Chapter 25

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I rushed to the elevator and the doors nearly shut. I stuck my hand in the door and Lando's head shot up. "I'm not letting you go." He rolled his eyes and sighed. "God why can't you ever listen." He said, groaning. I hated how hot I found it. I was trying to be mad at his stupidity, but he was making it hard. "I can't have you mad at me and me not know why." I said very matter of fact. "Oh really?" He said, bringing his face close to mine. He stayed there. Our eyes are both flicking between each other's eyes and lips. The elevator dinged and he broke eye contact looking at the number. He brushed past me getting off and I followed him. "Lando just talk to me." I called out from behind him. " You don't want to hear what I have to say Y/N. It's just going to make things harder for the both of us." He unlocked his door as he said this and I joined him in his room. "We are best friends you can't just-" "God Y/N can you stop saying that fucking word?" He said, cutting me off. "What word?" "Friends... " He took a step towards me, putting our faces as close as they were in the elevator. "Stop saying we're just friends when you know I feel so much more." I felt my heart skip a beat. I had dreamed of this moment since I was 18. Albeit it didn't involve Lando being drunk, but still I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You don't mean that Lando. It's just the liquor talking." I said, shaking my head. "Then let me stop talking and prove it to you." He put his hand to my cheek scooping my face in his hand bringing my face to his. His lips met mine. They tasted like alcohol, but I didn't care. I deepened the kiss wanting more of him. My hands moved to his neck then lowered to his shirt. "Take it off." I said and he obliged. Pulling it over his head. I took a moment just soaking it in. I had Lando standing in front of me half naked. And I knew he liked me. Except I didn't know because he was drunk. He reached for me again, but I pulled away. "I can't Lando. You're drunk." I felt a physical pain as I had to back away. "I'm sober enough to know I want this." He held my arms pulling me to him again. "I want this. Don't think for a second I don't, but I can't have you wake up and realize you made a big fucking mistake." I said looking him in the eyes. "I could never think you were a mistake." He said. "I wish I could believe you." I said, pulling away for the final time. "I'll tell Zak and Andrea that you're sick and I'll be back after the race to check on you." I left him standing in his room. That taste of his lips still on mine. I touched my lips trying to remember the feeling. I headed back to the track knowing Liam awaited for me. 

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now