Chapter 4

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Sometimes it was like the universe was taking the piss on me. Always finding ways to have me end up in the most unlucky situations ever. However it's just a downside to being the child of a popular hero. However what sucked more was that I couldn't use my quirks against anyone, outside the classroom.

He'd have no problem using his on me, and although my combat skills without using quirks were amazing, I didn't see much of a valid way out of this situation. At least there wasn't anyone around to witness my soon demise.

"You've grown up into quite the beauty, how's that crush on my baby brother going? Have you told him yet?" He asked trying to get under my skin, but I wasn't going to let him. In a dire situation like this, loosing focus will get me killed.

He took a step forward and this time my body shuffled back two. The smirk never leaving his face, and I knew it couldn't be a good thing that he was back here.

"Why don't you go back to the depth of hell you crawled out of," I retort clutching my hands into fists, trying to restrain myself from using a quirk. However I'm sure in the worse case scenario I'd be able to get off breaking the law if it was in self defense.

"Still got that snarky tongue, I see," he chuckled before again stepping forward. However I held my ground this time, not flinching away as he harshly grabbed my arm.

"Leave me and Shoto alone Touya. He'll never be like you or your father. He's better than that," I seethed glaring at the boy I once had thought of as a big brother.

"Watch your mouth, it gets you in trouble," he growled and I felt a slight burning on my wrist. Causing me to cry out from the pain.

"Let me go," I winced trying to get out of his grasp, but he was stronger. Suddenly there was a small blast and I was gently pulled into a sturdy chest. The momentum causing me to stumble slightly as I grabbed onto the person's shirt to steady myself.

A hand had gently held my side to avoid us both falling.

"Hey staple head. That's no way to treat a lady," a voice I had come to know all too well after today, states from behind me. Peeking up I could see Bakugo glaring so harshly at Touya, most likely hoping the man would explode.

Touya only smirked bigger, an amused expression shone on his face as he turned on his heel and began sauntering off.

A sigh left my lips once he was out of sight. I stepped back to find Bakugo looking down at me, his red eyes assessing me for any more injuries. It was strange to see him like this, from witnessing how he was in class mere hours ago.

He picked up my wrist, cringing at the burn that was there. Luckily it wasn't a bad one.

"I suppose your mending doesn't work on yourself," he guessed meeting my eyes once more. And I shook my head, he sighed before guiding us into the store.

As he browsed for what he was looking for, I picked up the things I was coming here to get. He ventured off into another aisle as I picked up juice and various packs of chips and candy. Happily putting many packs of Haribo into the basket with a content smile.

After paying I waited for him by the door, and soon he came back. He seemed pissed once more, although that looked to be his permanent expression. Now back outside, he quickly opened the tube of burn cream he'd bought, gently brushing the medicine across my now delicate skin.

The coolness of it was soothing, and once he was satisfied he then proceeded to wrap gauze around my wrist, securing it with a clip.

"T- T- Thank you Katsuki," I finally managed to say after the shock of everything had warn off.

"It's what hero's do is it not," he stated shoving his hands in his pockets "If you tell anyone of this I'll kill you," the second part of his statement in his usual aggressive tone.

"You need better insults," I joked before turning away, starting to walk back towards my house.

"Not so fast Flower Power," he called out in English "I'm walking you home in case Staple head comes back," he soon fell into step beside me and we walked in a comfortable silence.

The only noise had been the ruffling of the bag in which I carried. But nothing was eerie about it, which calmed me. It hadn't taken long before coming up to my gate, and to my unfortunate luck once more. Shoto was just coming out of it, a worried expression on his face.

I must've been gone longer than I thought, and like an idiot I left my phone on the couch. Of course he'd come looking for me.

"Holy shit, Flower Power! You live here, damn," Bakugo exclaims, peeking up at the house that towered over the gate. Shoto's eyes never left my wrist where Bakugo had bandaged it, I could almost feel the anger radiating off of him, and I hoped he didn't burst into flames.

"What happened to you?" He asks as we finally reached him at the gate. He gave Bakugo the deadliest glare he could muster. However the hot headed boy didn't even bat an eye.

"I'll explain in a second," I reassured before turning again to Bakugo "I can't express how thankful I am for what you did. Have a nice night and thanks for walking me home," he just shrugged his shoulders, as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Yeah yeah not a problem Flower Power, see you extras at school," he replied as he scuffed his shoes along the pavement as he walked, hands once again shoved into his pockets.

Shoto just stood there with his arms crossed, an unreasonable look on his face. I could feel that look down to the marrow in my bones, as I took his arm and lead him back into the house.

He'd probably want to sit down after what I was about to tell him........

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