Chapter 7

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Being surrounded by reporters was not how I wanted my morning to go. This was utterly ridiculous, as they tried shoving microphones in my face and asking me questions about All Might.

I really hated being hounded, especially by a bunch of strangers trying to pry information out of me. I wish Todo was here but he stayed at his house last night and told me that he'd meet me in class. So I had walked to school myself.

Now I was about to freak out as I felt my weather quirk about to act up. Not being able to breathe, I clawed at my tie trying to loosen it as people just shouted things at me.

Panic rose in my chest and my feet planted firmly into the pavement. Snow began falling all around us, and hail along with it.

Suddenly a hand was placed on my back, bringing me out of my daze as the person turned me around and kept walking. Keeping that reassuring hand on my back as they guided me forward.

"Can't you goddamn extras leave us alone. We've got more important shit to do besides being harassed," Bakugo's voice roared at them as we continued walking. I'm pretty sure he even flipped a few off as we went.

"If you have to keep rescuing me, people might start calling me a damsel," I joked snapping my fingers to calm down. It was a coping mechanism I used to keep my anxiety at bay, however sometimes it took longer for me to get grounded. Depending on the situation. The snow and hail finally stopped after a few more seconds.

"Tch, anybody who has the balls to call Andromeda's daughter that are irrelevant," he scoffs before dropping his hand, then proceeded to give me a butterscotch candy.

"That's quite the compliment, especially from you," I teased nudging his shoulder as we finally made it through the outside gates. Now that we're on school grounds, there were no reporters around. Hopefully none get into the campus either, that would be an utter nightmare. They'd have to break past the security measures. Nobody was allowed passed the outer wall without a student ID or special invite.

We walked all the way to class in silence, and garnered a few stares from other students. Not that either of us paid any mind to them. After entering the class we went to our seats and waited for Aizawa to come in to begin the lesson.

When he did, he actually congratulated us on our efforts yesterday. Then gave feedback to Izuku and Bakugo, who the latter didn't take so well. Now we were going to try and pick someone to be class representative, so basically the class president.

Alot of them all began yelling and throwing their hands about trying to say why they'd be the best candidate. All this damn noise was way too much as I reached into my pocket and got out my earbuds.

Once secure in my ears, I opened my music and picked the loudest most punk song I could. Soon the soothing sounds of drums and electric guitars filled my ears. I let out a content sigh, feeling at ease once more. Not even caring that it was so loud that Izuku could even hear it from two seats back.

Unfortunately I could still hear Iida as he yelled at everyone the duties the class representative needed to do. And decided the best way to decide was taking a vote. I quickly scribbled something down before putting it in the box.

"Alright who wrote, 'I don't fucking care' on their paper?" Iida's voice once again pilferated my music, everyone turned to look at Bakugo but I raised my hand. Giving them a proud smile as I laughed, and I heard Shoto laugh from his seat at the back.

All the votes were soon tallied up and it was decided that Izuku should be the class rep, having three people vote for him. And Momo was vice rep. Making Bakugo mad as he started yelling at everyone, asking who voted for the fan boy.

"Calm down you overgrown Nuke," I stated using a vine to hold him steady in his seat before he actually exploded. He fought for a few seconds before giving up and slumping in his seat.

Now that our rep was chosen, it was now lunch time. I made my lunch at home today, having been craving things that they didn't have at school.

"Is that a fluffernutter sandwich?" Todo chuckled as he sat down next to me, his tray containing soba.

"Damn right Todo," I proudly state, taking a bite of the superior sandwich. My mouth savouring the peanut butter and marshmallow fluff.

We ate in silence for the most part, but suddenly our lunch was disturbed by a loud siren going off, as a robotic voice called for us to evacuate the building in an orderly fashion.

Well to say that happened would be a lie, when a bunch of teenagers are told to do something in a certain way, they tended to do the opposite. Thus most of them all raced to try being the first ones out the door.

"Shouldn't we leave?" Shoto asks as I grabbed my sandwich, walking over to the window. I huffed as I peered out, taking in the sight of all those reporters now storming the campus. Those people really are annoying, besides they wanted to talk to All Might but I don't think he is here yet.

"Nah it's just those nosy fuckers from this morning," I informed then finished my sandwich, going back to my food. Happily drinking the apple juice I also brought.

After another ten minutes we were in the clear to head back to class where Izuku said that he would like for Iida to represent the class instead. Which nobody argued with. Besides being a little too loud and extreme in his beliefs, he was good at leading.

"Alright class, today's lesson will take place at an off campus facility. There you all will be doing rescue training. You can wear what you want, as long as it doesn't hinder your abilities," Aizawa explains and we all went to our cases and headed for the change rooms.

Now we were all sitting outside waiting for the bus to come. Izuku was in his gym clothes, saying that his costume needed repairing as it got trashed in training yesterday.

Shoto was sitting on a bench, his left side encased in ice. Leaving his right untouched for better use.

"Now you look like marshmallow the snow creature from Frozen. You're not helping at pleading your case there Elsa," I giggled, messing up his hair as he sighed. Just about done with my teasing, at least for the most part. But I knew deep down he liked it.

"Ok if I'm Elsa then you're Olaf," he retorts poking my nose.

I huffed "but I hate warm hugs," I added a pout for good measure. Crossing my arms like a child would when being scolded.

"And I hate being called Elsa, so I guess that means we're at an impasse," he replies, slinging his none frozen arm over my shoulder, as the bus came and we call began to board.

I couldn't wait for rescue training to start......

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