Chapter 20

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This last fight might be the one thing that tips me over the edge, if I thought Deku and Todo were going to kill eachother in the last round. Well these two definitely could kill eachother. The long awaited final match between Bakugo and Todoroki. I couldn't help my pacing of the stands as my fingers pulled at my hair.

A slight pulling on my pant leg caused me to stop and I looked down slightly. My worried look changed into a brilliant smile, as my eyes took in the sight beside me. Standing there was my little brother Lycan, he looked up at me with those big curious toddler eyes, his hands outstretched to me.

"Uppie Raya!" He exclaimed in excitement, and I bent down and scooped him into my arms.

"Hey buddie, what are you doing up here?" I asked poking his nose, earning a little giggle. The sound making me smile more.

"He wanted to come so I brought him," the voice of my mother stated from the back of the stands. Gasps sounded all around as my classmates turned to see the pro hero standing there. Poor Deku looked like he was about to pass out from excitement. The only one not freaking out was Kirishima, who had already met my mother.

She was dressed in causal wear, an old Rolling Stones shirt that was scattered with holes and high waisted jeans. Her aqua hair was in a french braid down her back.

Chubby little fingers began playing with my hair as Lycan snuggled into my shoulder.

"Aw your brother is adorable," Mina says rushing over and gently poking him on the nose, causing him to giggle as he took in the pink girl before him.

"Pwretty pink," he exclaims, lifting his head. Untangling one hand from my hair, he lifted it up and brushed it across Mina's cheek. He let out a gasp before turning to look at me "Soft." He said and his expression turned into a smile. Mina gushed over the little interaction.

"Little man is quite the charmer," Kirishima says and Lycan turned upon hearing his voice. The wiggling in my arms indicated that he wished to be set down, so I put him down. Running my fingers through his soft lavender hair before he practically bounced over to the boy.

"Riri!" He called out as he stood before the older boy, who was smiling down at him.

"Hey buddy how have you been?" Kiri asked my brother who smiled before holding his thumb out to him.

"Manly," my brother replied puffing out his chest a bit, it was the most wholesome thing I've seen all day. The other girls cooed at the action, while Kirishima grinned with pride.

"That's right little dude," he says before Lycan ran back over to our mother. Who picked him up, tossing him lightly in the air, making him fly around. He giggled happily, his excitement really cleared away all the anxiety from before.

"We'll see you at home my little lightning bolt. I'm very proud of you for just trying your best," Mom says, she kissed my cheek before heading back to wherever she'd been sitting, taking my happy brother with her.

Now the final match was beginning and I took a seat beside Deku, who was still pretty banged up. But Recovery Girl seemed to patch him up nicely, of course there were still limits to her powers. Just like the rest of us.

As soon as Midnight said to start, Todoroki sent out a carefully calculated shot of ice at Bakugo. It was a huge amount of it, trapping the tempered boy inside. Of course something like that wasn't going to hold him down, as rumbling could be heard from within, shaking the arena slightly.

Soon Bakugo busted out of the icy cage, an angry look on his face, as he shot forward blasting away at Todoroki. From even up here I could see that Bakugo was purposely aiming for and attacking Todoroki's left side, trying to get a rise out of the usually strong willed boy.

After everything I told him, he was trying to force Shoto to use that side of him. Maybe I was a fool for telling him all that, but what was I supposed to say. He heard me talking to Endeavor. Shoto already has a patch of frost on his right cheek, this wasn't going to end well.

The blonde boy had my best friend practically backed into a corner. More frost took up Shoto's right side, as he stood here trying to think of a plan. Bakugo was screaming at him that he deserved to fight against him when he used all his power, like he did for Deku.

Deku was watching intently beside me, before he screamed down at my best friend. Telling him to give it his all and that he believed in him. All I could do was hold my breath as I watched Todoroki, his left side now spurting flames.

Bakugo took that as his opportunity to strike, as he flew about and using speed to launch himself at Shoto like a missile. At the last second Todo doused out the flames instead using ice. And the reaction caused yet another explosion.

My breath caught in my throat as I waited for the dust to clear. Bakugo was still in the ring, lying on his stomach. But Todoroki was out of bounds, crumpled onto a heap of ice.

Without even thinking I jumped over the bar, guiding myself down to the ring, my heart breaking at the sight of my injured best friend.

"SHOTO!" I screamed as I ran over to him, seeing that Bakugo was now standing there, his fist clenched into Shoto's shirt as he lifted the unconscious boy off the ground. Screaming at him that he didn't want to win by default.

"Let him go," I seethed looking at the blonde boy, my face filled with rage and fear. I pulled Shoto from Bakugo's grip, placing him on the ground as I pulled his body into my chest. Cradling his head in my arms, petting his hair.

My hands glowed blue, pouring all of my left over strength and adrenaline into him, and he gasped slowly opening his eyes.

"Shoto Todoroki is out of bounds. The winner of the sports festival is Katsuki Bakugo," Midnight announced as the crowd cheered for the boy. Who was screaming and pissed that he won unfairly. They had to haul him out of here as he kicked at screamed for a rematch.

"You boys and your bursting egos will be the death of me," I stated as I looked down into those beautiful heterochromic eyes.

"If you go down, then I'm going down too," he says taking a deep breath before sitting. I smiled, pressing a kiss into his temple.

After a quick check from Recovery Girl we were now doing the end ceremony as Midnight announced the placement of the tournament winners.

I had gotten third place, which shocked myself really. I didn't think I did that well, but I'm happy that my hard work paid off. Shoto was second, due to him technically throwing the match. That left first place to a still angry Bakugo, who was tied to a pole, placed in a straight jacket and had a gag in his mouth. For our protection more than his.

He tried dodging the medal All Might was trying to place around his neck, but eventually the number one hero got it over the boys head.

I couldn't help myself with the laughter escaping me as I got off my part of the podium and onto his. I walked over and began petting his hair.

"Awe congratulations you little angry Pomeranian you. Well done," I cooed even going as far as pinching his cheek. He tried getting at me but obviously couldn't due to the restraints.

"I think I like him better like this Sho. What do you think? He's less lethal," I added turning to Shoto who had come to stand next to me.

He placed his hand on his chin, looking at the angry boy as if he were a work on art in a museum. "Oh yes it's definitely better, and he doesn't spew insults this way," he stated causing the two of us to laugh.

And that was the end of this year's sports festival.......

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