Chapter 9

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Ice crept its way along the ground, capturing a bunch of villains before they could even think of a counter attack. With the stomp of my foot, the earth shuffled, breaking apart as it reformed around the bodies of the rest Todo didn't get. Nobody could move, either encased in ice or rock.

It seemed to me that these people weren't really trained to be a villain, and taking a good look at them it was obvious they were just petty criminals.

"How does it feel to be beaten by a child, you could've put up more of a fight. I mean you're adults for Christ sake," Shoto sassed, a smile ghosted his face as we stood shoulder to shoulder. Keeping our holds on everyone, it was strange they weren't trying to break through their prisons. Maybe we're stronger than I thought. Or maybe they were buying time for a counter attack.

"If I didn't know better I'd say you bozos don't know how to use your quirks. But you all planned on scattering us into smaller groups," I added as my vines waved around us, hoping someone dared to break free. I really wanted to fling someone.

"They incapacitated us as soon as we warped. These aren't children, but monsters," one says as we began walking through them, I retracted my vines as thunder began booming loudly over head.

"The girl has three quirks," another points out. Causing me to offer up a Cheshire cat smile.

"Oh contraire, I've got five. But the other two aren't useful for this situation," I declared huffing out a breath. Mist forming where the hot air met with the cold.

Two more were dumb enough to try a sneak attack, however Todo anticipated it. Grabbing a bow staff that was about to clock me in the head. He caused the weapon to shatter as he added ice to those still trapped within my rocks. Since other than crushing them when they moved, it could still be broken out by someone strong.

Shoto was doing that mysterious self monologue thing he does. Surveying the enemies around us with precise precision. I could see the gears turning in his head, critically analyzing everything.

He then began talking to the frozen captives, saying that they could either die from hypothermia or start spewing answers on how they planned to kill All Might. Since we want to be heroes he gave them that ultimatum. You could see the fear in their eyes as they realized just how much shit they were in. Being taken down by children couldn't feel to great either.

After frosting over one of their faces it didn't take long for them to talk. Turns out there was this monster that their master had created, one that was as strong as or stronger than All Might. With that creature they could take down the symbol of peace once and for all.

Suddenly one of them grunted, their face shifting to the side as if attacked by some shear force. I chuckled turning slightly towards the victim.

"You could've jumped in at any time Toru, we would've let you have some fun too," I giggled as she put her shoes and gloves back on.

"I had fun just watching you both in action. You make a great team," she says coming to stand next to me. Shoto had a confused look on his face, it just made me giggle.

"Wait she was here the whole time?" He deadpanned, raising a brow. Probably wondering how he hadn't even noticed.

"Yeah, did you hit your head or something. I grabbed her hand when we ran to the door, so we all got warped here together," I explained shaking my head at his aloofness. "Did you not feel her wrapped around me as we fell?"

"No I was more focused on keeping us from becoming pancakes," he admitted before turning to walk into the center of the arena.

"Toru, go help the others. We'll go see if they need help down below," I state and she gave me a thumbs up before making her way towards the entrance.

It didn't take long catching up to Shoto who had his hands shoved in his pockets. Once again stoic as fuck, it still baffled me how he could keep calm like that. Although coming from someone with anxiety, I guess it's just easier for some people.

The ground crunched beneath our feet and we picked up pace once seeing the fighting going on at the center. All Might was trapped by the monster in one of those warp gates, I could see blood pouring out of his side. Alot of it too, this wasn't going to be good.

From the corner of my eye I saw Izuku stop where he was walking with Aizawa, our poor teacher was in a bad state. The young boy said something to Tsu, who immediately took the man from him. Then she and Mineta began making their way towards the entrance. Where hopefully more hero's would be coming.

Without even thinking Midoriya had rushed forward about to slam into warp guy when Bakugo came out of nowhere. Blasting the purple guy and slamming into him. Bakugo warning Izuku to stay out of his way as he slammed the adult into the pavement.

The impact caused Izuku to get flown back, and I raced forward. Catching him with a vine before he could crash into the ground. By now Shoto was also at the scene, casting ice on the monster just enough so All Might could get out of the monsters grasp.

As he did that Kirishima sprang forward trying to hit the weird man baby guy, he had hands covering his body. And from what I heard while running here, he seemed to get upset when things weren't going his way. I think I'll call him Caillou, because that's who he reminds me off. Kiri's surprise attack didn't go to plan as Caillou dodged him.

I struck the ground with a bolt of lighting, searing off part of the man's shirt, just daring him to try anything. A vine slowing sweeping around looking for a target.

"You nobody's don't have a chance at defeating All Might," I seethed, my expression probably resembling one close to Bakugo's, as I got in a fighting stance. Ready to take these losers on, damn now I'm starting to sound like Bakugo.

Suddenly the creature managed to break through the ice, coming through the gate with messed up body parts. But the fucker still kept moving, it's limbs began growing back. Making it whole once more.

It began rushing towards Bakugo and with out even thinking I rushed forward. Air guiding me forward as I crashed into him, rolling us slightly out of the way. However it wasn't enough as I felt the thing claw at my side. Next thing I knew we were both next to the rest of the boys.

All Might had pulled us out of the way, the force causing me to land on my back. With Bakugo sitting next to me, looking stunned.

"KACCHAN! DREA!" Izuku screamed trying to find us in the rubble of a wall that was crumbling. He then turned seeing us next to them.

"You dodged the attack?" He questions and we both shook our heads looking over at where All Might was stood. Scolding the monster for attacking children at full force, and without hesitation.

"You're bleeding Flower Power," Bakugo states, the foreign sound of concern prominent in his voice. This got Todo's attention, as he rushed over.

"I'll be fine, just a surface scratch it didn't go deep. Thanks to All Might," I say, hardly feeling any pain. Although that could be from the adrenaline now rushing through me.

The five of us all watched as Caillou began talking way too much. God I hated when they did that, like we get it you hate the world. It's getting old really. All Might told us to leave but we couldn't, because of something stubborn deep within our hearts. A need to prove ourselves worthy of being heroes.

Caillou went to attack us but All Might suddenly began punching the monster in targeted locations at more than his max power. The attacks causing wind to erupt around us, flinging everything in its wake. Using my jets on my wrists I kept the winds at bay so we didn't get thrown back.

Each hit All Might made, caused destruction as he pounded into the monster over and over again, until he was finally able to launch it right out of the USJ. Of course it made the building shake but at least we were one abomination down.

"Hell yeah home run! EAT SHIT CAILLOU!!" I yelled, rejoicing at All Mights victory. Standing up and pumping my fist in the air, a chuckle pouring from my lips.

Now all we had to do was get this over with, because I need a three day nap and for the school to pay for my therapy after this chaos......

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