Chapter 28

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Having fallen back asleep after easing the boys pain, I was once again woken a few hours later. A hand was caressing mine, and yet again there was a hand sifting through my hair. However upon opening my eyes, I didn't skirt away in disgust as my eyes focused on the person, or should I say persons sitting on either side of me.

"You're awake!" I exclaimed as I sat up bringing my hand to Bakugo's face. Brushing the pad of my thumb gently across the soft skin of his cheek. He had changed out of his hero costume.

"Thanks to you," he replied softly, a severe contrast to his usual gruff voice. He seemed to lean into my touch, savouring the moment.

"You had the whole class worried Drea," Shoto stated taking his fingers out of my hair. Resting it gently on my knee, providing me with comfort. Looking over his shoulder I saw Deku still passed out, he must've needed lots of Recovery Girls power if he was still drained.

"The last time I woke up Mineta had one hand in my hand and the other in my hair. It freaked me out," I told them, and Bakugo looked like he was about to explode, which was a normal look for him. "Nobody else was here either," I added letting out a yawn.

"WHAT I'LL KILL THAT DAMN EXTRA I SWEAR!" Bakugo whisper yelled, knowing that if he disturbed Deku that Recovery Girl would likely drag him out of here by his ear.

"Please tell me you weren't like this when he was here?" Todo asked gesturing to my lack of a shirt, in just my bra.

"Yeah and I was out cold. It was creepy but I don't think he tried anything. There's a camera right there anyway," I replied letting out a hopeful sigh.

"If I find out that damn grape head did something to our girlfriend I'll kill him. And I'll mean it this time," Bakugo grumbled causing Todo and I look at him with raised brows.

"Our girlfriend eh?" I said with an amused tone in my voice. Whilst also trying to contain my flushed face.

"Funny I don't remember either of us asking her out. Or even talk about anything of the sort," Shoto smirked looking at the blonde boy who was glaring daggers at us.

"Oh well am I just reading the signals between us all wrong then. Or do we not all have feelings for eachother?" The angry Pomeranian asked waving his hands about in a way that reminded me of Iida.

"What gave that impression?" I asked shrugging my shoulders and playing dumb, just to push his buttons and wanting to see what he would say.

"Oh come on even Raccoon Eyes, Soya Sauce, Shitty Hair and Sparky figured out something was going on between us during the sports festival," he stated shaking his head slightly.

"Again, I don't remember anyone asking any important questions," Shoto stated to the grumpy boy. Who sighed and I knew he just wanted Katsuki to admit it. That he had feelings for us, which I assumed so when he didn't complain about Shoto wanting to cuddle with the both of us.

"Ok fine I'll admit to liking you both. Will you go out with me?" He asked a pleading look on his eyes.

"How could we say no to our favorite adorable angry Pomeranian," I cooed clapping my good hand on my knee since it's the only way I could clap.

He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared down at his lap "I'm not adorable," the pout on his face said otherwise.

"Let's just not tell anyone for the moment. They'll go berserk and pester us all summer if they found out now," Shoto brought up, and he did have a valid point. We'd never hear the end of it, and it would drive us all crazy if they find out now. Considering I think some of them are placing bets on who I'm dating.

We all agreed and soon I was dismissed from the infirmary. They walked me home, and once back there Dad had healed up my injuries quicker. Since I'd have to be healthy for the camp, as it was more training after all.

The next morning I walked into the class feeling better, it was nice to see Deku back in tip top shape. His back might still be slightly sore but now he was able to straighten it out.

"Oh Drea are you better now, that was quite the bashing you took yesterday," Tsu asked once people noticed me enter the room.

"I'm delightful Tsu, good job on passing the exam by the way. I watched everyone's trials, quite impressive really," I stated giving praise to her and the rest of the class, well minus Mineta, who was still receiving death glares from Katsuki.

"How can someone who was thrown around like a ragdoll by the number one hero still be so positive?" Denki asked rubbing his head, he still seemed wary of not going to the camp.

"Every near loss or true loss is yet another way to learn from mistakes so that one can improve and strive to become better," I replied with a bright smile and I went over to my seat.

"Woah that was deep, you shine bright girl," Aoyama said with a wink. This also caused him to get the Bakugo glare treatment. He was sort of making it obvious by all the glaring. Most of them probably just saw it as normal Bakugo behaviour. Which it was.

Aizawa came into the class and told everyone that we'd all be attending the camp. Since we all had passed the written portion of the exams and only five failed the practical. Those people would be still getting summer school, but they'd get to do it out in nature after a hard day of training. I saw that as a win win situation, but then again I loved nature anyway, benefits of my Chlorophyll quirk.

Soon the others began discussing things they needed to get for camp. Bigger suitcases or duffle bags, you know essential camp stuff. That's when Mina asked us all to hang out at the mall tomorrow since we had a day off.

Kirishima asked Bakugo if he'd be going but the blonde told him no. Could you imagine the blonde at the mall, it would be a strange sight really. He'd stand out like a sore thumb.

"What about you guys?" Izuku asked Shoto and I who shook our heads. I'd rather rip my eyeball out with a rusty spoon then step foot in a mall full of people.

"Drea and I visit my mom on days off," Shoto declined politely, which was true. It was a surprise when Shoto showed up at my house just after the festival and asked me to come see his mother with him.

But like the loving supportive, well I guess girlfriend now, that I am, of course I went with him. It was a nice moment, he forgave her for everything. She apologized and was proud of the guy he was becoming, seeing now that he wasn't anything like his bastard father.

Everyone said their goodbyes and just like that it was now summer vacation......

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