Chapter 11

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The school had given our class three days off, allowing us time to recover from the events that played out at the USJ. Of course the incident had to make the damn news, so now our faces were being broadcasted across the whole country.

It was the damn media trying to pry for information about All Might that had gotten us into this situation in the first place. If they hadn't infiltrate the school, then the league of villains wouldn't have gotten the information about where All Might was supposed to be.

Today was the first day back for our class, and I wasn't really sure how it was going to go. I was still slightly shaken up about it, and I'm sure the others were as well.

Getting up from my bed, I almost tripped over one the of three boys currently camped out on my floor. And who refused to leave my side these last few days.

In Kirishima's words, it wasn't deemed manly to leave someone who was injured unprotected. Yet I didn't see him, Bakugo or Shoto offering to protect Izuku. Who literally was almost incompassitated during the fight.

"This is getting ridiculous," I retort rolling my eyes as I grabbed my uniform, changing in the bathroom before heading downstairs. Mom, dad and my baby brother Lycan were gone already. But there was four breakfast sandwiches packed into baggies along with protein bars. I ate my food, before returning to my room to brush my teeth.

The boys all had their uniforms on, ready to head back to school. All their things packed away in the bags they brought.

"I can't wait to get away from here, I wanna punch something. Can't wait for fight training," I exclaimed grabbing my bag and running downstairs once more. The guys following behind me.

"Man your mother is amazing," Kiri states as he grabbed a bag with the food as he passed the island, Shoto and Bakugo following suit. The three of them eating as they walked along the path to the front gate.

"I can't believe she let you two stay over for three days under to pretense of protecting me, when she's a pro hero and Todo was here," I shook my head looking over at the blonde and red headed boys, who barely even knew me. Todoroki staying those nights I understood. He practically lived at my house anyway.

"Well it's manly to help those in need," Kirishima replies puffing out his chest as he used his hardening on his hand to prove a point.

"Yet nobody offered to stay with Deku," I added with a smirk, starting to skip away from them before I could get blasted into next week.

As I thought we all got recognized the second we entered a crowed area, this whole thing was being talked about to no end. And to make matters worse, soon we were all about to get broadcasted again for the sports festival that was fast approaching.

Only that event was international, so people all over the world would be tuning in to see the popular event. Which meant villains as well, especially the ones we fought against. They'd want to know everything about our quirks, as something told me they weren't willing to let the USJ incident go lightly.

In a way though I was excited for the festival as it was a way for us to get our names out there. And for other Pro Heroes to see what we had to offer the world.

A chance to find recommendations from agencies to intern for as part of our education. Our class already had first hand experience when it came to knowing just what all the pros were up against. Meaning the rest of the classes might personally go after us in the tournament. Trying to ween us out so they got a chance at the spotlight. Meaning we'd need to keep our guards up.

It didn't take long to get to school and I was reluctant to actually get into the classroom.

"Hey Drea how was your break?" Ochako asks upon seeing me enter, following closely behind were my new guard gods.

"Well fine but I'm happy to get away from these bozos. I've been surrounded by too much testosterone because it's apparently manly to protect those who have been injured," I put air quotes around the last part, doing my best to imitate Kirishima.

"Wait, you've been with those three for the last three days?" Momo asks raising a brow, more so at Bakugo and Kirishima since Todo was usually at my side.

"They've been camped out on my bedroom floor the last three days, I'm surprised my mom even let those two stay. Shoto I can see, as he's like a second son to her, but the latter," I replied as Mineta's eyes go wide, by now I was sitting down at my desk.

"No fair they got to see the beautiful Andreas bedroom. I'm so jealous," he states earning a slap upside the head from Bakugo.

"Quit perving on the girls," he growled before making his way to his desk.

"Yeah dude it's not manly," Kirishima added also heading to his seat.

Everyone then began talking about us being on the news. Wondering what might've happened if the pros weren't there to save us. I knew that answer even if we did hold our own against them pretty well. We would've never been able to take down that Nomu though. For that I knew, having seeing what it could do.

"QUIET DOWN EVERYONE, CLASS IS ABOUT TO START SO GET IN YOUR SEATS AND HUSH," Iida yelled swatting his hands about like he usually did. The brashness of it causing Kouda, who can talk to animals, to flinch slightly. From what I've seen he was quite shy.

A few others in the class I hadn't really been acquainted with yet was Sero, whose quirk was tape that he created from his elbows. Sato who got stronger with the more sugar he ate, and lastly Aoyama who had a navel laser, which was a strange place to have one.

Someone pointed out that the only one not sitting in their seat was Iida himself. Causing the class rep to sigh as he slumped into his seat. It was then that I went on to wonder who was going to be teaching us today, that was until Aizawa walked in, still wrapped in bandages.

Now that I really didn't see coming.....

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