Chapter 23

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After conveniently finding rope in one of the dumpsters we quickly tied the villain up. By now the pro hero native was out of the quirks hold, so he was carrying Deuk piggy back style since the boy hurt his leg. Shoto was currently dragging Stain across the ground which I thought was funny.

We all exited the ally just as an old man's foot implanted into Deku's face. I'm assuming by the scolding the green haired boy was getting, this was the hero he was interning under.

"Fuck I just realized we're gonna be in so much shit with the cops after this," I stated considering we all used our quirks without the proper licenses, and outside of school as well. This just wasn't our day was it. Also why is it always us? Like what did we do to deserve all this drama and enemies. We're all 15 for crying out loud.

Soon other pro heroes came, stating that Endeavor sent them our way. They were shocked to see the already captured Hero Killer, and soon began calling the cops to bring him in. While also calling for ambulances to take the boys to the hospital, seeing as I didn't have any lethal injuries.

A Nomu came out of no where, grabbing Deku as it flew by. His mentor Gran Torino had started up his quirk about to go after the boy, but the wind only caused the Nomu's blood to fly around.

In the blink of an eye, a tongue licked the crimson liquid off the lady heroes cheek, and soon the monster began falling to the ground.

Everyone watched in frozen fear as Stain raced towards the monster, killing it within seconds. Also saving Deku in the process, but things took another sour turn when Endeavor showed up, causing Stain become even more maniacal.

His eyes began glowing red and as he got ready to fight the number two hero. However as he moved his knife fell to the floor and he stood there not moving. His eyes void of any color, just all white. It was strange, but everyone was scared as Shoto and I fell to the ground, our mouths slightly open at the sight before us.

"His lung was punctured by a broken rib," I state as my glowing hands moved around in his direction. He was immobilized right where he stood, meaning that we weren't going to die. At least today, which was always a plus.

After that we were taken to the hospital where the boys were treated and asked to stay overnight. They even let my stay the night with them, well to be honest I wasn't going to take no for an answer, so after alot of begging they finally gave in.

Right now I had my head in Shoto's lap as he absentmindedly played with my hair. The boys were all talking but I tuned it out, since I was almost falling asleep at this point. That was until the door opened and in walked Gran Torino and Manuel, who Iida had been interning under.

This caused me to sit up, just as the chief of Hosu police came in. Three of us stood up, and Deku tried to but he was dismissed due to his injured leg.

Now we were getting lectured on breaking the law by inflicting pain on the Hero Killer even though if we hadn't then we'd be dead right now. I knew we were in the wrong but surely they can see reason as there wasn't any other way to get out of that ally besides fight.

Shoto was getting incredibly angry at the Chief, which wasn't going to end well if he didn't stop screaming at the man.

As it turned out though, we would be in trouble for what we did. But would recieve a lesser punishment if we kept quiet about who really took down Stain, and let Endeavor take all the glory for it. Something that Shoto and I were hesitant to agree to, since the last thing we needed was for Endeavors ego to get any bigger.

After agreeing to keep this from going pubic and getting into serious trouble, the chief thanked us personally for what we did. He really didn't want to stop such promising careers for us. And like that he left, leaving us to think this whole thing over.

"I hate that he gets to slap his name on this like he did all the work," I grumbled when the adults left us alone. I was happy that I wasn't going to get my name attached to this, getting attention from the festival was enough. I don't think I could handle any more of this sort of fame.

"Could be worse Mitchell, we could've been in severe trouble," Iida states as we all sat down on one of the beds, I reclaimed my seat next to Todo, placing my head on his shoulder.

"Oh I'm happy to keep my name out of this, I just wish it was a different hero claiming the victory," I replied letting out a heavy sigh.

We talked some more before I had to head back to my internship. They needed to stay for another day or so before leaving, well Deku might need to  stay longer. I kissed them all on the cheek before taking my leave, giving them my well wishes.

To my surprise my mother wasn't mad about hearing what the four of us did. She was so proud of me for taking down my first big time villain, with the help of my friends that is. She also was glad we all agreed to keep our names out of the press and have Endeavor take the credit, even though it still irked me.

The rest of my days under my mother's guidance were far less dangerous, something we were both grateful for. I was just training with her, working on fighting techniques and expanding my use for Earth manipulation and weather manipulation. Branching out into bigger distances and honed in on my control for using both at once. It drained alot of my energy, but the end results will be worth it in the end.

I'm so glad that this is almost over, and was excited to get back to school to see how everyone else made out with their training.

Hopefully they had less dangerous experiences......

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