Chapter 28

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*WARNING*-- This chapter contains mature content (smut ;) viewer discretion is advised)

The race flew by in a whirlwind. My heart raced the whole time, especially during the 3 DNF's knowing I'd be called on to report what happened at turn 1. The whole thing went smooth and I couldn't help but feel a beam of pride knowing how Liam did in the race. I interviewed some drivers after and before I knew it, the Dutch Grand Prix was over, but I still had unfinished business to attend to. I made my descent from the grid to the drivers rooms with my hands shaking and heart racing.

I knocked on Liam's door and a familiar face opened it. It was Liam's personal trainer. "Y/N, I can't let you in again. Liam is getting his post race massage. It's important to let the muscles recover-" "Is that Y/N?!" I heard Liam call from inside his room as I heard his feet hit the floor. "Yes, but Liam you can't-" his trainer began to protest. "Can you please give us some privacy?" His personal trainer rolled her eyes and walked away from a shirtless Liam Lawson. "Fine, but when you get a cramp do not come complaining to me." She said and walked away. Liam watched as she walked away and then quickly returned his gaze to me. "Come in." He said quickly, grabbing my hand to help me step up. He closed the door and followed me over to his cot. He stood folding his arms staring at me while I sat down. The muscles in his chest strained against the confines of his arms. He was biting the inside of his cheek and tapping his foot making a piece of his blonde hair fall in front of his face. I watched as he brushed it back and began to talk. "What are you doing here?" He asked. He knew why I was here, but neither of us seemed to know how to start this. "I wanted to talk to you about earlier and what you said." I paused. I felt shaky like I was telling my crush I liked them. I felt his gaze burn me like the summer sun. "I think that maybe we could try being together..." I said a smile creeping up on my face as I said the words. It all came out very staccato, but Liam looked as if I had played him the smoothest symphony. He rushed forward and I stood up to meet him. "Do you mean that?!" I could hear the eagerness in his voice. "I wouldn't lie to you right now blondy." He pressed his lips to mine. His coconut chapstick transferring to me. He put his hands on either side of my face cupping my cheeks. I felt a cool rush of air and he pulled away. He looked me in the eyes again. More serious than before. "But what about Lando?" Liam asked. Concern lacing his voice. I could tell that he wanted to make sure that I was totally over him. "I realized I was more in love with the idea of him. I thought I wanted to be more, but I don't think that we are meant to be more than friends." He looked at me with a serious face making sure that I wasn't pranking him. "Y/N you better not be lying..." He said his voice deep, making me get butterflies. "I'd only be lying if I told you I didn't want you. Now." He barely let me finish as he crashed his lips on mine. His hands picked me and my legs wrapped around him. I felt myself deepen the kiss as he pulled our close bodies even closer. His warm chest pressed against mine. He laid me down on the bed and pulled my shirt up over my head. He planted kisses all over my face, making me laugh. "You're tickling me!" I yelled, as he moved his kisses down to my neck. He pulled my pants down and trailed his fingers over the fabric over my underwear making me wet. I let out a soft moan at the feeling. I saw his head roll back after hearing the sounds I made, the bulge in his pants growing. He took off his own pants and underwear and came back to me. I stared, knowing that this was all mine. My legs trembled as he made his way back over to me and pulled down my underwear. He kissed lips again. "I love the sounds you make." He kissed my neck. "I love the way you look spread out on my bed." He kissed my stomach. I got wetter the closer he got to my pussy. "I love the way you turn me on with just one look." He said and then kissed my clit. His tongue trailed over my entrance and up my slit making me feel like my skin was on fire. He brought his face back to mine. "And I love the way you taste." He said and placed his lips on mine again. This time entering me at the same time. A gasp escaped my lips as I felt him push in and out. I broke away from our kiss and looked him in the eyes. Only 3 words eagerly dancing on my tongue waiting to be spoken. "I love you." His eyes closed when he heard what I said. "Say it again." He said his voice was deep and raspy. I could tell he was close and the thought of me saying I love you turning him on only turned me on even more. I pulled him down closer to me so my lips were right near his ear. "I said I love you blondy." He kept his pace, but pushed deeper at the sound of my words. I felt myself get closer with every thrust. "Faster" I begged and he picked up the pace. One perk about dating an athlete is that they never get tired. A moan escaped my lips as I felt myself coming undone and Liam placed his hand over my mouth. We were still in his driver room and it's not like the walls were thick. He quickly replaced his hand with his mouth as I felt him ride his own high. His moans mixed with mine as we both came down.

We laid on the cot for a while. My head on his chest listening to the sounds of him breathing. "Is this what you wanted to do the first time we slept together?" I asked, looking at Liam. He smiled sheepishly. "Maybe." He shrugged. "You're such a romantic!" I say poking him in the side. "God forbid I want to take care of the girl I love." He kissed my forehead and I felt so at peace. "I suppose we better start going." I said thinking about how long we had been in the room for. "And I suppose I should pack to go home..." I didn't need to think long about what I said next. "Or you could pack to come to my home?" I offered. The smile on his face was the only confirmation I needed. He kissed me one more time and we got up and got dressed. Liam drove us back to the hotel and we began to pack together. About 20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I called to Liam. I got up and opened the door to see Lando standing back at me. Sober as can be. 

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now