A Bad Day

346 16 136

August 13th


I gazed at my family as they all had a good time in our backyard together. We decided to have a small cook out at our house for the kids to have some fun and for us to just enjoy the day. Amariana has been distant since she's been grounded she hasn't been talking to us and she was on the far side away from everyone. I get why Beyoncé grounded her but at the same time where was Julius to begin with. I heard the back door being shut and I looked up seeing Beyoncé coming out in a bikini and shorts that were extremely short. I bit my lip eying her legs up to her skin stomach.

"You like what you see?" I looked in her face and she had a smirk. I returned one.

"I do." I smiled. But I don't think lefty will" she rolled her eyes playfully.

"She doesn't care about me right now. She mad at me" she said sitting in the long cheer next to me.

"She not mad she just upset at the situation" I said. "Watch" i stood up and looked with my eyes for Amariana finding her on the swing set slowly rocking.

"Lefty" I called. She turned her head slowly and looked at me. I waved my hand for her to come and she began to do so. I sat back down and waited for her to come.

"Yes" she mumbled as she got closer.

"Look at Beyoncé" I said. She looked at her for one second. Before quickly looking back at me.

"What?" She shrugged. I looked at beys swimsuit then back at her.

"She has on a bikini" she nodded.

"Ok" she said and walked away. I widen my eyes and looked at bey who was already looking at me.

"Ok maybe she is that upset" I shrugged innocently. She chuckled and shook her head.

"Beyoncé 1. Shawn 0." She said sighing.

"She'll get over it" I kissed her head. We went silent before Kelly came over.

"Hey I don't mean to interrupt but bey can I talk to Shawn for a moment?" Bey smiled softly and nodded. She got up. Kelly looked at me and took beys spot.

"Hey I-i wanted to say I'm sorry for coming at you the way I did" she tucked her lips.

"It's alright kells you have every right to be upset" I replied.

"No" she hook her head. "I shouldn't have came at you that way though I was upset yes but that gave me no right to say what I said or tell the way I did especially in your home. I'm not that kind of person and I'm sorry" I couldn't help but smile. Kelly is an absolute sweetheart and she wouldn't hurt a flea.

"It's alright I accept you apology" she smiled and nodded before looking ahead.

"Did he really shoot up downtown?" She asked in a whisper. I let out a breath and sat up.

"He did." I said truthfully. "But that doesn't mean he'll come after you were not gonna let that happen" she nodded.

"Yeah." She bit her lips. "And thanks really" I nodded.

"Your my sister it's my job" she badly smiled and got up.

"What was that about?" I heard. I saw Benny and amber sat down.

"Oh she just wanted to talk about the whole Devin thing"

"I still think we should kick Tim's ass for snitching" he said eating a chip. I chucked shaking my head.

"Yeah but it's good she knows she gotta protect her baby boy" he nodded.

"Baby can you guys start on the grill the kids are getting hungry." Bey yelled from the pool. I sat my beer down and nodded.

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