Chapter 39

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As our small group made its way through the woods we came across one of class 1-B's students passed out. He was breathing and after checking him over there weren't any other injuries to worry about. So Shoto carried the boy on his back as we all kept moving forward, Mandalay had shared a message that Aizawa had given us all permission to use our quirks. We were allowed to engage in combat.

Our running was halted by this man standing in the middle of the path, staring down at a severed hand. Making me hope it was just one of Shoji's duplicates that his quirk can create.

Bakugo was raging to fight, hands held out ready to blast this guy apart. But this villain just kept mumbling to himself about flesh, saying he had a job to do.

He was shooting metal things at us, they seemed to come from his teeth. What an odd quirk to have, oh and he definitely didn't have eyes so I wasn't sure how he could see where we were. Not to mention he appeared to be in some kind of straight jacket.

"Attention students, I've got another message. It's been reported that the villains are after the two students Kacchan and Drea. Please if you both can hear me, don't engage in combat and stay with a group," Mandalay's voice says in my head, as Shoto and I looked at eachother with fearful looks.

The league was after Katsuki and me for some reason. It stumped me as to why they would want me, but they probably thought they could get Katsuki to join their side. Thinking that his ego driven personality could be sueded in their favour. Oh how they would be wrong to even think like that.

Bakugo tried attacking but Shoto stopped him with a wall of ice. Which only fueled his anger, and if there was something Bakugo hated. It was not being allowed to fight evil people.

"You can't just go firing around blasts like that. It could burn down the whole forest and people can get hurt," Shoto warned but Katsuki shook his head, gritting his teeth.

"I know that babe I'm not an idiot," he growled but his eyes softened when they met the warning looks both of us were giving him.

The strange zombie like man was shooting those creepy teeth at us once more, and we dodged trying to avoid getting hit. Which was hard for Shoto to do with the boy currently on his back.

"Come on let me blast this bastard, who cares if some trees get burnt down," Katsuki pleaded just wanting to show this guy what he was capable of.

"I care greatly if the trees get burnt down babe," I stated watching the villain closely. He wasn't getting close to us, just flying around above the tree line using those strange pieces of metal.

Suddenly there was a massive booming sound as the ground began shaking. And a huge dark shadow had grabbed the villain and pinned him down. As Shoji and Deku came running forward, screaming at the three of us to cast a bunch of light.

Mr teeth wasn't too happy about the shadow attacking him as he got up, but dark shadow was on a rampage and began going after him. Breaking his teeth and sending him off flying into a tree. Hopefully knocking him out.

Shoto began shooting off flames, as Bakugo made a big blast. Lightning struck down from the sky creating a lot of light. Taming dark shadow, putting Tokoyami back in control of it. He thanked us for helping him.

It was then that I noticed to state Deku was in. I rushed over as he was cradled to Shoji's back by the dupli arms. Placing my hand on his cheek, it glowed as I allowed a bit of my own strength to seep into him. Also healing the injuries on his head.

"Thanks Drea," he smiled when I pulled my hand away as the others began talking. Bakugo was looking between them all with wide eyes, moving his head from person to person.

"If the bad guys are after Andrea and Bakugo then we must protect them at all costs," Tokoyami states as everyone agreed, saying they'd surround us as we walked so they could keep a close watch on us.

"I DONT NEED YOU ALL TO PROTECT ME, I CAN LOOK AFTER MYSELF," Bakugo screamed waving his arms around like a toddler who didn't get their way.

"You are going to let them help us Katsuki Bakugo and you're going to stop whining," I replied as I gently shoved him so he'd walk behind Shoji and Shoto. Next to me as Tokoyami held up the rear of the group, and thus we began making our way back to the camp.

We were making good pace when suddenly everything went black, and I was in this ball like thing. Unable to get out of it, this villain guy scooped me up and I could see out of the ball. He held two more in his hands, and one I knew was Kat and the other Tokoyami. Just like that we were scooped up by the villains.

It was strange, as I was compressed into the size of a marble, but could see out and hear things. Not sure what happened first but then I could see the faces of Tsu, Ochako and the others who were in our group.

The villain was talking to them, praising himself for being about to capture us so easily. He thought there would've been more of a fight, as he called to the rest of his gang. Ordering them to rendezvous somewhere.

What broke my heart was seeing the look on Todo's face when he realized both Katsuki and I were gone. A tear slipped down my cheek, as fear settled in once more. Hoping this wasn't the last time that I'd see him.

The villain began flying away back to where he was supposed to meet with the others engaging in the attacks. The last thing I saw was our friends chasing after us, ready to put their lives on the line to save us. And leading them all was Todoroki.......

Variety (Todoroki X Bakugo X OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя