I'll have to admit his logic was fool proof, so I let out a big sigh and began talking. "There was this guy I was talking to and long story short, when I went to meet up with him it turned out he wasn't who I thought he was". "Oh no. Y/N... Was he ugly?" He said, getting a small laugh out of me. "You could say that," I laughed out. "More ugly on the inside than anything" I said, my voice getting sad. "Look Y/N you are one of the most intelligent, funny, and attractive women I know and you shouldn't let anyone get to you like this because you are worth it girl!" I could hear him snapping over the words "you are worth it girl" I started laughing and the thought of him doing so. "Thanks Lando. You never fail to make me laugh" If only he knew how I really felt.

Present day

So now you know why I hated Liam so much. I thought maybe he had grown up and changed, but he was still the same Liam who made me think that I was incapable of being loved. I headed over to the track ready for another day of work. It was the drivers parade first then the big interviews on the grid with all the celebrities and whatever drivers we could get our hands on, so I was going to be pretty busy.

I got to the track before any of the media people. There were always mechanics, so the sound of drills mixed with the chirping of the birds. The smell of dew was heavy in the air. An hour ticked by and then people started to show up to the paddock. Martin being one of them. "Well you are quite early!" He said, sounding impressed. "Thought I would get a jump start on some preparations for the race." I said, trying to sound convincing. I was really only here because I couldn't sleep. "Well look at you taking initiative. This is the first impressive thing I've seen you do. Besides wooing Daniel Ricciardo. But then again not all of us can be women in their 20's." "Thanks Martin." I say, trying to put a fake smile on my face. He always knew just what to say.

I wouldn't be doing the driver's parade, but I was going to be up there with Martin taking notes. I grabbed my notepad and pen and made my way over to the track where the float would be. My eyes found Liam first. His hands clasped behind him, his thumbs twirling over each other. His anxiety was evident through his body language, but his face didn't show it. He wore his signature smile as he walked onto the float. My eyes flicked over to Lando who was talking to Carlos. They were deep in conversation and got yelled at for holding up the line. "Can't you see we are having a conversation?" Carlos said back. "Do it on the float!" Responded Martin. The two men made their ascent and after Max got on I followed.

Martin worked his interviews in constructor order so Red Bull, Ferrari, Mercedes, Alpine, then McLaren. When we finally got to Lando I saw him flash me an apologetic look before turning to Martin. I'm not sure why he would look at me like that considering he clearly didn't feel the same way about me. Martin finished his interview with Lando and we moved onto Oscar. I felt a hand on my wrist and I turned around. "Y/N can we talk about yesterday I- " He started to speak. "Another time? I have to help Martin" I told him. I didn't want to have a difficult conversation in front of all these people. "It's important though," He pressed. "Y/N!" Martin yelled for me. "I have to go or else I'm gonna get in more trouble. We'll talk later. I promise" All I could think during the next few interviews was that I was going to hear Lando tell me him and this girl he went out with were serious and that she didn't like that he had a girl best friend and that he was choosing her over me. During our friendship Lando never got serious with anyone. Sure I've seen the pictures of him with girls every once in a while, but this time it felt different.

Alfa Romeo, Aston Martin, Haas, Alpha Tauri... Liam was next to be interviewed. "Hey Martin, do you mind if I talk to my brother for a second?" I asked hoping to get out of this. "What is so important that you can't wait to talk to him after this?" Martin asked, growing impatient. "Well- It's a family thing." Martin looked at me clearly frustrated. "Make it quick. I don't want us missing more than one interview." I thanked him profusely and ran over to Yuki who was standing near Pierre. "Hey Yuki!" I said, trying not to look out of place. "What are you doing with me? Don't you need to help Martin?" Yuki asked. "Look I don't want to get into this right now I just cannot be around Liam right now." I said looking over my shoulder to see how his interview was going. "This again? Y/N you need to stop holding a grudge on him for all those pranks. We were just kids." Yuki said with a sigh. "First of all you were 21-" With this Pierre lets out a laugh at his friend's childishness. "And second Yuki they weren't just pranks... You don't know everything." I whispered the last part. "Why are you always trying to be so complicated?" Yuki said, rolling his eyes and turning back to Pierre as I began walking back to Martin. "Is everything alright?" Martin asked, genuinely surprising me. "Yes I just had to-" Martin cut me off. "We don't have time for this sob story. I need you to stand over here while I interview Alex Albon." There was the Martin I knew. "You got it." I said as I got into position. The last two interviews were complete and the parade was brought to a close. My heart rate quickened remembering that Lando wanted to talk to me. As the float slowed down I prepared myself to say goodbye.

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now