Chapter 33

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Just as we were about to exit the room these security bots came out of the doorway. Blocking us from getting out, and tried attacking us on sight.

Todo shot ice at them and I fried the rest of their circuits with lightning, much like how we did back at the first task in the festival.

"What's with us always having to fight robots?" I pondered as the four of us raced towards the top of the tower, it was actually easy at this point, almost like the villains wanted us to reach them.

Just when we were coming through the door that lead to a balcony like thing, we saw Ochako standing there. About to get attacked by some of those stupid robots. Luckily Bakugo had shot them, stopping them just before they reached her.

"Are you alright?" I asked standing in front of her with Shoto, ready to kick some robot ass.

"Yeah I used my quirk to help Melissa and Deku get up to the top," she replied as Bakugo and Kirishima went to town on the bots. Blasting and smashing everything that stood in their way.

One of the big fans had unfortunately knocked the two slightly off course and they began floating away from the building. Raising my hands I created a current to keep them from getting too far.

"Kat move the propeller with your blast, towards Zuku," I shouted at him, as I tried keeping focus.

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!?" He yelled back, but did what I asked anyway.

"No you told Shoto not too, didn't say anything about me," I teased as Shoto then came over, using his flames to create a vaccum like wind tunnel. Thus sucking the two back onto course. This also now left both of my boyfriend's with ruined shirts. Not that I was complaining at the sight of their muscly arms.

I sighed in relief as Deku and Melissa made it into the tower, with the help of Deku smashing a hole in the side of it. Sure they wrecked the building, but they needed to get into it somehow. Knowing how things normally go for us in these situations, the hole in the tower will definitely be the least of our problems.

"Release," Ochako says, turning off her quirk for the time being. Izuku would find a way for them to stop falling, hopefully nobody got hurt.

Kiri and Bakugo had made quick work of taking down the bots, so now all we had to do was continue our way up the tower. They would likely need all the help they could get.

"I'm gonna need a good bath after all this," I thought out loud, placing my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. I'd used alot of energy for those fights, and was definitely creeping towards my limit.

"Can I join you?" Mineta's voice stated as the others came running through the door. Looking a tad disheveled but alright none the less. Denki was fried but still standing which was a plus.

Before I could answer there was a blast shot at the pervs feet. Causing him to jump and scurry backwards, his eyes going wide.

"If you keep making comments like that towards her, I'll kill you," Bakugo warned, glaring intensely at the grape head.

Despite the creepy comment, I went over and healed the guys bleeding scalp, knowing it got like that when he used his quirk too much. Momo seemed exhausted so I placed my hand on her shoulder, palm glowing blue as I let her have a portion of my remaining energy. Once I gave everyone else check ups, we all began working our way up the rest of the tower.

When we got there alot was fucking happening to say the least. There was the main villain who was using some sort of device on his head, allowing him to extend the power of his quirk. Which from the look of the place, I would say it had something to do with distorting matter.

These pillars of debris were shooting at a high velocity, right at All Might. Meaning Deku and Melissa succeeded on rebooting the system, but also meant this last battle happening.

Bakugo was quick at firing blasts in rapid succession, each one stronger than the last as Shoto encased the ones Kat missed in thick layers of ice. Both of them screaming at the villain, stating that nothing would stop them from helping All Might in defeating him.

It was quite the sight really, Kat flying about using blasts working in tandem with our boyfriend. Who was shooting ice off with one half and erupting in flames on the other.

A powerful force was seen smashing some of the debris, and a flash of green could be seen zipping around. Izuku was also taking charge by aiding the number one hero.

I stood in front of my friends arms raised. Extorting my pull power to keep things from smashing us. The ground shook as I moved debris around us with the winds coming from my palms. With a stomp of my foot I kept the space we were standing from severing from the rest of the ground.

I could feel my limits being reached but there was more that needed to be done. In the distance I watched as Deku began flying around with All Might, dodging things as they made their way towards the villain. Bakugo and Todo doing their best to keep any attacks off the two.

Losing focus for a second, the ground broke off and we all began falling though the cracks below us. Luckily there was another piece of sturdier rock right there, so we didn't fall far.

With the last slivers of my power, I covered us in a thick layer of rock so that we would be sheltered from everything. We wouldn't get to see the final battle, but at least we'd be safe.

A lot of noise could be heard, and rumbles all around. Denki was still in stupid mode as he babbled next to me. Petting my battle swept hair like I was a dog or something, but I just let him knowing that he was harmless. And at least he was safe with us and not out there being an easy target.

Screams of our names were heard and Iida broke through our roof since I couldn't remove it myself. We climbed out where Shoto and Bakugo stood, a mess of matter all around them. A smokey haze lingered in the distance, as everything was quiet. Suddenly Deku and Melissa came into view on a pile of ruined building. They were safe, which was good.

Deku shouted down that everyone was fine and the villain defeated. Meaning the fight was over, and it still baffled me that even after all that I hadn't tore my expensive dress.

"You're hurt," I say noticing Kat looking at his hands and wiggling his fingers. Almost like trying to relieve a cramp.

"I'm fine," he says trying to pull his hands away before I could grab them, being the stubborn boy that he is.

"For Christ sake Katsuki give me your hands," I retort, giving him a stern look and then he relented. Letting me take his clearly hurt hands, which I began healing even if it drained me more of energy.

"Look alive folks Mamma Drea is on the loose," Momo giggles as I finished healing Kat and made my way over to Shoto who was still half on fire.

"You got a little something right there," I joked as I motioned to the flaming torso. "We need to have flame retardant clothes made for you." I add shaking my head slightly.

"Might be a good idea," he replied before putting the flames out.

"Although Kat and I really are enjoying the view," I admit, as I caught Katsuki looking at Shoto's abs from the corner of my eye.

"Shameless flirts," he chuckled as we all began making our way out of this ruined place.

It's nice to be able to be victorious in a fight. Now since this was all over, hopefully things got sorted out.

This was certainly an interesting start to summer vacation......

Variety (Todoroki X Bakugo X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora