Chapter 32

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It was definitely a pain rushing up all those stairs. But we were making quick work of them. Of course that was until we got to the 70th floor and got blocked by one of the emergency doors. Being incredibly stupid Mineta opened one of the other doors, likely getting us noticed by the villains.

Upon rushing to the end of another hall where more stairs should've been, we were once again stopped by all the other doors closing around us. Luckily Todo had used his ice to stop the next one from closing.

Iida rushed forward, breaking open another door with his foot. Using my quirk I helped Jirou, and Denki over the wall while Ochako helped the others. Except Deku who jumped over on his own.

Now that we were on the 80th floor, the room Iida had broken in to seemed like a plant factory. Which would do me good if a fight had to commence. Plants were another one of my strong suits.

"What is this place?" Izuku asked as we all entered the room, turning to Melissa, who knew all about the place. She explained that they used the plants to see if different quirks had effects on the fauna. Which was amazing to say the least.

All of us were racing through the room, when Kyoka noticed the central elevator moving. Meaning that they knew where we are, something that really wasn't good. And most likely wouldn't go over well.

We all hid behind some plants, knowing our best bet was to just wait and let them pass by. There would be less of a fight that way, which would be better for us. Knowing that using our quirks unless absolutely necessary would benefit us greatly.

The enemies came out of the elevator, claiming that they could see us. Making me panic, because I thought we were hidden well. That was until the voice of my boyfriend hit my ears, and by looking over the shrub in front of me. I noticed him and Kirishima standing there.

Of course they somehow ended up here due to Kirishima's sense of directions. If we weren't in such a situation I might've found it funny.

The villains were aiming a blast at Kiri, when Todo had shot ice in front of him, blocking the redhead from being hurt. I could see Katsuki looking over at him with pride in his eyes, as Shoto and I sprang into action.

"The four of us can hold them off, keep going," Shoto tells everyone, casting a pillar of ice below them, taking them up and onto a walkway above.

"We'll regroup once this mess is cleaned up," I yelled after them, bracing my feet on the floor.

They raced off continuing their way up the tower, and I hoped they could pull it off. Then again when it came to our class, we usually did pull things off. Especially if it was Deku leading the charge.

"What are you guys doing up here?" Kiri asked as one of the villains began blasting their way through the wall of ice.

"Oh well dude we're under attack and the whole Island is on lock down. Did you not hear that very loud broadcast," I replied with just a hint of sarcasm laced with my words. Not that he took it offensively, which was good.

"No time to really explain," Shoto states, and we all got into battle stances. When the guy without the mutated like hand suddenly went damn Hulk mode. Turning into a purple, muscly monster springing for an attack. Which Shoto blocked by firing off ice.

I crouched down, connecting with the nature around us, and suddenly the plants all around came to life, growing thicker as they wrapped around the other guys legs. Holding him for a moment of two, but he managed breaking out. The other plants literally began attacking him, forming into plant monsters as they bit and clawed after their prey.

"That's wicked dudette," Kirishima says looking around in awe at my creations. The only part of my Chlorophyll quirk they really saw were my vines, but there was so much more I could do with it.

"Thanks Kiri, but maybe give praise when we're not currently under attack," I replied with a smile as I shot purple Hulk with darts I crafted from the rocks scattered about.

Bakugo had come up behind the Hulk dude and blasted him with a powerful explosion. Screaming his catchphrase of "Die!" Landing in a crouch like a badass. A smirk swept across his face but he didn't notice that Hulk came up behind him.

Kirishima screamed to warn him, pushing Kat out of the way as he used his hardening to block the monster. It worked up until the redhead got blasted back, into the side of the elevator. Really hard too, which couldn't have felt too good.

Bakugo called out his name, trying to rush over to his best friend when our boyfriend told us to dodge. Kat grabbed my hand and shot us up into the open dome. Moving out of the way of Shoto's blast of ice spikes. Then we landed, standing back to back in a circle.

"You guys can fight. Where did you come from," one asked as Shoto's hand was encased in ice, ready for flinging off attacks.

"Like we'd tell you bastards," Katsuki scoffed, hands held out ready to blast these guys into oblivion.

"Well I'm not one for explaining reproduction but we came from our mothers," I sassed as lightning began dancing across my skin, much like how Denki's body allows him to create electricity.

The plants from before had started attacking once more but the green haired villain had used his quirk to shred them to bits. The lightning all around me shot from my body, knocking Hulk back as the boys began their attacks.

I couldn't help it as I watch them both in action. Bakugo had done this really cool move by flinging himself in a circle at a rapid pace. Then shot forward at Hulk, completely knocking the guy out of that form.

In the process of that, the one who shredded my plant monsters tried using his quirk on Bakugo, only managing to rip one of his shirt sleeves.

"What is this?" He asked the blonde boy in shock. The outcome of his attack seemed to confuse him.

"It's the sweat from my palms, it works like Nitro Glycerin," my boyfriend smirked as Shoto finished off the villain.

Then the two rushed over to me, as I tried regaining my composure. But like I couldn't help myself, my boyfriend's were fucking badasses.

"You alright Flower Power?" Kat asked brushing his thumb across my cheek. This caused me to blush even more so, as I nodded my head.

"I'm fine it's just that," I gestured around the area of where they were just fighting "Was fucking hot." The two of them smirked at my statement, raising their eyebrows slightly.

"Are you flirting with us Drea?" Shoto joked nudging my side. I giggled, shaking my head before the three of us ran over to check if Kiri was alright. He seemed to be wedged into the wall.

"I can't move guys, would you help me," he asked after we wanted to know if he was alright.

"Just turn your quirk off you idiot," Katsuki says and the red head did. Able to squeeze out of the rocks, wondering why he didn't think of that in the first place.

Bakugo then thanked Kirishima for helping him back there, and taking that hit for him. This surprised us all, as Kiri told him not to worry about it. That was when Shoto told us all to get moving, as we all began running to help the others.

"Don't give me orders!" Bakugo yelled up to him, as our two toned boyfriend ran ahead with Kiri.

"Oh don't lie Kat, you love it when he orders you around," I whispered to him as we ran.

Taking in the sight of his beet red face as we all raced out of the room. Potentially looking for our next fight......

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