Chapter 14

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I showed up to the hospital shaking more than ever. I tried to calm my nerves as I walked to the receptionists.

Y/N: Hi. My name is Y/N Tsunoda. I'm here to visit Daniel Ricciardo.

Receptionist: He is in room 105. It's just down the hall to the left.

Y/N: Thank you. Um- Is there any way a nurse would be able to be there as well?

Receptionist: I can assure you Mr.Ricciardo will be ok, so no need for a nurse.

She gave me a warm smile that I tried to return. I felt too embarrassed to explain so I walked down the hall to Danny's room.

Knock Knock

Danny: Come in.

I took another deep breath and walked into the room. Danny's face broke into a smile as if nothing happened.

Danny: Hi! I didn't think you'd actually come.

Y/N: I didn't have much of a choice.

I crossed my arms trying to find a sense of security.

Danny: You can sit down here.

He said pointing to one side of his bed.

Y/N: I think I'll stand.

His whole demeanor shifted as he pressed his tongue in his cheek.

Danny: Suit yourself.

Y/N: Why did you want me here?

Danny: Did Martin not tell you? I wanted you to interview me.

Y/N: Yes, but why?

Danny: You're little friend paid me a visit last night. Now I'm here.

Y/N: Who? What are you talking about?

Danny: Little Lando Norris. He came into my room and delivered me a can of ass whooping. I'll be honest I underestimated how much punch he could pack since he's so tiny.

Y/N: I find that hard to believe.

Danny: Oh really because it would make a lot of sense for him to want to do that if you opened your big mouth and lied to him.

Y/N: I didn't tell him anything.

Danny: You know I find that hard to believe.

Y/N: Well it's the truth. Maybe it was something you did.

Danny: And what could I have done? He comes into my room asking me what happened to you. I tell him we had a conversation and the next thing I know my wrist is broken and he's threatening to tell people I assaulted you if it gets out that he hurt me.

I didn't want to believe his words because I thought Lando would let me fight my own battles. It felt like he didn't believe I was strong enough to handle this and now he's put me in such a horrible position.

Y/N: So, what do you want from me? This sounds like a thing that needs to be dealt with between the two of you.

Danny: Don't be naive. You know that you are as much involved in this as he is. This whole altercation came about because of what you did. Now, Lando has taken me out of the season for god knows how long. Do you know what that means for someone like me who is trying to get their seat back?

Y/N: Maybe you should be on the grid next year.

I say shrugging. Danny takes in a sharp breath like he is trying to maintain his composure.

Danny: Look I have been very kind, but I won't be for much longer. Lando needs to suffer repercussions for this. I wanted you to give you the chance to be on the right side of this.

Y/N: I'm not following.

Danny: I called you here so you could write about what happened to me.

Y/N: You want me to write about Lando beating you up?

Danny: Yes.

Y/N: Why the fuck would I do that? Lando is my best friend and besides you deserved it.

Danny: I deserved this?!

He said, raising his voice. I could hear the heart monitor begin to beep faster.

Y/N: How do you think everyone would feel knowing what you did to me?

Danny: I barely even touched you! Besides, no one would believe you. I'm a beloved athlete and you're just- you're just a woman.

I was so taken aback by what he had said. Just a woman? Well he will see just what this woman can do.

Y/N: And to think there was a time when I looked up to you.

I began to walk out of the room. I was done with him and I was done with this conversation.

Danny: Where are you going?

Y/N: I'm off to write that article you wanted so badly. I'll be sure to send a copy to the recovery wing.

With that I left the hospital and went straight back to the paddock. I was about to pull a Lando on Lando.

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now