Chapter 29

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The clouds were casted in a pink hazey shadow, making them look like piles of floating cotton candy. It really felt magical, like something out of a book or movie. A yawn escaped my lips as I turned from the window of the plane. Casually leaning on Shoto's shoulder, he wrapped his arm around me. A content sigh leaving his mouth.

"Tell me again why they entrusted the appearance of the agency to two fifteen year olds?" I asked getting comfy in my boyfriend's arms. At least we didn't have to fly on a commercial flight, this way I got to avoid people. Thank god for my mother's privet jet.

"My father is too entitled to show his face at something as grand as this, even if it got him publicity. And your mother is very trusting of us, considering we're reliable for the most part," he replied with a slight chuckle on the end.

"Yeah because nothing says reliable like two teenagers running around an Expo, representing a well respected hero agency," I retort, slightly rolling my eyes, at least we got to do something exciting before camp started. This is the only traveling we'd likely be doing all summer. Had to make the most of it.

I ended up taking a nap, hoping the time zone thing wasn't going to be an issue. Even though I usually travelled back and forth between America and Japan every year. The drastic timezones were a downside though. Jet lag was the worst thing ever.

Not sure how long I was knocked out before feeling like we landed, and as I jolted awake I felt rested.

"I miss Kat," I huffed as the two of us got off the plane. Walking into the Islands airport to get through customs and receive our passes and what not for the Expo.

Because we were VIP's there was alot of things we got access to in advance which was a plus. Getting to see everything today, before it opened to the public.

"Me too, but we'll see him soon. Just gotta get through this event and eventually we'll be back with him in Japan," Shoto says rubbing my shoulder in a comforting manor as we were guided to our hotel. Apparently there was only one room, so I guess we had to share. Not that it was an issue, since Shoto and I have been sharing things our whole lives really.

The room was quite elegant to say the least. Guess they wanted to make an impression on all their guests, given the King size bed currently in the middle of the room. Adorned with red blankets and pillows.

"God it's like a honeymoon suite in here," I gasped looking at all the red and flowers everywhere.

"Could be worse, at least it's not rat infested," Todo pointed out as we began setting our things down. I decided to take a shower before changing into a Green Day tank top and some black shorts with skulls on them. My feet stuffed into beat up blue converse.

As Todo went and also took a shower I braided my hair into waterfall braids, the two toned strands weaving through eachother, which was very pretty.

Once he was back, we ventured down into the Expo where people were all rushing about. It was nice to see such wonderful things, and there were games that people could use their quirks on to pass. It was like sort of a fair type thing but with gadgets galore.

The two of us walked around hand in hand, taking in all the incredible things. That was until we came across this battle type arena. All you had to do was fight the fake opponents in the fastest time to win.

We stood in line, and peaking beyond the door I couldn't help but smile, as the familiar sounds of explosions filled my ears. I nudged Shoto who looked through the doorway, also smiling at the familiar blonde boy ahead.

"Did you know he was invited?" I asked just happy to see my other boyfriend afterall. Shoto shook his head, hmm I wonder why he didn't tell us.

Bakugo had defeated the game in like 15 seconds which was impressive. Next it was Shoto's turn and the two of us walked into the area. In typical Todoroki fashion he upstaged Bakugo by completely immobilizing the robots in 14 seconds.

"Dammit you IcyHot bastard. I want a do over," our boyfriend growled shaking his fist angrily. Before realizing that it was us, as he quickly rushed over. "Shit what are you both doing here? Not that I'm disappointed about it," he discreetly pecked both of us on the lips, pulling away slightly. I felt myself blush since that's the first time we've ever really done that.

"We got roped into representing Endeavor. Why are you here babe?" I asked gently taking his hand, happy that we were all together again.

"Since I unfairly won the sports festival, they invited me. I brought Kirishima as my plus one, since I'd feel bad if I had to choose one of you over the other to come," he stated which caused me to blush at his thoughtfulness.

"Awe how thoughtful of you," Shoto cooed as he ruffled our boyfriends hair, earning a grumble from the blonde. It was then that I noticed Kat was in his hero costume, and from looking just behind him I could see that Kiri was too. Guess I didn't get the memo lol.

"KACCHAN, DREA, TODOROKI, KIRISHIMA!" The excited voice of a precious little bean called down to us and we jumped apart. Hoping they didn't see much of anything.

Looking up at the viewing area, Deku was standing there with Ochako, Momo, Kyoka, and this pretty blonde girl. I'm shocked that more of our classmates were here, but happy none the less. They were my friends afterall.

"Great Deku is here," Katsuki mumbled as he began kicking at the ground. It was still shocking to see him acting that way towards the boy. But deep down I could sense that he did care about Izuku, just in his own kind of twisted Bakugo sort of way.

Upon seeing the green haired boy, Katsuki proceeded to yell at him, launching himself onto the bar. However Iida, who I guess is here too, yelled at Bakugo to behave but that didn't settle well with the blonde boy. More screaming was involved, and I shook my head before flying up over the bar, standing in front of my feral boyfriend.

"Play nice Kat," I giggled as the new girl was looking around at us, mostly confused by the dynamic of our class.

"Why is he yelling at everyone?" She asked as Katsuki was still seething at the thought of having to be around Deku more than he had to.

"Oh don't worry, he's harmless," I reassured as I began running my fingers through his hair. This seemed to calm him down a bit, well that and Todoroki walking over did help as well.

"Woah you're the top three Sports Festival winners," the girl acknowledged as she really looked at the three of us, "I'm Melissa it's nice to meet you all," she added giving us a big smile.

"Nice to meet you. Any friend of Zuku's is a friend of ours," I offered my hand to her which she shook "I'm Andrea, that's Shoto and the hot head is Katsuki," of course the blonde wasn't too happy about me refering to him as one of Izuku's friends.

"That nerd is not my friend," he grumbled but I shook him off, pinching his cheek.

"Kat can you really call him a nerd if you're ranked higher than him in class," I pointed out which only made him huff more.

"Tch," was all he said, crossing his arms over his chest which was hard to do with the gauntlets.

Deku then went and tried the game almost tieing with Bakugo's time, which didn't make the blonde any happier. His mood did seem to sour slightly, hopefully he does take my words and play nice. It would be exhausting if Shoto and I had to keep him in check.

I was excited to explore the Expo with my friends, although I did secretly wish to have more alone time with my boyfriends. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers.......

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