Chapter 31

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Like always Denki and Mineta began going girl crazy once they saw how lovely everyone looked. It was the first time seeing them all in formal wear.

"Wow girls you all look stunning. I really like the flower Kyoka," I complimented them which they returned the favour. Just then Melissa came down, she too was very pretty. Denki and Mineta were back at it as I slapped them both on the back of the head.

"Pull yourselves together," I stated shaking my head at their abhorrent behaviour.

We were all about to head down when suddenly alarms began going off and the tower completely lost power. A voice came over the intercom stating the whole island was on lockdown due to explosives being detected.

"Can we not catch a fucking break?" I sighed, glad I wore flat shoes. I felt bad for the other girls, who would have to possibly run in those heels.

"I can't sense any communications," Denki says using his quirk to see if there were anything still running. Checking my phone I saw that there was no signal, the entire island really was shut down. Which wasn't good.

Kyoka tried the elevators but nothing was working, meaning we were sort of stuck on how to go forth with this. But Deku asked Melissa if there was any way for us to get down there. Which was of course the stairs, so now I was really happy that I wore flats.

Turns out All Might was down at the party, so that was all the more reason to head down. If it came down to it, he could protect us.

We all ventured down the stairs and it was a good thing that they weren't steep ones. Since I really hated stairs, normally like I've stated before, I'd fly around. I guess cardio would be something to work on at camp.

"I've got a bad feeling about this. I'm sensing injured people," I say as my glowing hands waved around this glass dome above the venue hall.

"Woah I never saw you use that power at the Sports Festival," Melissa stated in awe as I lowered my hands, looking at my classmates with a worried expression.

"I've got five quirks but was only permitted to use one, so that everything was fair," I shrugged before creeping over to that dome, Deku following behind me slowly. Peeking over I noticed that our teacher was tied up on the stage. While other hostages were on their knees.

"This is bad guys, they have hostages, and All Might is captured," I informed them. Motioning for Kyoka to come over, and she did without any questions. Crouching down next to us as Deku got All Mights attention.

He began talking as Jirou relayed the message, explaining what was going on and that we were not allowed to take action. Oh I really hated when they told us that, licenses or not how were we to prove ourselves if we aren't given the chances like this to show them.

I hoped Kiri and Kat were alright, since they hadn't been at the meeting room. Likely getting lost due to Kiri's horrible sense of directions.

We all rendezvoused back within the stairwell trying to figure out what to do about this whole thing. There were mixed feelings on if we should flee or try and help.

The bickering was really annoying, of course Shoto and I sided with Deku and Jirou. Knowing it would be wrong for us to leave all those people down there defenseless when the heroes were tied up.

"COME ON WE CANT FIGHT THEM, IF THEY GOT ALL MIGHT WHAT HOPE DO WE HAVE!" Mineta screamed trying to flee like a coward. And that was when I finally snapped, I couldn't take it anymore.

"LISTEN UP YOU LUMPY GRAPE HEAD! I DIDN'T HELP DEFEAT THE HERO KILLER JUST TO HAVE THAT PRICK TAKE THE CREDIT. ONLY TO BE PUT IN THE  SAME SITUATION AGAIN, AND BE TOLD TO BACK DOWN!" I yelled shaking my fist at him, when I realized what I just said. Eyes going wide as I shared a look with Deku, Shoto and Iida. Covering my mouth with a hand.

"Shit," I mumbled, hitting my forehead with my other hand. Stupid, stupid. Why did I have to go and say that.

"What do you mean by help defeat the hero killer?" Momo asked with a gasp, and I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Out of us all I didn't expect it would be me to snap and spill part of what happened.

"It wasn't really my father who caught him. It was us," Shoto explained pointing to me, Deku, Iida and himself "Look, none of you can say anything alright. We revoked credit to avoid legal troubles for using our quirks on someone without a license." He mostly directed that last part to Denki.

Melissa was staring at me in awe just as Deku and I went on to state all the reasons why we should help out. Would we be considered heroes if we fled such a dire situation.

The blonde girl told us that the system for the security was at the top of the tower. Since the villains disabled it, then it hadn't detected us yet. Meaning we could sneak our way up there and she could get everything up and running again.

Once it was back online then the heroes would be freed from whatever was tying them up. She knew the system well so if she got access to it, then it shouldn't take long for her to get it back up and running.

The plan seemed foolproof well enough and I was all for taking action and helping out. That was until Melissa told us that we'd have to take the stairs all the way to the 200th floor.

"Shit, more cardio," I sighed starting to stretch out my muscles. Knowing I didn't want to strain them with all the climbing we needed to do.

"I'm sure you'll be fine Drea," Shoto stated placing a hand on my shoulder, giving it a sharp squeeze.

"Easy for you to say Mr Six pack abs," I joked nudging his shoulder, earning a chuckle from him.

"You two are a cute couple," Melissa gushed, much like how Midnight did during the sports festival, over Bakugo and I "But I thought she was dating the guy who got first?" Of course now wasn't the time to ask such questions. Also why did everyone care so much about my love life.

"Um Andrea and I aren't dating, nor is she dating Bakugo," Shoto stated covering for the three of us.

With that out of the way, we all began making the tortuous trek up the dreaded stairs. This was gonna suck.......

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