Chapter 37

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It was bright and early as the whole class stood in front of the cabin. Aizawa was explaining how things were going to work, he had Kat throw a softball just like in the fitness test.

Unfortunately he didn't improve that much in terms of making his quirk more powerful. So that's what today was about, making our powers stronger by basically almost killing ourselves in the process. This is where the very intense training began, as we were all given ways to train our quirks.

Kat was plunging his hands into a barrel of boiling water. Which should create more sweat, allowing him to expand the size and radius of his blasts. I was worried for him though, since he was working with boiling water. We all knew how I felt about it.

Momo had to eat lots of food as she created things nonstop, hoping to improve the cool down time so she could make more things faster. Sato was also eating lots of sugar so that he could become stronger and expand the amount of time his quirk can stay active.

Shoto was standing in a barrel in a pool of water, freezing it then quickly melting it with his fire. The goal was for him to eventually be able to use both sides at once. Tokoyami had to stand in a dark cave, as he tried to control a rampid dark shadow. The shadow always tended to become uncontrollable in complete darkness.

Ochako was rolling around in this rubber like ball, getting her ears use to zero gravity which should stop her from vomiting when she used too much of her quirk. Deku seemed to have to control the amount of power he used as he aimed punches at Tiger, who was training him.

Toru and Shoji were helping eachother out. Toru was working on stealth as Shoji had to use his tentacles to try finding out where Toru was.

Tsu was using all of her frog abilities at once, training them to be stronger. Especially so she could jump further or carry heavier things as she climbed.

Mineta had to keep popping the balls off his scalp to toughen up the skin up there. He was already bleeding alot but he kept at it.

Jirou was punching the side of a rock with her earphone jacks, making them tougher as Mina created nonstop acid. Hoping to expand the potency of it. Just above them Sero was endlessly producing tape, which would allow him to create more in the future.

Iida was running around at max speed trying to go even faster. Denki used a high voltage battery to create even more electricity which would also help him expand the amount he could use without frying his brain.

Kouda was doing vocal warmups and exercises to increase the range of his ani voice. It would also help him at becoming less shy.

Ojiro was smashing his tail into Kirishima who had his hardening active. Each hit would strengthen the tail, and also increase the amount of damage Kiri could withstand.

Aoyama was blasting his laser right after the other blasts. Hoping to get rid of his stomach aches he normally got from over use.

Lastly I was creating pillars of rock, blasting them with lightning, keeping all the debris from flying away and repeating it. Only when I restarted I had to create another pillar, and more blasts of lightning.

What started with one of each ended with around 30, as that was how far I got before starting to feel completely drained. As we all did our exercises, I saw class 1-B looking scared for what they were about to go through. And I couldn't really blame them at this point, it was intense.

Kat was also shouting dammit after every blast. Either frustrated or in pain. I hoped it was the first one, since I hated seeing my friends in pain.

Finally after all that torture, I mean training it was time to eat. We'd have to make our own meals from now on, which was fine by me. Tonight we had to make curry, which made me smile. It was something I made alot so this was going to be a breeze.

Everyone was exhausted as I began skipping around the tables grabbing everything I needed. Humming to my self as I went, Iida was encouraging the rest of them to follow. Saying we'd make the best curry ever.

I happily chopped things on the cutting board as Shoto lit the grate for me. Then he began helping others out as well, having a better control over his fire. It was nice to see, as I watched him with a smile on my face.

"Oh don't put too much of that in, it'll be too salty," I advised Kiri who was at the table next to me. Kat grumbled next to the boy with his arms crossed.

"That's what I told the idiot but he didn't believe me," Bakugo huffed as Kiri only put a little salt into the pot. I giggled at my boyfriend before continuing with my curry. Also moving around to help the others with theirs, hoping they didn't ruin it completely.

"Where did you learn to cook Drea?" Zuku asked as I began dishing out the food to those at our table.

"Oh well growing up my parents were always busy working so I'd be left with a sitter, she'd let me help her cook. So I've picked up alot from her, now I usually cook the family meals all the time," I explained sitting down next to Shoto to eat.

I heard chatter around us about the curry. Meaning some of it was beyond my help, but it couldn't be too bad as they still ate it. Of course you'll eat anything if you're hungry enough.

We all were glad that this part of the training was over, and now it was time for us to get some well needed sleep. Honestly I felt like I ran a marathon but  I knew tomorrow would just be worse.......

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