Chapter 11

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I turn around and see Liam's blue eyes staring back at me. The look on his face was unlike anyone he's ever given me before. The concern in his eyes felt so intense that I had to look away.

Liam: Please tell me what happened. I'm not going to say anything mean. I promise.

I looked back at him making sure he was being sincere. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and started to talk.

Y/N: You know how I interviewed Danny earlier today?

Liam: Yes.

Y/N: Well after work, when I was leaving the paddock he caught up to me and invited me out to dinner. I thought it was going to be a chance to get to know him more as a driver, but he had other ideas.

Liam: Y/N...

His voice was softer than I had ever heard it before. I probably would have blushed at the sound of my name on his lips if we were in different circumstances.

Y/N: He invited me back to his hotel room for drinks and again I thought-

I began to get choked up. I didn't want to cry in front of Liam. I didn't feel like I deserved to cry, period. I put myself in this mess, so it was my fault that this happened.

Y/N: I thought that maybe this would have been a great opportunity for me and my career. Maybe get some inside information, I don't know. In the car he put his hand on my leg, which I excused, but I should have known his intentions. I should have never gone into his room.

Liam: Did he fucking do something to you?

Y/N: No! He told me what he wanted and I didn't reciprocate and the whole thing is my fault anyway because I shouldn't have led him on like that. How was he supposed to know I didn't want any of this when I never-

Liam: No. Don't fucking blame yourself. He is a grown adult who should know how to read a room and ask for basic fucking consent before placing his hands on someone.

Y/N: But I know I should have just said no to dinner and then this never would have happened.

Liam: Would you blame me if I drove a race and accidentally crashed into someone because I went too slow during their fast lap if my team never informed me they were behind?

Y/N: No.

I say my voice so small I could barely hear it.

Liam: Exactly. In no way shape or form is this your fault. Did he say it was?

I stayed silent and he knew what that meant.

Liam: That fucking prick. Makes you feel like this and then blames you. I should go back over there and-

Y/N: Please don't. I just want to go to bed.

Liam: But- Ok. Let's go.

We got back to the hotel room and I made a beeline for the shower. I had to wash this disgusting feeling off of me. I scrubbed my legs and back several times, but the feeling of his hand never left. I tried over and over again and left myself too exhausted to even cry. I finished my shower and got dressed. I crawled into bed and laid on my side.

Liam: Should I join you?

Y/N: Do you mind?

Liam: Not at all.

He got into bed with me. My back was facing him, but I could still feel the comfort his body provided mine. As I fell asleep it almost felt as if he was holding me. I hated Liam, but this peace was something I needed desperately.

I fell asleep that night fighting the images of Danny in my mind. I twisted and turned trying to push those memories out of my mind. He was putting his hand on my thigh this time moving farther up my leg. This scene felt real, but I knew it hadn't happened.

Liam: Y/N?

I woke up at the sound of Liam's voice.

Y/N: What? What's wrong?

Liam: Are you ok? You started yelling.

Y/N: Oh. I'm sorry.

Liam: Come here.

He put his arms out pulling me in towards him.

Y/N: What are you doing?

I groaned.

Liam: Just come here. My mom did this for me whenever I had nightmares.

He pulled me in tight. Wrapping his arms around me. He began to sing a soft song as he played with my hair. I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier until eventually I drifted off to sleep.

Liam Lawson the man that you are... What are you doing to me?

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now