Chapter 9

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains topics of sexual assault and slut shaming

We arrived at the restaurant and Danny told me all the good things on the menu. I ordered something he recommended making sure there wasn't any fish in it this time.

Danny: So, Y/N how did you get into motorsports?

Y/N: Well I guess since my brother was always at the track I was always around some sort of engine. My dad always tried to get me to race, but I was more into watching Yuki and asking the mechanics questions.

Danny: I can see why you landed on this job.

He flashed me another one of his signature smiles. I couldn't believe I was going to dinner with Daniel Ricciardo right now.

After a nice dinner between the two of us we got back to his car.

Danny: Do you have an early morning tomorrow?

Y/N: I need to be at the track by 10 so not terrible.

Danny: Where are you staying? I'll drop you off. Or you could come back to my room for a drink?

I looked at the time on the clock. It read 10pm.

Y/N: The night is young, why not live it?

He smiled again and put the car in drive. His hand inched its way from the shifter to my thigh. About 15 minutes into the ride he finally made contact and my heart jumped out of my chest. I looked up at him and he gave me a warm smile. I felt like I couldn't tell him no at that moment. He was 13 years older than me and as much research as I had done on the guy, I didn't really know him. Besides, I looked at him more like a mentor than anything else.

We finally arrived at the hotel and I texted Lando. The vibes felt off and I wanted to make sure he knew what I was doing as Danny and him were in the same hotel.

Muppet: You're with Danny?

Y/N: Yeah he invited me to dinner and then back to his room.

Muppet: What? Why would he do that?

Y/N: I don't know!

Muppet: Ok just tell me what room he's in incase he tries anything.

Y/N: Ok I will. Thanks Lando.

Muppet: Anytime.

I walked up to his room feeling better about the situation. Just drinks I told myself. It would be an opportunity to get to know the driver a little better. This was a career altering interaction I could be having with Danny and I didn't want to screw it up. Any of the other reporters would kill to be in my position, so I needed to be grateful.

Danny: Welcome to my home sweet home. For at least this weekend. Here you can put your stuff down and I'll make us some drinks.

I made sure to keep a careful eye on what he was doing and accepted the drink when he sat back down.

Y/N: Not a bad set up you've got here.

Danny: I manage.

He said, shrugging his shoulders and taking a sip of his drink.

Y/N: Do you like this track in particular-

Danny: I don't want to talk about F1. Let's talk about something real.

He leaned in closer and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He placed his hand on my knee and I pushed farther into my seat removing myself from his touch.

Danny: What's wrong? I thought we were having fun.

Y/N: No we are, it's just- I think you got the wrong idea.

Danny: No, I think I got the right idea sweetie.

He said licking his lips.

Y/N: You know what. I just remembered Martin wanted me to show up an hour earlier to prep some things at the track, so I should get going.

I stood up and began walking to the door.

Danny: Well let me drive you back to your hotel.

Y/N: No that's not necessary. It's only a couple of blocks I can walk. Besides, you've been drinking.

I tried to not sound so desperate to get out of that room.

Danny: It's really no trouble at all. I've only had a sip.

His hand had found its way to the small of my back and my skin recoiled.

Y/N: Please take your hand off of me.

Danny: What are you talking about? You were fine in the car.

Y/N: I am not fine with this anymore Danny, so would you please stop touching me.

Danny: What did you think was going to happen when I invited you up to my room? That we were going to sit in a circle and play patty cake?

Y/N: Well no... but-

Danny: But what? This is the real world sweetie and here men who think other women are attractive ask them out and if the woman feels the same way she says yes. So tell me how I was supposed to read this?

Y/N: I'm not saying that you were in the wrong I'm just saying-

Danny: No, what you are doing is trying to make me look like some kind of monster who tried to do something to you against your will.

I couldn't believe how quickly this had escalated. I also couldn't believe that I had let myself get into this mess.

Y/N: You're right I should have told you no.

Danny: Yes you should have. It's cruel to lead someone on like this.

I walked out of the door and felt all of my emotions hit me like a ton of bricks.

Y/N: What the fuck was that?

I said under my breath. I felt myself begin to tear up. Despite Lando being my best friend, I didn't want him to see me like this. He could do one of the most difficult sports in the world, but one thing he didn't know how to do was deal with crying.

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now