Chapter 10

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I waited until I got out of the hotel to let the tears flow. I walked in the dark street back to my hotel. The Dutch winds hitting my tears cooling down my face.



All I thought was "please don't be Danny".

I pulled out my phone and saw it was Liam. I had never been so happy to see his name before.

Liam: Hey Y/N are you alright? It's kind of late.

Y/N: Umm

My voice wavered over the phone despite my best efforts to conceal the fact that I was crying.

Liam: Is everything alright?

Y/N: Yeah yeah.

I sniffled trying to swallow any sounds of sadness.

Liam: It doesn't sound like you are fine.

Y/N: I told you I'm ok. I'm walking back to the hotel right now.

Liam: Where are you?

Y/N: The Paradise Hotel.

Liam: Stay there. I'm coming to pick you up.

Y/N: Liam it's fine. I like walking.

Liam: I'm not letting you walk all the way back in the dark in a foreign place.

Y/N: Liam-

Liam: I'm not taking no for an answer. I'll be there in 20.

Y/N: Ok.

I hung up the phone. Great now Liam was going to see me like this and that was not something I wanted. I couldn't give him another thing to make fun of me for. I could already hear him now. "Cry baby", "Sensitive", "Wuss", shall I go on, or do you get the point? I don't know why he even offered to pick me up. I would have been fine walking and part of me still wanted to because I was scared Danny would come out of the hotel and find me.

I texted Lando to let him know I was fine.

Y/N: Got out of Danny's room. I'm fine, but the vibes were off. Not sure how tomorrow's going to go.

Lando: Do you want to talk about it? I'm upstairs.

Y/N: Liam is going to be here any minute to pick me up. I'll catch up with you tomorrow.

Lando: I can't believe he's picking you up. I thought you guys were like arch nemesis?

Y/N: I don't really want to, but he called and then insisted he drive me back because he didn't want me walking in the dark.

Lando: I could've dropped you off.

My heart sank as I read that text. What I would've given to be in the car with Lando instead of Liam.

Y/N: Liam is going to be here in like a minute, but next time for sure.

Lando: Perfect. How about tomorrow after work?

Y/N: Sounds great 🦠

Lando: What's with the emoji?

Y/N: Mitochondria

Lando: Yeah, but why?

Y/N: Powerhouse of the cell.

Lando: Ok.

I closed my phone and smiled to myself. Lando always made me forget about what was going on. That was part of the reason we were such close friends. He and I were able to forget whatever we were worrying about and always have fun together.

About 2 minutes later I see Liam pull up to the curb and I hop inside the car.

Liam: Hey... Are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah. I told you I'm fine. Can we just go back to the hotel please?

He looked at me for a second and I tried to look as convincing as possible. After a few moments he put the car in drive and we began making our way back.

We drive back most of the ride in silence. When we parked again Liam turned and looked at me.

Liam: Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?

Y/N: I told you I am fine.

Liam: I have known you since you were 16. I know when something is wrong.

Y/N: I can't tell you anything Liam because you will make fun of me and tell me the whole thing was my fault. And even though it was I don't want to hear that it was.

I reach for the handle and feel his hand close over my other.

Liam: You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong.

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now