Chapter 1

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My hands wouldn't stop shaking as I glanced up at the prestigious school building towering over me. This was it, the first day at UA high-school. One of the best hero schools in the world.

It still baffled me that I'd been recommended to enroll this school year, of course passing the entrance exams were also a factor, but the invitation to attempt it still filled me with a sense of accomplishment.

However with my quirks it had been easy passing the physical aspects of it, and I definitely surprised myself when I'd almost perfectly passed the written portion of it.

"Breathe Andrea," Todoroki's voice hit my ears, bringing me back to reality and away from my racing thoughts. When talking to me directly he always spoke English. "You've earned your place here, it's all going to be fine." the encouragement mixed with his husky voice did provide some comfort.

A smile adorned my features as I glanced over at my best friend, still as cryptic and mysterious as ever "Keep up with that mysterious boy escapade and you'll surely have girls swooning over you in no time," for dramatic effect he rolled his eyes as I nudged his shoulder.

Tightening the strap of my bag we both began walking through the main door, looking at our class assignments. I felt the eyes of new students along with regular ones gawking as we strolled passed.

"Woah it's Andromeda's daughter, she was recommended personally for this school. She had passed all the exams almost flawlessly. And look it's Endeavor's son, I heard he passed everything without a struggle as well. I can't believe we get to go to school with them," a guys voice stated as we walked passed him, and I could feel my nerves shake slightly.

Shoto placed a reassuring hand on my arm as he guided us down the hallway. "Don't let it bother you. They're just curious and excited. At least we're in the same class," he whispered in my ear after stopping before the door to Class-1A. This was where we'd spend the next few years studying and training to become Heroes.

"You know I get nervous around strangers and new people," I state tugging at the loose strands of my aqua and lavender hair, the colors woven around in the braid hanging over my shoulder. Like Shoto, I too have two different hair and eye colors. Since we're both the results of merging quirks.

However mine was completely by accident, and Shoto's was from his fathers own selfish reasons. Unlike him though I could use my quirks throughout my whole body and not just a designated half.

"I'm always here to keep you safe, there's nothing to worry about," he says linking our arms and opened the door like the gentleman he is. As a collective we strolled through the door where the students in the class were already congregated.

As expected all eyes flew to us causing me to stop in my wake. My eyes widened slightly as I took in the students now looking at us in awe. No doubt hearing about us from all the gossip already circulating around.

This boy with green and black hair came rushing up to us, arms flaying as excitement exploded out of him.

"I can't believe it, you're Andromeda's daughter. She's one of my favorite American superheroes, her fighting style is so presice and those quirks of weather and earth manipulation are incredible" he went full blown fan boy mode.

I completely froze in shock watching the fanatic boy before me, he began rambling on and on about certain things my mother did when saving people and fighting villains. The sensation of cold water on my cheek caused me to blink, bringing me out of my shocked state.

"Drea!" Shoto placed a hand on my shoulder "You're making it snow." Looking up there was now a thick snow cloud about the room. Light flurries cascaded down on everyone.

My cheeks flooded with heat as I waved my hand and the cloud dissolved as if it were never there.

"Sorry about that. My weather quirk acts up when I'm nervous. It's the only one I don't have a handle on yet. I'm Andrea and this is my best friend Shoto,"I greeted him, my Japanese almost perfect but sounding foreign on my tongue. I held out my hand, finally regaining my composure, I was always jealous of Shoto for being able to keep cool in situations like this.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Izuku! I can't believe I get to attend school with the children of some of the best superheroes in the world" The boy introduced still excited about the whole thing. "Wait did you say you have more than one quirk?"

"Oh yeah I, umm. I've got five," I mumbled fiddling with my hair once more, at that statement I felt more eyes on me, but this time I didn't let it get to me "Each of my parents two quirks along with one of my own," there was no point hiding it. They'd all have to see me use them in training.

With that I walked over to my seat, noticing a blonde boy with hair that spiked up at angles that defyed gravity, and red eyes. He was in the seat behind me. There was a reserved feeling about him, like he was closed off to the world. And the scowl on his face could rival Endeavor any day.

However when my eyes locked onto his, I offered a polite smile as I set my bag on the back of the chair. His demeanor seemed to soften slightly as I took my seat. Todoroki had been placed at the back of the class, but I could feel his gaze on me every so often, checking to see if I was alright.

It never bothered me in the slightest, we've always looked out for the other. I've been there for his highs and lows and he's been there for mine. Although my lows weren't even close to what he had to endure. I remember the boiling water incident like it was yesterday. Remember being appalled by the fact a mother would do that to her own son.

I remember hearing about it, urging my mother to take me to the hospital to see him. Five year old me clutching his little hand as I cuddled into his side as we laid there on the hospital bed. My father's second quirk is mending. I can heal minor breaks, cuts and burns without any form of scarring or permanent damage.

But at that age, I had not trained it up much, and I always felt bad that I wasn't able to heal the scar that surrounded his left eye. Turning around I frowned when I looked back at him. Sadness poured through me as I remembered that day, as if sensing my lingering gaze, he looked over at me.

Like reading my mind, he shook his head. Telling me with his eyes that it wasn't my fault, even if I always beat myself up about it. He was there to tell me that at that age there was nothing I could've done to prevent that scar. Not even the skilled healers could, but thank goodness he didn't lose the use of that eye.

My head turned at the sound of the door opening and scrunched my eyes in confusion as I saw a yellow sleeping bag nestled in the doorway. The face of an extremely sleep deprived man looking out at us.

What did I get myself in to.......

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