Chapter 5

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Liam: Does anything strike your fancy off the menu?

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't believe I was having dinner with Liam.

Y/N: Hmmmm. Are you paying?

Liam: What kind of date would I be if I didn't?


Y/N: Date? This

I gestured between the two of us.

Y/N: Is not a date.

Liam: Ok then what do you call two people going out for dinner who plan on sleeping with each other afterwards.

Y/N: Liam!!

I looked around the restaurant hoping no one heard. Thankfully I only caught a couple of side eyes from an older couple next to us.

Y/N: a) you cannot say that so loud. And b) we are not sleeping with each other and therefore this isn't more than two people who know each other eating in close proximity.

Liam: You hurt me with your brutal words.

Y/N: Good.

I return looking at the menu trying to find the most expensive thing.

Y/N: Everything is in Dutch.

I whispered to myself. I didn't speak Dutch so I couldn't really tell what anything was.

Liam: Do you need help?

Y/N: No.

I would not be taking any help from him that's for sure. The waiter came over and he ordered first. He spoke Dutch to the waiter who I was nervous now would expect me to do the same. Instead I pointed to what I wanted doing my best job at pronouncing it.

Y/N: Hollendaze Neeyou?

Waiter: Hollandse Nieuwe?

Y/N: Yes that! Thank you.

Liam: You can't get that. Het spijt me, mijnheer. Ze kan geen vis eten. (I'm sorry sir. She can't eat fish)

Y/N: And why not?

Liam: Because you're allergic to fish.

Y/N: How did you know that?

Liam: I'm not an idiot Y/N. As much as you'd like to believe so.

He turned to the waiter and began speaking Dutch again.

Liam: Zij zal krijgen wat ik heb (she'll have what I'm having)

Y/N: What did you say?

Liam: I told him to get you what I got.

Y/N: And what did you get?

Liam: Don't worry I'm sure you're going to love it.

Y/N: Fine.

After the waiter left I turned to Liam.

Y/N: I didn't need you to do that.

Liam: Sorry for trying to save you an epi pen.

Y/N: Thanks... I guess.

Liam: Aw you almost said something nice.

Y/N: Don't expect any better than that.

Liam: You're so mean to me.

Y/N: Oh you asked for it. All those summers of bullying, what did you expect in return?

Liam: Bullying?! They were little pranks Y/N. You are the one telling me that you aren't a little kid anymore, but you refuse to grow up.

Y/N: How am I supposed to forget-

I cut myself off realizing it isn't worth it. I get up from the table.

Y/N: I don't even know why I try. Enjoy your... whatever you got.

I began to walk away when I felt a hand on my arm.

Liam: Y/N wait. Look, I'm sorry for what I said.

Y/N: No you're not.

I shook his hand off and walked out of the hotel. Maybe I was still acting like a child who was naive enough to think he'd change.

I stood outside the hotel and began to make a call.



Liam: Y/N...

Y/N: Go away Liam.

Liam: No. I'm tired of you thinking I'm a monster.

Y/N: Why do you care what I think anyway?

Liam: I-

Lando: Hey Y/N. What's up?

I looked down at my phone. I had called Lando hoping I could just spend time with him and figure out what to do there.

I watched as Liam looked at my phone recognizing the voice coming out of it.

Liam: I'll let you take that.

He began to walk in the hotel again.

Y/N: Hey can I call you back?

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now