Chapter 26

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I got back to the track and immediately went to the McLaren garage. I found Oscar and grabbed him. "Y/N what are you-?" "I need you to tell Andrea that Lando got sick and he can't race today, so Alex (reserve driver) is going to have to fill in for him." I said, cutting Oscar off. "Y/N that's crazy, the race is in 30 minutes." His words made me realize just how bad what Lando did was. "I know. Just tell them he got sick. That he's been throwing up the past hour." I begin to walk away. "Is it true?" Oscar said, making me look back. "He'd be here if it wasn't," I said and walked away.

I started for the media pen. So many thoughts were swirling through my head. I told myself I would just do my job, but as I passed by the Alpha Tauri garage I locked eyes with Liam. "Y/N-" He said, his voice soft. I felt the tears start welling in my eyes cursing myself for being so emotional I began to walk off. I heard my brother call for me, probably noticing me crying. "Y/N wait up." He jogged over to me. "What's wrong?" Those were the words that opened up the flood gate. Yuki pulled me into a hug and ushered me to a more private part of the garage.

He handed me a water. "Why are you crying?" I stared at the ground feeling silly for crying in the first place. He grabbed the sides of my face forcing me to look into his eyes. "What happened?" I grabbed his arms and pushed him away. "Stop it." I said letting out a slight laugh"Who do I have to beat up? Just tell me and I'll do it." He put his arms up, fatally wounding the invisible man standing in front of him. "I don't want you to beat anyone up, Yuki." I said, sighing. "I don't know what I want. Ughhh" I put my face in my hands and groaned. I felt the air move as Yuki took a seat next to me. "Tell me what happened." His voice got soft. The same voice he used with me when I broke my arm and we had to wait for my mom to call 119 (Japan's 911). "I don't want to tell you it's embarrassing." I said, secretly wanting to tell him everything. Me and Yuki were close, but this is boy drama and I was scared he wouldn't want to hear it. Besides, it involved his best friend. "You can tell me anything Y/N. I'm your big brother. I won't judge you." He said. "Do you promise?" I asked. He stuck out his pinky and I locked it with mine. "And you can't tell anyone?" I say, while still holding his finger hostage. "Cross my heart." I let out a heavy breath and began. "Lando and Liam are in love with me now and I don't know what to do." I said really fast, not giving myself a chance to breathe. "What?!" He said as a result of shock and maybe some confusion at how fast I talked. "Lando and Liam both confessed their love to me and I'm not sure what to do. You can't tell anyone, but Lando is pretty drunk and I'm not sure if he'll even remember this and Liam... Well Liam is Liam." I wasn't quite sure what I meant by that last part. Liam was just Liam. "Wow, I don't know what to say. Are you sure it was Liam? Like my Liam?" He asked. "Yes. Your Liam. So be fucking quiet" I said, emphasizing the word your. "What's he doing telling my sister he's in love with her?! I'm gonna go talk to him." He said and began walking towards the garage exit. "Yuki stop! You promised you wouldn't say anything!" I said getting up from my seat to grab him. He stopped and turned around. "I know, but he's my best friend and you're my sister and... I forgot about Lando! What the hell?" "Be quiet! And I know..." I said, sitting back down "Isn't that a good thing? I thought you were in love with him." Yuki asked. He wasn't wrong. I was in love with him, but his confession wasn't real. "He was drunk, Yuki. I know he doesn't mean it. And he just went out with this other girl and then there's Liam to think about." That last part slipped out without me realizing. "There's Liam to think about? Don't tell me you think you like him." I felt myself go small at his words. "I don't think so... Would it be bad if- would it be bad if I did?" He looked at me with loving eyes. "No. It wouldn't as long as you are happy." He brought me into a hug and I felt tears well up in my eyes again. "Thank you Yuki. I love you." "I love you too little sis." I was so glad to have my brother even if his best friend made my life a living hell.

"Yuki, we have to go," A man called out. "I'm talking to my fucking sister! Wait a minute!" He yelled back. "Yuki go, I'll be ok." I said and he looked me in the eyes. "Are you sure?" He asked. "I promise." I said, squeezing his hand. "Knock em' dead" I said, smiling at him. 

COMPLETED: The Kiwi to my Heart // Liam LawsonWhere stories live. Discover now