Chapter 12

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The next day I woke up and Liam was nowhere to be found. I was very happy because then I wouldn't have to see his smug face. I knew he would be satisfied knowing I needed him. Even though I would have been fine without him. Probably.

I began to get ready for the day when I heard my phone chime.


Twitter: Liam Lawson to replace Daniel Ricciardo this weekend due to injury.

My eyes widen at the heading. What the hell happened? I clicked on the link and it showed an image of Danny being put into a car while he cradled his hand.

Daniel Ricciardo seems to have broken his wrist early this morning. Reports aren't sure how it happened, but we do know that Alpha Tauri reserve driver Liam Lawson will be driving in his place. Hopefully the New Zealander will have enough time to navigate this tricky circuit before the big race.

All I could think about was that this had to do with something that happened last night and the only person who knew what happened was...

Y/N: Tell me this wasn't because of you.

*Screenshot of tweet*

Five minutes pass and still no answer.

"Fuck" I thought. He would get in serious trouble if anyone found out and it would be my fault.

I quickly got dressed and left for the track. I showed up an hour earlier than I needed to, but I had to find Liam. I had to make sure this wasn't him.

I walked into the Alpha Tauri garage and tried my best to find Liam.

Yuki: What's up little sis?

Y/N: Hey...

Yuki: Are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah I just- Do you know where Liam is?

Yuki: Liam? What do you want him for?

Y/N: I just need to talk to him ok.

Yuki: Yikes. You look like you want to kill him, but what else is new?

Y/N: Yuki...

I say through gritted teeth.

Yuki: Alright alright. He should be in his driver's room, but since he's driving today he'll be very busy.

Y/N: I won't be long.

I said walking past him and out off the track towards the other side of the paddock.

Knock knock

Liam's Personal Trainer: Hi can I help you?

Y/N: Yes. I need to talk to Liam. Is he in there?

LPT: I'm sorry, but who are you?

Y/N: I'm his-

God this was painful.

Y/N: Friend. And I need to talk to him.

LPT: Look I'm really sorry, but Liam needs to prepare for practice. He can't afford any distractions.

Before I could say another word the door was shut in my face. I could hear talking faintly through the wall. All I could make out was Liam asking who was at the door and nothing after that.

I took a deep breath and walked to the media pen. I decided to distract myself with work.

Martin: Great, you're here! I have a special job for you today.

Normally when Martin said this he would send me off to do a bunch of busy work. Usually I would be pretty pissed, but today this was perfect.

Y/N: Awesome. What is it?

Martin: You are going to interview Daniel at the hospital. I guess your interview went well yesterday because he specifically asked for you.

So much for staying distracted...

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now