Chapter 13

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Y/N: Martin I'm really grateful for this opportunity, but I think I would be better here. I could interview Liam! Or even Yuki! Get some inside scoop on how the team is doing without Danny.

Martin: I'm sorry, but no. Daniel specifically requested you and this is huge for Sky Sports. No other media outlet was permitted there. He said only you were allowed.

I felt like a little kid who had to go to the dentist. All I wanted to do was beg him not to make me go, but I knew if I didn't want to lose my job I had to.

Y/N: Ok.

I gathered my things and I began to walk out of the paddock. I passed by the McLaren garage and saw Lando.

Him and a few people were standing around him looking down at something.

Y/N: Hey!

Lando: Hey!

He shoved his hands behind his back and the other people walked away.

Y/N: Looks like I'm out of here today. Martin says Danny wants me to interview him.

Lando: What?! You can't!

I look at him confused. I hadn't told Lando anything so this reaction seemed a bit over the top.

Y/N: I'll be fine...

His stare was so strong on me and I didn't know how to react.

Lando: I still don't think you should go alone.

Y/N: Martin said Danny didn't want anyone else there. It was an "exclusive".

I said using air quotes.

Lando: I don't have a good feeling about this Y/N. Based on what happened last-

He cut himself off as if he knew he had said too much.

Y/N: Yeah last night...

Lando: Look Y/N I-

Liam: Hey! Were you looking for me?

I turned around and saw Liam walking toward me and Lando.

Y/N: Uh yeah.

I turned back around to Lando who was now firmly concentrated on Liam. Liam looked at him then to me.

Liam: What's up?

Y/N: Did you read your texts?

Liam: No, I've been too busy. Did you send me something?

Y/N: Can we talk in private?

Liam: Sure, but you might want to call your friend off. Looks like he's ready to pounce.

He nodded his head toward Lando. I turn around to find Lando's face going from focused to aloof trying to hide his obvious displeasure with Liam's presence.

Liam: I'll be over here.

Liam walked toward the pit wall, so I could finish talking to Lando.

Lando: Look Y/N I don't want you to go.

Y/N: Neither do I, but what choice do I have?

Lando: I'm sorry...

Y/N: It's not like it's your fault.

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I was going to be fine. We'd be surrounded by hospital staff and he was going to be crippled, so what would he be able to try?

Y/N: Well let me go talk to Liam. I'll talk to you later.

Lando: Ok, bye.

He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head.

Lando: I'm always here. Never forget that.

I looked up at him and smiled.

Y/N: I know.

I walked away from Lando and met up with Liam.

Liam: Are you done talking to your boyfriend?

Y/N: Number 1. Not my boyfriend and-

Liam: But you want him to be.

I roll my eyes, sighing.

Y/N: And number 2. Shut up.

Liam: What did you need me for?

Y/N: Did you-

I looked around making sure no one was within ear shot and pulled Liam down a little so I was ear level.

Y/N: Did you break Danny's wrist?

I looked at Liam whose face was a little flushed now contorted into one of confusion.

Liam: Me? No.

Y/N: But you weren't there when I woke up.

Liam: I got a call that I had to be in the paddock early and I didn't want to wake you up, so I just left. I didn't know something was wrong with Danny until I got here.

Y/N: What-

Liam: You really think I'd break his wrist?

Y/N: Well-

Liam: You really flatter yourself Y/N.

Y/N: I confided in you. You are the only one I told so I thought...

He looked up rolling his eyes now taking a deep breath.

Liam: Go talk to your boyfriend. Looks like he might know who fucked up last nights mistake.

I looked over at Lando whose hand was visible now and showed clear signs of bruising. The closer I looked I also spotted a scrape on his right cheek. I looked back at Liam.

Y/N: Well he wouldn't- he didn't even know-

Liam: I have to go prepare.

Y/N: Wha- Liam wait.

Liam: Why, so you can complain to me some more? News flash. Not every moment of your life can be about you. This is one of the biggest moments of my career and I can't focus on your drama right now.

Y/N: Why are you being such a dick right now?

Liam: Welcome to the real world Y/N. Where not everyone says the things you want.

His words transported me to last night and I felt myself getting ill.


Danny: This is the real world sweetie...

I shivered at the parallels.

Y/N: Calm down. You are going to be fine.

I took a deep breath and headed out of the paddock. Everything was going to be fine. Liam was just being Liam and Danny, well it looks like someone already took care of him.

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now